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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Here's the thing with the camping for LR, I think after a certain time limit the remaining T's should be beaconed or something if the last CT is new and can't find the remaining T's


    Also small suggestion, I wish you could rebel on LR cause it feels like your forced to do them and it would be funny to see the last T up all of the CT's. Then again, the last T could just hide in a place and not come out making the round even longer. I guess I just answered my own question why they can't haha

  2. For the love of God +1 for camping the last CT/LR rule. I cannot stress enough how much I hate people camping for it and I can't slay the T's because it's not allowed =\


    The Admin Disrespect Rule: +1 but Isn't this already a rule?f

    Yes its a rule, it usually starts with a warning, kick, then ban for how long (depending on how bad their disrespecting) For me, I ban them from an hour to 1 day *shurgs*

  3. People RTV instantly if it isn't Canyon, Avalanche, Lego, Space, BlackOps or any of the other popular ones basically. I want to have a day or two where the popular maps are blocked and we have to play on the other maps that are never played on, that way people can get used to it, and even like it

  4. So I was playing on Jailbreak earlier and was the only mod on. Now it was a warday and the CT's being derps forgot that it wasn't a map that cell doors open up automatically. I told them that it was a freeday since it was 6:45 and all of the T's were still in cell. I polietly told them that they had to open up the cells since it was a freeday, sadly none of them went to go back and open it up, because "I don't want to get killed bawww." I told them that if it wasn't opened up by 4:30, I would slay all of the CT"s and make the new round start. I didn't slay all since they finally opened it up at 5:00 when I told them that.


    So here's the question, should the slay command be used when CT's forget & refuse to open cells or do you think there should be more reasons to use it and when to use it?

