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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. Mohammad

    Just Wondering

    lol i kick the kids that do that, cant be annoyed with ppl telling me how to do my job or wat to do -.-
  2. um just pointing out a side note for all those saying she is inactive, you most likely mean JB and Surf... we do have like 9 more servers other than those and she plays on them JB is not the only server we have to watch out for. we have ton other servers.. As for disrespect, well she never disrespected me at any point or time so idk
  3. well tbh we cant just stay up all day some ppl have their lives but i do agree to have more mods... some ppl even during the day cant play cause of school, family... etc... there is more to life than css...
  4. Mohammad


    uh..........lol? ---------- Post added at 06:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ---------- in case he deletes :P
  5. no jihad is bad thats why no 1 knows u as a rebel :P xD jk <3
  6. we just told u not to bump......
  7. Hey man welcome back u probably dont no me but i remember u b4 i was in xG
  8. i never ignore a person who admin messages me saying they were freekilled i get tons of steam messages of ppl complaining i try my best... and yes i do agree my argument of stopping the round for a freekill was a bit foolish...
  9. Mohammad

    CT Ban

    ok, listen me unbanning u was a something i thought would be kind of me.. obviously u dont apreciate it.. it was not a mistake to ban u... more u post more i lose respect for u... i also dont want to repeat myself, in ur previous post u stated that u were banned for something small.. in other words u take our rules lightly. this obviously shows ur not worthy of playing ct and that ur ct ban shud remain also..... higherups have the last decision....
  10. Mohammad

    CT Ban

    something small? i dont give a fuck which jb server u go to gunplanting is a well known rule that is forbidden on any jb server..... unfortunatley ur trying to take our rules lightly.... and stop trying to act inoocent i am not the bad guy here... besides my job is done here... ill let the higherups take care of ur case now...... besides i promised u that ill unban u no need to bring this to the forums....
  11. Mohammad

    CT Ban

    he did it 3 times to 3 diferent Ts i told him to read motd and i already unbanned him....
  12. well tbh the only time i go spectate and make sure the server is running well is when im the only mod on (which happens frequently) but anyway aegean, as a mod or admin , we cant just simply slay a ct because a ct *freekilled them* 5 out of 10 times that i deal with freekills end up a unfreekill and its the Ts fault. now in a scenario like this the admin or mod is at fault. the mod ends up as being the bad guy.. now i always try to deal with freekills and try to pm the ct that freekilled, 9 out of 10 times that ct doesnt reply... now if im dead its not right to stop the game and ask that ct why he freekilled 1 person.. freekills shudnt be allowed i no but we shudnt stop the game because of 1 freekill....
  13. Mohammad


    i want a snake so bad :/ but i currently have like 5 gay cats 2 of them came from no where.. -.-
  14. wow amazing :P ull do well in the art contest :D dont worry :D
  15. +1 he is really smart and a chill guy doesnt troll and very friendly +1
  16. lol banned him from ct cause he gunplants lol ur new on our servers but uh u seem cool so +1 read our motd and ill unban u from ct :) Edit: changing to -1
  17. Mohammad


    eww in topswag? definetly -1 :P jk cool guy +1
  18. Mohammad


    i made that up.....
  19. Mohammad


    +1 he demoted and now raging....
  20. ok first of all u start complaining in admin chat about every little thing and ur still wrong.... 2nd u started the disrespect first, no 1 actually did anything untill u started disrespecting ez we kicked u with a warning to stop yet u came back calling ez a bitch i have 2 screenshots of u disrespecting....
  21. Mohammad


    lol its fine if u dislike me :P i dont mind :)
  22. Mohammad


    its only 2 hrs like nivek said, besides i think duke is smart enough to no wat he is doing......
  23. Mohammad


    tbh yes if u have played in esea(which i no u have) u shud no there are a ton of better players out there compared to xG ppl ur good compare to ppl in esea ur bad..
  24. Mohammad


    tbh im not any good either im TRYING to get better but im average...