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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Thanks everyone, I was really pissed off but I cooled down and decided to stay.


    I dont want you to leave cuz you think i i micspam. Ill stop it, i never even noticed i was doing it. if your just useing 12 year old mic spammers as an example, and im not one of them, then stay. Either way, STAY.


    Kevin!!!! You dont mic spam at all! I love you almost as much as my future life partner, Pyro :)

  2. Halloween..... i just got braces on....... THIS.

    I'm just going to drive our golfcart around neighborhood at like 9 PM :)


    I got my braces on 1 week before halloween in 8th grade. I got slapped by a girl at a party in freshman year during new years and it cut up the inside of my mouth

  3. I agree with griefing.


    Griefing makes the game actually "survival". Real life survival is you vs the world vs everyone who is willing to take advantage of you and your stuff. It makes us hide our homes because we can trust no one. Also, we wouldn't be able to tell who is greifing or not. It's your responsibility to lock your doors and crates, and hide your homes. If anything, exploit griefing shouldn't be allowed, like locking random crates in peoples houses or watching where someone disconnects and making it so that when they spawn, they die.

  4. ^Granted, but you must pay me $100 for every letter in this long, long sentence that never seems to reach an end.

    I wish I actually had that much money.

    ^granted, but now inflation caused the price of everything to go up $5000.

    I wish I was an african american

  5. Doesnt deserve warden? lol

    LOL! Drunk typing foils the plan again!


    But seriously, -1. Zapper acts like a kid and mic spams constantly. It's not even his voice, but how he acts. He constantly trolls in minecraft (even though not against the rules) and CSS.

  6. Whining? I am not whining, I am complaining...do you want to hear whining?




    Anyways, have fun


    You want to hear whining? Thiiiiiiiiiiss is whininnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg.


    Rarity <3

  7. We should all dress up as a theme for halloween in school and have a little party with cake and fruit punch!! I'll bring chips!


    -_- but srsly what can we really "do" for halloween? And who would want to? Like I thought I was the only person who didn't have a social life, but holy . Nobody's got any parties that day after school?


    Well in that case I say we use the halloween game mode in tf2 (and drink alone, all manic depressive) while everyone's out trick-or-treating! I'd actually be up for that.

  8. ^Granted, but I left it out in the sun for half an hour and now its just moldy brownie cake mush

    I wish I didn't cry so hard at the end of Paying It Foward while watching it with my friends today. Awkward :/

  9. ^granted, but all it is is that your gets to retract into your body, through your ♥♥♥hole, so you can literally yourself

    I wish I wasn't so goddamned lazy in school