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Posts posted by Xepher

  1. Now that we got a new intro music to the server, we should hold a mini contest for the last CT music. That is if everyone and Silence/Aegean are fine with it. I think it would be a fun idea to do. Prize could be up to them or whatever.



  2. lol I knew this was going to happen. Here's what happened


    It was me, EZ-Kill, Duckii, & Carissimi, Hardron Jr. & I think one other person. He kept spamming admin chat and we told him that we can't do anything if we didn't see it. Then EZ kicks him, then rejoins back and disrespects more, so I banned him for 10 minutes for admin disrespect. Honestly Daz, like we told you dozens of times, we can't do anything if we didn't see it. This is why I banned you cause you act like a baby when you don't get your way and you disrespect all of the mods/admins who's on whenever. I don't know how many times I've seen you get kicked and get banned because you disrespect people. You need to get the fact that its just a game and its all in good fun. I don't know why you get extremely upset about when you get killed, but honestly, I'm tired with the disrespect cause we do all can, but I guess its not good enough =\

  3. Yaya, read one of the news on the front page


    September 12, 2011 - Updates

    by silence

    Published on 09-12-2011 09:23 AM


    Ok, just a few things.

    First, the donation system went haywire so people don't seem to be receiving their donation codes. If you donated send me your PayPal receipt and I will send you the code. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Next, we want to have the best clan possible, so please suggest anything that would improve moral and experience you have on Xeno Gamers. Raging from the clan saying we suck doesn't help us to figure out why we suck and prevent any further suckage.

    Finally, I have released 2 new TF2 servers!

    The IPs are as followed:

    24/7 Dustbowl -

    Payload -

    Join them and have fun!


    Alright, remember to be active and good job getting the TeamSpeak server populated! We have seen more people on it lately and that's great! Nice job!!!

  4. Sorry but -1 You hog warden way too much, and sometimes whine if your not on CT, and I've heard you ask other mods/admins to switch you to CT when your a T. You are active which is a very good thing, but just make some change with the hogging with the warden/ct stuff and maybe I'll change my vote

  5. It's your call dude, but it's good to take a break from the trolls and the shitstorms that happen on the servers, also I think you should focus on your grades too, real life stuff should come first before video games (in my opinion at least)


    Like I said though, your choice. I'm putting my two cents in

  6. Trif I agree with you, I realized for a long time now mostly people just whine, and go at each others throats about the smallest things on the Jailbreak server. Don't understand why people can't just get along and know its for fun, and that its just a game. Anyways, this is why most of the time I'm on minigames cause people get along with each other and not complain.


    Seriously, we need to do something with all this . Remember the days that everyone got along with each other? Neither do I.