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Everything posted by trifdign

  1. trifdign


    +1 Knows the rules fairly well and is pretty chill.
  2. Yes. +1 To start off, he didn't spam the forums to get to 100 posts. Second of all, he's very active. I almost see him on every day. Finally, when he's warden, he doesn't do first reaction last reaction every round like most wardens, he makes things extremely interesting. On another note, he seems to know the rules fairly well and I've yet to see him get truly pissed at someone.
  3. trifdign


    For sure, +1 I have yet to see him get pissed at anyone. Super chill guy, definitely should be in the clan.
  4. trifdign


    -1 What Herpes said. I witnessed it and have screenshots to prove it.
  5. The moral of the story, kids. Don't be a fail rebeller like Billy Mays. :3
  6. trifdign

    DOTA suggestion

    Yes! LoL is effin fun, especially when everyone is on Teamspeak.
  7. trifdign


    +1 To be honest, I've seen him on a lot since I have no life and play all day err'day. Give him a chance as mod, if he blows that chance, revoke it.
  8. Yay! Thank you all so much. STEAM_0:1:43765713
  9. +1 Chill, haven't seen him get pissed at anything, etc.
  10. No. -1 I don't care what anyone says, I want these bombs to stay. They aren't overpowered at all in my opinion, some CT's are just ungodly retarded. For ex: "Hurrdurrr, I want some CT's to watch these guys." Then a T uses their bomb and half the CT team cries and complains "Wow, I wasn't even near it! Such bull." _________________ Advantages - 2x bigger blast radius (around 59m) - More powerful _________________ Disadvantages -If you don't use it the round you buy it, it has a very high chance of blowing up randomly around 7:00 - Expensive (20k)
  11. +1 I don't see why this was removed in the first place.
  12. trifdign

    99% Sausage Fest!

    Bros over hos, mang.
  13. "I jerk off inside books and give life to words." Immortal Technique - Positive Balance
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTw2YvutJRA&feature=mh_lolz&list=HL1317600566
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1HdH7ldAX0&ob=av2e
  16. trifdign


    -1 However, let me elaborate as to why. I've had several issues with you in the past. One of which multiple members can agree with me on. You hog warden even if you know you weren't the first one to call it. I know this by experience. About a week or two ago, we were on VIPinthemix and whenever I called warden first, you would rudely interrupt and say, "Haha, nope. I called it first, shut up shut up shut up," and then you'd continue to give orders. Doing this will get you no respect from me or other members. You're selfish and inconsiderate which will ultimately lead to failure (wise words of Trif right here folks). Try to be more respectful of other members and don't hog warden as much and I'm positive my -1 will change to a +1. Luke, you're a good warden sometimes, I'll give you that. You know how to get rid of the T team pretty quickly, especially while playing Simon Says. Consider my advice and anyone else's who posted on your application.
  17. trifdign

    Chill yo

    Alright, let me start off by saying this is NOT a ban request thread. This is simply my feelings about how some people need to stop taking jailbreak so seriously. So, I joined a nice game of avalanche a few minutes ago. A new round starts and I'm in the special cell that teleports you INSTANTLY to climb. I think to myself "Okay, cool. I'll just rebel and get the round over with." However, the warden calls a surf day just as I'm about to finish climb. At this point, I have two options. 1.) Complete climb and pray they don't kill me 2.) Go back to the start of climb and get killed for rebelling. Of course I picked the first option. So I finished climb and I just chill on the number 1 spot until there are 2 other winners. Shortly after the round ends, half the T team complains about how I cheated and how the warden (xshadowspyx) never told them to start surf. I'm just sitting there, watching everyone complain about the smallest things. Not only were they whining, but they were also disrespecting several members, including shadow and myself. I'm sure everyone will hate me after this, but the truth needs to be told. If xG is to continue as a successful community, this type of behavior from the members needs to stop immediately. Proof: [ATTACH]566.vB[/ATTACH] And: [ATTACH]567.vB[/ATTACH]
  18. Isn't complete until I'm listed.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Mt6Isew_0&list=FLWZK9nZlV_lfviKdhHwGWqw&index=2 You know what's good, mang.
  20. Ay man, where am I? This vote is jacked!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA7iAMTAWHM&list=FLWZK9nZlV_lfviKdhHwGWqw&index=22