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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by JakeEnglish

  1. As great as that would be, "Clan A" doesn't exist. Everyone seems to be so obsessed with the idea of "trolling" they forget the fact that some people just DON'T LIKE certain other people for some reason or another. You can't ever expect everyone to get along seamlessly, it just won't happen. That being pretty much fact in my mind, I do still agree that aggressive disrespect should be punished. Just because there are people who I don't like in the clan doesn't mean I seek them out in game and fuck with them. We need to take a little from both you and Heisenberg on this matter, really. I don't ban people for calling me a faggot or whatever because I did something stupid as warden or ruined someone's round by rebelling, but when someone calls me a queer over and over or tells me to get AIDS and die, I obviously don't deal with that shit. If you're having trouble telling if someone is being "disrespectful" or playing around, It's as simple as asking the person who's being disrespected. Why is everyone having so much trouble with this? Don't be afraid to ban bitches. If they didn't mean what they were saying they'll make a ban protest and it'll be handled from there... TL;DR People with in game or teamspeak powers, don't be bitch. Get them banhammas swangin'
  2. the same way i spent the rest of my life. barely awake in my room playing video games and masturbating
  3. JakeEnglish


    Basically, the gif is fine on my computer, but upon making it my avatar, the last frame gets all bugged out and turns half black. You don't see it?
  4. JakeEnglish


    the fuck is the forums doing to my avatar? shit is all bugged out, and the original file is fine. wat do @@silence
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koJlIGDImiU you'd better not leave all together. and start fucking playing with me more often, i hardly see you anymore faggot
  6. taught dat tumor not to fuck wit real niqqas feel better bro also look on the bright side, at least your mouth is a fucking awesome fountain of blood now, you could put on a wicked zombie costume, gurgle and make disgusting noises at someone random on the street and then spit blood at them and scare the shit out of the media
  7. Most of the people who actually go in there and populate it (I.E Me and Roxy) prefer it the way it is -1
  8. NOOOO MY FOREST ;~; Who will sing to me on teamspeak at four in the morning if you're sick? D: Feel better bro, I've got a fever. and the only cure is more MACARONI MACARONI MACARONI MACARONI PUT THE CHEESE IN THE NOODLES AND WHAT DO YOU GET
  9. -1 caught him trolling nonmembers by making irritating noises with his irritating voice in surf a few days ago. You'd better improve your attitude in general if you want to represent the community. My experience with kids having mod has been less than great in the past. And yes Draxx, 14 is a child. Until you're 18, you're a child. I'm 20 and I still consider myself to be young. Not mature enough to handle mod, not old enough to pay for it. Shouldn't have it.
  10. I couldn't even fucking read that. If you're really that stupid just put the shit through microsoft word before you post it, holy shit.
  11. JakeEnglish


    I've personally never understood the no racism rule. If you're offended by something as simple as a word, you shouldn't be on the internet. +1 for 'MURICAS RIGHTS HURRR
  12. JakeEnglish


    Scripting was a fun and interesting experience, and since I used it creatively, I made a few new friends (most of whom are british for some reason?) fucking around on DayZ. Unfortunately for me, the banhammer has no discretion and came to me after about two months without being banned. I'm not gonna buy another CD Key unless someone can find me really cheap ones online :nevreness: (pls) Message me on steam if you can find anywhere that sells cheap Operation Arrowhead keys! If you can either buy me a key yourself or find me a cheap one, I promise to rejoin the DayZ community as a legitimate player. <3
  13. lol, they all mad alternate title : how to win 4v5 [ATTACH]3467.vB[/ATTACH] @@Chrono @A_Sock @@Duke
  14. +1 I love this girl, seriously. Maturity : 8/10 Activity : 9/10 (she has school so she obviously cant be on at all hours) fucking awesome : 9999/10000
  15. the bigger my letters are, the bigger they'll think my penis is not compensating for lack of authority and or penis size at all
  16. If we could host a private RO server with decent rates, I'd sure as shit play. I might even know a few guys in real life who would play (if they're not too busy with school :c) and help us populate. I've always used RateMyServer.Net :: RO Database & Server Reviews as a resource for RO. I found it really helpful for fixing my client and whatnot, and they'll even list your server, which with a couple thousand member spamming the upvote every day, would get it populated real quick and easy.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYaFbFLAQlQ in the name and by the power of your beard
  18. JakeEnglish


    i have a boat about 5000m inland and a huey. jelly?
  19. JakeEnglish

    Rule change

    -1 I had to kick you three times the other day for irritating the whole minigames server with shit the majority of us didn't want to hear. The hub isn't even implemented there yet. On topic, you can play things as long as you want on freedays or wardays as far as I'm aware, and spamming things on a normal day would just hinder the warden from giving orders and other T's from hearing them. Why would you even want this besides being annoying with it?
  20. You should be able to target(abuse) people the same rank as you, but not people who are higher rank. That way mods can't wrongfully ban you because they're butthurt. (lolol)
  21. you know you're in xG when pyro interjects an argument on the forums with black people eating popcorn
  22. JakeEnglish


    Doesn't deserve to have a forum account either, he'll just keep making these threads forever until all the oldfags have quit and forgot his stupid ass and then he'll get back in. -1 on unban +1 on forum ban