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Everything posted by trifdign

  1. Ay dukay, pick up da fone. Ben and I are gonna call you everyday from now on.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGd-nev78g&feature=relmfu My life is complete after watching this. I honestly didn't know anything about throwing a sock on the floor before watching this. Now that I have, I can safely say that I no longer have nightmares of Ben chasing me with a little black boy screaming "Chicken'Isha".
  3. +1 He is bootiful in every way possible.
  4. trifdign

    Christmas List

    An apple a day didn't keep Steve Job's cancer away.
  5. INTP Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 33 38 25 22 moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed thinking personality slightly expressed perceiving personality
  6. trifdign

    Who will win?

    The opposite of whatever Duckii says.
  7. Major Depression: Very Slight Dysthymia: Very Slight Bipolar Disorder: Slight Cyclothymia: Moderate Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight Postpartum Depression :N/A
  8. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: Low Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low
  9. trifdign

    My birthday!

    You're three now? Yo, I just turned two. You can come play with the big boys now like Billy and Ben.
  10. That isn't fun. Am I doin it right?
  11. Oh really? I was there from Canyondam to Islandtorture. Did you even take the time to watch the demo? You can see me in chat.
  12. Uh, I'd like to confront you about this part. "I never said lulz or anything." Bull, you were in admin chat saying "I am literally crying my eyes out right now." Don't even deny that part, it's in the logs.
  13. You can not threaten to slay Ts for rebelling. That is their job and that's the point of jailbreak.
  14. Yes, the Ts could not see the CTs that were under the map.
  15. Part 1 It was just another lovely day in jailbreak.. until this sh*t happened. Note: Let it be known that Chrono went by Hobo #4 when this happened. We were in Canyondam. Chrono was telling everyone of this "hilarious" secret in Canyondam. He told all the Ts to get on the #1 spot on the number line. Chrono then proceeded to tell all the CTs to get on the #8 spot. A T bombs all 7-8ish of the Cts that are on the #8 spot and Arthman & Hobo #4 get pissed. A new round begins and the same thing happens. A T has a pistol and he shoots most of the CTs that are on the #8 spot. This is when the majority of the abuse starts. Chrono mutes everyone at the beginning of the round except himself and he tells everyone to basically shut up so he can give orders. Nobody was mic spamming or anything similar to that. Arthman starts slaying any counter-terrorist that's not on the #8 spot and he threatens that if anyone rebels, he and the other admins will abuse on them. After we finally got everyone settled, they said they'll type in a command in the console and something will happen. They did so and one of the admins or mods in the server instantly swapped one of the CTs to a T so he can kill all of the CTs that were stacked. Chrono and Arthman think its hilarious while the rest of the server wish that they didnt waste 20 minutes for nothing. It wasn't even a secret like he said, it was just for the "lulz". Proof: MediaFire MediaFire ________________________________________ Part 2 The map changes from Canyondam to the lovely IslandTorture. A few rounds go by when a CT calls a warday. Everything is pretty chill until I realize that they called a warday under the map. I tell everyone in admin chat that they can't have a warday where the CTs get an unfair advantage such as this. Basically, all of the CTs exploited the map by jumping off the ladder outside by Volleyball and hopping on to the roof of the building. They then jumped off of that building to the edge of another building, ultimately leading to a side of the map which wasn't intended to be exploited. From that point, they just hop down from the roof which leads to the bottom of the map. The CTs can kill all the Ts as long as the Ts take a step out of the elevator and the CTs have a vantage point from which they can shoot the Ts. Completely unfair, right? Not only did they have an illegal warday, but the admins on at the time thought it was okay. I told Arthman and Chrono that I'm slaying all CTs. Arthman argues with me saying stuff like "It has two entrances and it's outside." It is CLEARLY under the map, why would you even argue with me with such a stupid statement? I only have screenshots of this, I don't have any demos or videos. Proof:[ATTACH]1031.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1032.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1033.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1034.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]1035.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. trifdign

    famouse quote

    "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." "It's only after you've lost everything that you are free to do anything."
  17. America would never attack Canada. They would wait for Canada to strike first and then they'll retaliate a thousand times harder. America would win and we would have all the maple syrup in the world. Also, the US would never nuke Canada. The radius of the nuke would spread to big cities like New York.
  18. >Selling your house for $3.5 million dollars >Telling everyone that you're pretty much rich >Begging me to buy you a 10 dollar game ???
  19. I don't care at all if someone says it. I'm sorry, but if you still get offended by someone saying it, I suggest you take a walk outside. In real life, I highly doubt anyone would care if you said something along the lines of "Yo wassup my nig?" However, there's a difference from that and straight up racism (e.g someone deliberately saying hateful things towards the black race). I remember back in 9th grade, I had the coolest math teacher. I was in a standard class filled with people who honestly could care less about school. They would curse in front of the teacher and even say the N word to greet their friends. The teacher didn't care because he knew when they were doing it jokingly or being outright racist. If you're considering leaving xG because of a stupid thing like this, go right ahead. And for any douche that will use the argument "If I was black, I would find this offensive." No, you wouldn't. I know this for a FACT. I have a ton of black friends and every single one of them says the N word. Not a single one finds it offensive, even if a white person says it to them. Just understand the difference between someone being anti-black and someone that is simply greeting their friends in a different way other than "Hello." Yet, racism DOES exist. I'm not saying it doesn't. There will be people that actually hate all black people (the kkk) but I highly doubt there are any kkk members in our clan. Did I mention that your voting options are completely biased? You favor one side and that is to enforce racism. Nice job making us people who don't think it's a big deal look like idiots.
  20. Yiff in hell, furfags. Jaykay, I love you all. <3 +1 to this.
  21. +1 I miss doing first reaction last reaction until it's LR. All jokes aside, he knows the rules better than a majority of the server. I remember the day he mass freekilled, I was one of the ones he killed. It has been a long time since that day and I hope all of you have the decency to forgive him. /randompictureinbound
  22. +1 He's a damn good rebeller and he knows the MOTD.
  23. SAP That's right, SAP. So what does SAP stand for? Sucking At Pub. You ever hear about those kids that think they're good at pub just because they can hit Q really fast and buy flashes every round? /pointlesspictureinbound [ATTACH]996.vB[/ATTACH] So it's another beautiful day filled with black people like Ben when all of a sudden I see how bad Duckii is at awping. I confront her about it and all I get as a response is this. ((ADMIN)): Duckii: 1v1 me nab ((ADMIN)): Trif: kay We then go to pub and the round starts. I'm a CT and shes a T. I walk around with my deagle when all of a sudden I hear this terrible ringing sound and my screen goes white. So what was it? A god forsaken flashbang. [ATTACH]997.vB[/ATTACH] Every round, I would walk around a corner and all I would hear is -ringgggggg- ______________ 5 minutes later ____________________ ((ADMIN)) Duckii: lol you suck pick up a weel gun ((ADMIN)) Trif: no u D: The moral of the story? Just because you buy flashbangs every round and spam Q does not make you a good player. :-)
  24. trifdign


    It was a freeday and you were camping armory. I did NOT knife a single CT since it was a freeday. I waited outside of armory for someone to open it but that person was you. All CTs should be outside of armory by 7:40ish. You also tazed me for no reason, not a wise thing to do. After you tazed me, I slayed you and told everyone in admin chat that I'm ct-banning you for a day. This isn't your first offense. You also freekilled/freeshot several maps before blackops. After I CT-banned you, I clearly said "If you continue to argue, I'm going to ban you from the server." You did so and therefore EZ banned you from the server for an hour. Also, you have no proof.