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Everything posted by Topaz

  1. Topaz

    Origin of Game Name?

    Well, I went by red dot, just kinda came into mind, then people started telling me, I had allot of different personalities (Hiper, Slow, Funny, Ect) So, colorful came to mind, and the dot was already in there............. And the rest is history! ( I was also under another name back hen, but I forgot the name ;D)
  2. Topaz

    Sound Issues

    lol.....No, its JUST teamspeak, and when I call someone on steam.
  3. I was young, and just bought css, I was a dipshit back then :3. I was browsing around. Found hells gamers, joiner, left in about 10 secons when I heard the ♥♥♥♥ that was going on, found xG, met nice people, matured, and joined xG.
  4. Topaz

    Sound Issues

    Nothing on teamspeak, not sure if they can hear me, but I can't hear then, by console I meant, User has left your channel. And on steam when I voice chat, they can hear me, I can't hear them. Everything else is fine.
  5. Topaz

    Sound Issues

    Okay, I am having problems. My sound on teamspeak (This includes console sounds) and steam (Voice chat specifics) are not working. If you know a solution, post it underneath!
  6. Topaz

    Good Movies

    ^^^^all above this arrow is good :D^^^^
  7. Just cause of that, ur not getting it! lmao
  8. Hey guys! I just bought killing floor, and I got 2 guest passes. I am not sure what they do, but I a, giving them away. So, if you want one, respond underneath with a number 1-20. I wiull shuffle the numbers, and pick one out. I will start either later tonight, or tommorow! RULES: Cannot choose someone else's number Cannot apply more than once May not already have killing floor, as I will check Merry christmas! -Colorful Dot
  9. Topaz


    +1, Nice guy, knows rules, on teamspeak.
  10. Topaz


    +1, Good player, knows rules, is on teamspeak.
  11. Otherworldy, Excactley. THis ♥♥♥♥ will never end.
  12. Topaz


    "You also need to have a huge knowledge of C++, Java, Sourcepawn, html, php, perl, ruby etc." Link me to places to learn. I SHALL LEARN IT! No, but seriously, I am interested in learning to use all of those :P. If I learn it, I can put in the hours.
  13. Topaz


  14. Topaz

    Exclusive kermit hat

    ^ SGTBLU knows whats goin on, same thing.
  15. CONGRATS TO ALL! I hope you all do good!
  16. Topaz


    LIke all of the reasons above me prove that age is not everything when it comes to maturity. Aslong as they can meet the following requirements then Its fine with me: 1. Knows the MOTD well, and checks it daily 2. Can handle being trolled. 3. Doesn't hardcore troll.(Example: Your and ugly mother♥♥♥♥ing peice of ♥♥♥♥ that needs to get a ♥♥♥♥ing life) 4. Can take a joke. (Does not mute/gag someone for just messing with him) 5. Will stay active on teamspeak. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDIT: +1, For reasons above (Off topic, I need to check these parts of the forums more often)
  17. -1, Duckii you are right, I have seen him mic spam before, although a nice kid, still needs to mature a little more.
  18. +1, Constantly posting useless ban requests, if you look at ban requests, its almost all him.
  19. Topaz

    ERROR! In jb server

    ^^^This^^^ But I have found if you do the following it should work. Start>Computer>C:>Program Files 86x(Windows SPecific)>Steam>steamapps>(Your Username)>CSS And deleted cstrike. It workes for me. It just deletes saved maps. So be careful when doing this.
  20. I muted the warden once. I got lr.
  21. Well, honestly. Like duckiijr said, she has been trolled, but I have seen her troll once or twice. BUT That was a long time ago. -1
  22. Topaz

    Promo-Demo Info

    I like the think that some day aegean will please the people.
  23. My shitty laptop could never run that..... Thats why I am hoping to get a new computer
  24. Topaz

    Exclusive kermit hat

    Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha♥♥♥♥INGhahahahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Now that I got this out of the way, LISSSA YOU ARE INSANE xD