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Everything posted by trifdign

  1. trifdign

    What Time?

    I don't celebrate Christmas.
  2. Understandable. I was thinking that Aegean perm'd him for this reason alone.
  3. +1 He knows the rules like they're prescribed on the back of his hand. Mature player that knows how to take a joke, I'm sure he won't let his emotions get in the way of moderating the servers. He respects other players and would make a great moderator.
  4. Correct, but a permanent ban is going way too far. I understand if she wants it to be private but I would have only server banned him for a day or so.
  5. Wait, so he's permanently banned for using Duckii's real name? Wat.
  6. trifdign

    Good Movies

    - Fight Club or - Thank You For Smoking
  7. trifdign


    Wow, you're blind. If you really think that the moderators are doing a bad job, why don't you get this thing called PROOF. How many times do I have to explain this to you? Get screenshots, videos, demos, etc. You expect someone to make everything better by banning these so called badmins with no proof whatsoever. You're an idiot, Kevin. [ATTACH]1103.vB[/ATTACH]
  8. trifdign


    You brought this upon yourself. You say that there are people who can do a better job than a lot of the moderators, you make unintelligent posts on the forums, you ask for proof when it's right in front of your god damn eyes and you expect us to be completely chill about this? People are dicks to you because you are a douche to them. You take everything completely out of proportion and you let your emotions get in the way of what you say. Cry all you want but the reality is in your face and when you accept it, maybe I'll take back what I said but for now I stand firm by what I said about banning you.
  9. trifdign


    You're so ignorant it's unbelievable. I addressed everything you're moaning about in my first post. Are you illiterate too? And it's funny how you say you never troll yet you always do.
  10. trifdign


    You have got to be shitting me. At this point, I really don't care. You've done nothing but cause harm to this community. You're a pathetic troll who does nothing but complain about how this community should be run in your eyes. Daz 2.0 perhaps? No, not even. You're worse. You're a disgrace to this community and I request you be forum banned and possibly server banned for your antics. I've peacefully tried to reason with you but all you do is spit back bullshi*t.
  11. trifdign


    This. If more than one person spams admin chat saying someone freekilled, the only thing that will happen is a moderator or admin will most likely go to spectate and watch that person for a while. We won't tell you guys to stop spamming admin chat unless you continue doing it after we've told you we're going to spectate that person.
  12. trifdign


    Do you realize how hard it is to watch over the server? It's full nearly every day, a single moderator can NOT watch over 50+ people at a time, it's impossible. Spamming admin chat every two seconds won't get you help, it only makes you look childish. Report freekillers once or twice, that's all you need to do. Moderators and admins can't do anything about it unless they saw it happen with their own two eyes. If we took your word for every little report, we would ultimately end up slaying the entire server. When someone says they got freekilled, I try to spectate the person that supposedly did it. It may seem like we're doing nothing but we honestly are.
  13. trifdign


    Fair enough. Didn't I address this in my first post? I'll quote myself. Calling the new moderators badmins will only get you kicked. If you actually backed up anything you said with concrete evidence, I wouldn't have a problem with you criticizing the other moderators.
  14. trifdign


    You get a lot of hate because you don't know when to keep your mouth shut. Don't use that ungodly retarded argument "Well, it's my opinion. I can say whatever I want, freedom of speech hurrrdurr." Really? Learn the difference between an opinion and constructive criticism. I come on jailbreak and you immediately start saying "A lot of these new mods are badmins. There are a lot of people in this clan that could do better." I tell you to stop because you didn't even back up what you said, you just simply said that the new mods are bad. Then you say that you weren't referring to me so I should shut up. There were only three moderators/admins on the server at the time and you said that the new ones are bad. Only Ben and I were the fairly new mods that were on at the time, why would you out of nowhere say the new moderators are bad if you weren't referring to me or Ben? You sure can. If someone says something that is the complete opposite of what you think, you tell them to shut up. You don't refute any claim you make, what you say only makes you look more of a douche than you already are. /rant
  15. I googled 'Unique Name Generator' and clicked the first link that popped up. After a few minutes of browsing, Trifdign eventually came up and I thought it sounded cool.
  16. Give it to me because Ben is poor and he wants it.
  17. China? China has no sort of logistical capabilities, they have a bunch of soldiers but if they try to load them on the ships, they wouldn't be able to fuel them, they haven't figured out how to create an offensive navy yet. The US has air and naval superiority plus a technological superiority. You're also forgetting the fact that if we managed to get into a nuclear war, China wouldn't last long. After they've launched their nukes, the United States would laugh in their face and launch a hundred nukes that are a thousand times stronger in the most populated areas of China, wiping out any advantage their ground units might have. However, It is very true that China has 300-400 nuclear weapons. But, only 30-40 are capable of striking the United States: the DF-5 ICBM and the JL-1 SLBM . None of the other weapons have the range. Lastly, if we got into a war with China, the Chinese would have more survivors because of their much larger population, which is also much more adapted to adversity and wars than the American people.
  18. North Korea would have to have huge balls to even attempt to start a war with the United States. Do you guys realize how powerful we are? The North Korean army may be big, but they plain out suck. Their air force is... sad. They have some solid, reliable light cargo/transport planes from WWII USSR, but they had to ground most of them due to a lack of fuel. They issue AK-47 clones to their troops. You may be thinking "Well, AKs are really powerful!" The truth of the matter is that they have taken a ton of shortcuts to manufacture the AKs and due to that, they usually fail to start or are extremely rusty. Their submarines are terribad. They don't even have surface ships bigger than a frigate. Our navy is ten million times better than theirs, we would blow their submarines into a thousand shiny pieces. Finally, although many people will tell you that North Korea has nuclear weapons, they aren't that great. We've never seen proof that they have nuclear warheads like they claim. Only evidence of sub-kiloton explosions underground, which could be done by filling a cavern with conventional explosives. There hasn't been any sort of radiation to back up the nukes claim. Even if they do have nuclear warheads AND they actually work, their delivery systems are poop. Most of their missiles blow up on the launch pad or blow up a few seconds after launch, and if they don't spontaneously combust they crash into the ocean. Sounds pretty bad for a country that threatens others with nuclear weapons, right? Oh, and if North Korea ever decided to go to war with South Korea, the US would have their back yo.
  19. "yo dat kim jong gai just died omg dey gonna nuke da united shtates wat are we gonna do, it' 2012 mannn!!!11111" ^The answer to everything.
  20. There is a disturbance in the force.
  21. -1 I'm sorry Quarantine, I really am. I'll try to keep this as civil as possible. To make it short, you've screwed up too many times. Now, let me completely shut down an argument that most people on this forum seem to use. "Well, people like NeteX have been given a billion chances, why can't he?" It's simple, really. NeteX wasn't an admin. There's a difference between a member and an admin. In a gaming community, you'd expect an admin to be responsible and have a good sense of judgement. Quarantine didn't show either of these characteristics. A member can get away with more stuff than an admin can because people are supposed to look up to moderators/admins. For this same reason, if an admin is caught abusing, more serious consequences will evidently happen. To further evaluate Quarantine, I respected him until something happened. I don't know what, but he changed, and he changed for the worse. He started perm banning people that should have only gotten a day ban, he unmuted himself for no reason, etc. Now, I do believe he was already on probation when the incident today happened. We have given him so many chances. This was his last straw and he should stay permanently banned.
  22. Note: I'm not taking sides on this issue, this is my opinion and if it hurts your feelings, too bad. Okay, so I was in jailbreak when this happened. I do believe it was a few minutes after 0:00 which should give moderators and admins the right to slay. So you're probably wondering why. Allow me to visualize two different events. A.) It is last request and it is 3 minutes after 0:00. The terrorist is doing knife fight with the remaining 4 counter-terrorists. It only takes roughly a minute for the round to end. B.) It it last request and it is 3 minutes after 0:00. The terrorist is doing chicken fight with the remaining 4 counter-terrorists. Both the counter-terrorist and terrorist are terrible at chicken fight and so each chicken fight can take up to 2-3 minutes. Which one sounds slay-able to you? There are 30-40 other people waiting for the round to end and all they can do is sit and watch two morons go at it when they can't even chicken fight properly. Now, I'm not saying that Ben is completely right in this because he's not. It is true that the terrorist has managed to get last request and he should be rewarded for it. But do realize that there's a difference between abuse and trying to get the round over with. If I was on the only moderator on at the time, I would have said the same thing that Ben did. So, all in all, I believe that the terrorists should be allowed to do whatever last request they want as long as they aren't horrible at it.
  23. No, don't lift the ban. You're a complete idiot for doing what you did and you shouldn't be allowed back on the servers. Alright, let's flash back to when you were an admin. You unmuted yourself for no reason, you perm banned people for literally doing nothing, and you were a complete idiot. Then, you start taking your anger out on the server because someone died in your family. If someone dies in your family, you shouldn't even be playing jailbreak, you should be out with your family doing personal stuff. Now, it's present time. You're probably outraged that you didn't get your admin back and so you go on an abusing spree and you expect us to shorten your ban? Do you really think we're that dumb?
  24. This is an outrage. Where in the black universe are those dildos I ordered?