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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. How about a plug-in that randomly chooses one of three songs. This way, people can hear some of their favorite songs, without having the same music drone over you. Preferably the best type of music would be rock, techno or something out of the ordinary, such as My Parachute Won't Open.


    Some ideas

    • Pick 2 or 3 songs for dynamic playability
    • Pick something fast-paced
    • Pick something that is short, as Last CT rarely lasts a long time





  2. +1 I REALLY like this idea. It's confusing to ask people "did you apply for xG on the forums" and they reply "hurrdurr you im soandso"

    But I don't think its really punishable. If anything the rule is that we (mods and stuff) should ask who they are and ask nicely to change it back but if not, because it's thier choice what name they have, they have to make a post about it on the forums as a "public announcement"

  3. I heard you get mod on css if you're in xg, have 100 post on forums, and suck up to aegean or whatever, the promotion guy.

    IT WORKED! Thanks Aaron!



  4. -1 He acts like a jerk if he's called out on something. He hogs warden and acts waaaaaaay to stict. He really embodies the phrase "autistic CT" in all bad ways possible, pardon the expression.

  5. ...looks a lot like this cat I take care of




    ---------- Post added at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:40 AM ----------


    The lame color enhancement thing on the camera screwed up the colors due to the contrast with him and the floor. He's the same color as Duckii Jr.'s
