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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Oh and carismmi, i just dont like to talk about it to be honest. i mean, what if it happend to chicago, my dads a cop and he probaly would have died. i just like to pass it away as fast as i can so it doesnt get to me to much. sorry no disrespect intended.


    No it's cool I was overreacting and you were too young to remember really. Like I was in 2nd grade and barely remember.


    And serb sorry for turning this into a global-socio-political debate

  2. anyone bother to ask how many iraqi civilians died when we invaded iraq in 2003? over a million, yet more media attention is focused on the 3000 that died, yet the million are forgotten




    Sorry for being a . But they're insignifigant as far as I'm concerned. I don't want to sound like one of those american bigot stereotypes, but thier lives are nothing compared to ours. Considering our 3k that died were high-class people who were working in the WTC changing the world, and the hundreds of thousands of iraqi farmers and poor peasant city-dwellers wouldn't have changed anything in the long-term, I'd say we have the worse loss. And I know "you shouldn't think of people as objects etc.", but I'm a pyschopath so that's how I roll. I don't give a about political correctness Survival of the fittest. My country vs. thier's. And yet hundreds of thousands die every day in third world countries like Uganda and nobody gives a , but as soon as a few hundred thousand civilians die people go crazy. Numbers are insignificant. People die all the time. Like, 12 students and 1 teacher are killed in the Columbine Massacare and everyone goes CRAZY. That same year millions died in Sierra Leone during a civil war and people only semi-cared because of diamonds.


    Inb4 "Future hitler has spoken." or "you're a horrible person"

  3. what's the point of playing on survial then? We should all just move or gang up on zapper. Or he can just stop being such a ♥♥♥♥♥ little incompetant piece of ♥♥♥♥. JK I think people like him show us that we're taking the game way too seriously. It's just a game. Really. Like if somone totals your house (happened to me thrice), scream, fap/cry , play other games for a week, come back, and build far far away, get griefed, and repeat.

  4. I'm DJ Mad


    Lol you mad?


    I love saying that :3


    But srsly I like it. It kinda reminds me of a higher-pitched version of the Madness soundtrack.

  5. Hey you guys must know the wish game. It's where you grant the person above you's wish with a bad catch, and then wish your own. EX. The person above you says "I wish I had a gf" and you respond "^granted, but shes a " or something. Then below that you wish for something. Etc.


    I wish marijuana was legal.