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Posts posted by DCook

  1. Such as, we accept people who are mature and you see, the vouches you get you need to reply on their maturity. If we have reckless people who bring us a bad name, could ruin the xG name.

    Ah. But we are more in need of members than anything else. Right now, xG doesn't have much of a name period. The only people that really apply are those that really want to join. And if they are being immature they will get -1s and denied and made to take tags off.

  2. That would be useful, but keeping track of who applied to use it and who got promoted would be difficult. Possibly they have to make a thread that they want to be part of xG, but we used to ban people who used the tag without getting accept or applied


    They make a thread anyway. When they make a thread DM/DL with post saying "Open to vouches. May wear *probation tags*" Maybe even have a forum tag for it. And then when they get enough or DM/DL accept they do what they usually do.


    As for previous bans, we have to learn and grow. Hopefully no one was permed for tags. We'll just explain it's a change in policy.

  3. One issue that I've noticed with TF2 is people finding this website difficult to navigate. So silence and I are working on fixing small things for guests of the site to figure out how to sign up. Though on top of that, the current rule of 10+ vouches to be accepted into xG is difficult too, a brand new player might like our servers and want to sign up, but people won't have enough friends to get accepted. Due to this, they are more inclined to join a public tagged clan to feel included to them. For this issue I haven't figured out how to fix it, since we've ran on the vouch system since forever

    What if we had a probation period? They were a probation member and would "graduate" to a full-fledged member either by vouches or a higher up "promo". If they were deemed unfit they'd be removed as probation member and would be able to re-try after a certain time.

  4. Just putting it out there, no css current or old as of 3-4 promo demos STARTED to try populating servers. No I didnt start populating servers as of recent either. I also never claimed I did. Nor did I ever say I was active. I'm not being a hypocrite. Im being honest and going off of facts. Yes I'm calling you and every other staff member of Css out. And all the people that posted in that thread saying keep css. I may be beating a dead horse with this, but when I quoted megarobin saying "if it works I'll start populating jailbreak" it very well applies to everyone. The people I have seen try populating are people like bonk and other randoms. I say randoms as in people not staff. They join the server first. They stick around til it is only them left. They invite people off their friends list. While you say you actively populate (you being all staff and people in the threads, forest included) if anyone checks sourcebans they can see you joining much after population is established. Leaving before everyone else, or jump on the server and see you in spec the whole 30-45 minutes spent on the server. That's not dedication. That's trying to avoid an inactivity demotion by saying logs have you on the server.


    Sorry if it sounds like I am singling you out, but you're not the only person I am calling out in this post cookie.


    Again still on phone. Leaving school and putting a more detailed response soon.


    A: I'm no longer staff. I have not been staff for a month. And before that I was without my computer for 3 months so there was 0 ways to play. I started playing again the minute I was back to school like I promised.


    B: I do get on before other people do. Sometimes it doesn't work. Sometimes I come home to find people already on. Sometimes I get an invite. It doesn't negate the fact that I do try and populate the servers. And as for this:

    Leaving before everyone else.
    I didn't realize there was a requirement of being on the whole time after the server is populated. I do believe I just stated I have a life. For example, I have a couple hours between classes so sometimes I get on and get to play but then I have to leave for CLASS.


    C: I wasn't singling you out with the hypocrite comment. Sorry if it seemed like that. Your comment simply reminded me of people I had seen on server after population had started complaining about people never populating.

  5. Simply gonna comment here, but as for the CSS div there are some that do populate. I for one, have populated it a couple times, I can't always because of school but when I have free time I get on and dick around. I know Phoenix does, I know Potato Girl does, I know Slink does once in a blue moon. And @Bonk too apparently. I'd like to reiterate that we are TRYING. It's very difficult, we all have lives else where and just sitting on an empty server hoping someone joins is boring. I have seen a lot of the people commenting about population only join after it's full, which to me is a tad hypocritical.


    I'm going to be redoing JB rules as an experiment once my motivation bounces back and we'll see how the new rules go over but it takes time, like I said. Be patient and/or help.

  6. That's why mod applications were great before you had to donate to use one. It made your interest known without shoving it down people's throat. Also, EVERYONE was able to have a say. It would, for the most part, be decided by the community. Both times, my mod came from an application. Stating my interest, having people vote, and then getting it and doing my absolute best with it. And, yes I am still bitter about being demo'd for inactivity as I don't find that a good enough reason to be demo'd, especially when you are hurting for, in my opinion, good mods/admins.

  7. 2. People don't care. Look at the forums. There are so many posts that are stickied but not updated, or stickied that should be removed. I made a post about what the different levels of staff do for this community, and what you can ask them for help with. You can see that Division manager and Community Leader are not only missing from that list and it's not updated to what they do.


    Hi, yes. I agree with a lot but I'd like to point out this thread in reply to this comment: Staff roster, helpful notes, rules and other things | Xeno Gamers It's not perfect but there are a few of us working to make it, and the community, better. As you said, it doesn't help when there are those that -don't- care. But we are trying.


    It also doesn't help that in this thread: Cs:s Operation Revitalization | Xeno Gamers a good amount of the posts are "Why are you even trying? Give up." It's not from lack of trying that this happens. It's a lack of people willing to help it. The few that try get turned down.

  8. As long as the bombs are nerfed I'm sure alot more people will be in...do u know how hard it is to be motivated to stay on when it's large bomb spam every round?

    what if we had small bombs only? Takes skill to get people with that AND discourages baiting. ;D


    Before when bombs were taken off people wanted them back and now people wanted them off but because of Large Bombs. Let's find a middle ground.

  9. I agree with the mic policy. I've already added something to the Admin Handbook so that Mods+ won't mute kids who are being mature. I'm still planning on doing a reboot on the motd so ideas/help is welcome. I've just been busy with school but once this week is over I'll spend some time on it.

  10. Right, I know this is #gravedig but I don't fucking care. I'll put it under the excuse #requestclose.


    You know what really grinds my gears? PEOPLE WHO THINK YOU ARE CONFINED TO ONE FUCKING DIVISION. Fuck you for telling people to stay in their own division. Everyone can go to any division they want. So don't tell people to "Stay in CSS." or "Don't come to another division that's not yours." Last I checked these are all XenoGamers servers so sit your ass down with your high and mighty attitude that TF2 is yours. If I want to come into TF2 I fucking will and there ain't shit you can do to stop it.


    The truth is, CSS is dying, we still get on and play but it's not the same, so players go to TF2 to play on a more populated server but they get told to go back to their division if they annoy a regular or mess up. But fuck you, you don't get to tell people they aren't welcome just because they played CSS first.


    And @Hexx don't be a troll. I actually like you sometimes and I don't want you banned. And one week is too long for that "crime". You fucking doorknobs.

  11. Hey man. Sorry to say that this is the wrong place and that you need to be a member to become mod (unless you get Paid Mod I believe.) Hope you think about joining us and trying again.


    Leaving it open so that @kbraszzz and @Nomulous can follow up on this to make sure I didn't misinform.

  12. +1 I can show no evidence but earlier this summer Ribbit started commenting and replying some disrespectful shit to my posts. When I asked her why she was constantly, for lack of a better word, attacking me, I got no response. Speed apparently knew why and apparently I did something to her?!? When I asked what I got no other answer than "You don't remember? I was there. I remember." But than I had to leave so I let it go. Now I come back and am stalking forums and have yet to see a relevant, non-disrespecting post. She's not a very mature member and doesn't seem to care.