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Posts posted by Heisenberg

  1. Slay all is acceptable when any of the following happen:

    1.The last CT or T is stuck or camping

    2.Cells don't open

    3.You get killed

    4.Cells open

    5.Warden does a math question for trivia

    6.Someone opens cells before orders are given

    7.Someone calls warden before I do

    8."When I say go"

    9.When you take drugs, steal a car, and don't give a flying

    10.Less than 20% of the server are hermaphordites

    9001.When no one populates the minecraft servers :(

    That is all.

  2. them, Duckii Jr.. I'm sure Landon will be taken away from that they call a biological mother. I'm sure someone will blow the whistle on her and Landon will be put in a good home, but I think the best thing to do here is to call CPS and tell them what's going on.


    Also, if you want to talk sometime about depression or just whatever, I'll be on tomorrow proabably on/off around 4pmish to 11pmish.

  3. The Advertising Rule: +1 I thought it was already a rule

    The Admin Disrespect Rule: +1 but Isn't this already a rule?

    The "When I Say Go" Repeating Rule: +1 semantics are bs

    The Camping for Last Request/Counter Terrorist Rule: +1 It really delays the round sometimes

    The Vote Mute/Kick Rule: -1, ask an admin or mod to come. We have plenty of mods and admins who are super active and will accpet any friend request (like me)

    The T's with Guns Rule: -1 NONONONONO that would be way too long. Too many CTs would be killed trying to type out stuff