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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. if you have read my response and if you are mature enough, you would understand and suck it the up. for sake it's ing minecraft


    I feel this QQ was uncalled for. The "mature enough" was pretty funny considering your name (BURN :P). But I accept your first apology (I guess :s); I don't want this to turn into some lame flame war.

    And lol I guess you were responding to Admiral Snackbar for saying he had 9k of coppers. I'm pretty sure he did have 9021, while arth had like 1020, last time I checked. I had 900 coppers which was pretty decent. But I did have 1 stack of diamonds, 10 stacks of iron, 2 stacks of gold. I think it's a waste that I spent however-many hours I did on the server to have it be reset prematurely. I still do not understand the motives of reseting the server. The only reason Arth wanted the server reset was "because he was bored" (which he could have EASILY solved by dropping all his items, and walking an hour into the wilderness and starting over) or the Scudza kid who was mad (*coughbutthurtcough*) because his tower got griefed and he wanted everything gone, which is funny because he only joined the server 2 days prior to the reset.

    And you nighty, you <3 I feel like a little kid who had his sandcastle taken away due to a high tide. Yes, there's nothing I can do, but I sure as hell can blame god rofl.

  2. You forgot the part where we constantly make fun of poor people regular members and say the n word all the time :D

    Gotta love that nword, mhmm X3

    And talking about wierd sexual things when I'm on: ex) What's worse, getting on your from anal sex, or blood on your ?

    Deep thinking thar

  3. I'm bored, might as well chronicle on the megacontroversy which happened today on jb.



    *Ducki Jr. kicks neteX*





    Still waiting for aegean, lol.


    Previously on neteX calls abuse...

    *neteX throws a nade at me and I kill him*


    Responds with "wow nice freekill. It was a freeday."


    Lol I ain't even mad. I'm not even starting this topic to start drama, I just thought it was funny. It's all for the lulz imo, it's just a game.


    Btw I'm still working on "NOW that's what I call QQ! Vol.2". I need more pictures of kids CAP LOCK RAGING in chat. Feel free to contribute qq's when I post it next week.

    Speaking of lulz, is Lulz Canadia ever going to join xG? And I'm still confused why Range and [that other guy who's name I forgot] aren't in xG, but are super active in JB. I bet Range would have gotten mod by now.







  4. +1 for ct ban, but I'd be game for a 1 week ban. Hell, even a permaban would be nice, albiet a bit harsh (he's been b& so many times before, even more than Soiarn).

    He gun planted. He said "hey if i give you guys a gun can you kill that f*ggot?". Then he goes on to troll Kevin about his crosshair (total bs troll argument). It's completely unprofessional to change the subject and chastise his option preferences. Then this gets Kevin riled up and a qq war starts. I do not mean to start , but these are facts.

  5. Are you ing kidding me? Everyones stuff erased. There was no vote or any type or democratic process. I lost my dozens of hours of hard work on my city and my chests filled with supplies. Why?