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Everything posted by JakeEnglish

  1. There has been no evidence that Trayvon even touched George and if you read FL law he had every right to defend himself but he didn't have any blood on his hands so how can you beat someone up without your hands? George is still a murderer, first Casey Anthony now this prick. It's a shame nobody killed them yet. LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLOLOLLLOLLOLOLOL feet
  2. Yeah, Serbianbelavuk was me the whole time, heh
  3. I lost the email for the other room's admin account, so there's a new room now. http://turntable.fm/51dd2b94aaa5cd2f8adc4432 @@Jordozombie @@Klure @@Warriorsfury @@Hidingmaster @@TheKingBaby
  4. I just prefer turntable because I used it hella long ago, never tried grooveshark. Maybe I'll try it out later, hue Serbian just figured this out too. RIP
  5. I was bored and decided I wanted to make us a turntable room. It's a free service where you can choose virtually any song on the internet to play, and DJ for us. Signing up is easy and you can use a 10 minute email if you're lazy like me. DJ's take turns playing a song, and there can be 5 DJ's on the table at a time and if it actually gets populated we'll set up a queue system. Drop by and show me your music! http://turntable.fm/51dd2b94aaa5cd2f8adc4432 http://10minutemail.com
  6. I guess I shouldn't have generalized, Forest. I know you're smart enough to not be mad about something nonlethal, but the majority of this thread would still be the way it is. ;);)
  7. I THINK NOT Also, do whatever you have to do to make sure all the old hats are back (for purchase). I want my cake hat.
  8. You guys say you'd rather they have kicked or tazed or sprayed the dog instead, but you'd still all be crying outrage even if the dog was alive. The guy should've known better than to bring a dog to a police raid while blasting his shitty music, and then fail to keep the dog from interfering. It was the owner's fault, and anything that happened to the dog was a result of him being a moron. All of you yelling revolution and fuck the police should probably learn the context of the situation. That being said, the cop is still a cunt for executing the poor thing. The first shot scared him half to death and he was gonna run away
  9. I'm all for gay rights/pride (obviously) but there are better ways to get the point across than bastardizing the National Anthem.
  10. I'm hornier than Ron Jeremy
  11. you just need to chill out with all the combative attitude you have. most people you tagged don't even hate you, they're just irritated at you because you're obnoxious on the forums a lot of the time and you take yourself way too seriously. lighten up some and try to enjoy yourself man.
  12. Forest is our resident british guy, you'll find his yellow teeth and crumpets and tea very warm and welcoming.
  13. JakeEnglish

    Real Talk

    nigga theres already a thread for this
  14. Yes, because you can block people on CSS. Some high level coleader shit right there.
  15. My first thought when I saw this thread pop up was "didn't forest just do a thread of all of the threads like this one"?
  16. make your tldr actually summarize the thread or nobody is gonna read your error riddled wall of text for details lol also STOP bolding AND uppercasing RANDOMLY. YOUR THREAD IS AN EYESORE. When it comes to disrespect, it's really not an issue that we can fix completely... people are always gonna argue. It's common sense how to control disrespect, not sure why it has to be such a big deal. If you see someone being a serious dick, like sitting there insulting a guy's family and telling him you hope he gets AIDS, tell them to cool off and if either one of them keep at it, gag or silence them. It seems everyone is scared of using their powers or something nowadays. You guys with forum powers should be deleting those obvious flame threads and punishing anyone who fed into it All it could take to fix a staff member or player causing issues or is manning up and talking to them about it... and then if they don't get their shit straight, you get proof and report them. If you REALLY cant seem to get anything done, just go straight to @@serbiansnaga If we can get his ass to do anything but mumble at us and abuse on teamspeak and he's not busy, he'll probably hop on the server to investigate || How to fix disrespect and abuse || If you think someone is being a cunt, here's how you handle it. -Take a demo or screenshots -Get them on teamspeak/steam and pull in the leader/manager of the division they were on -Talk it out -If the issue persists, post said screenshots in member protest/report abuse/ban request -??? -Profit
  17. I guess you should promote Warrior back to admin, after all he did only smite @all ONE time.
  18. JakeEnglish

    Great Job

    You're still a scumbag, but that's to be expected since you're jewish. Thanks for explaining the situation. I had an idea from the tone of his posts that he was just being a cunt about it.
  19. JakeEnglish

    Great Job

    Silence might be a scumbag, but the owner of that website is an asshat. Trying to claim all of us are thieves is like trying to claim every black guy is a thug just because one of them stole my bike when I was little.
  20. You couldn't even inject a script into the server files when we were working on the DayZ server, what are you learning now? what are you talking about. every script we put in, that pbo got lost so i had to go from the original pbo and re put every script in. and if you dont remember this its bc this was the time you were gone for like 3 days You mean every script I put in? I'm not tryna argue with you I'm just saying don't try to claim you can code unless you can code.