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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. He got mod for paying fifty bucks when he wasn't even in xG. That's kind hard for me to believe. I don't want to upset Silence or whoever let him in but, isn't that kinda.. ya know not fair to the rest of the mod applicants who have been in xG for a while and contributed to the clan? I mean i know many people who have donated to the server more than 50 bucks. Unless he was someone's close friend then I mean, even then its still kinda off. :S
  2. Gawd

    New Jb Map

    hmm... make an awesome THUNDERDOME ARENA WHERE WE CAN HAVE THUNDERDOME AND MASS CT T KNIFE FIGHTS/ WARDAY :D :D :D ---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ---------- ^ oh. Sorry didn't read all of the pages :p If you can make a custom cell for me; if you have time that is it would be sweet to just have a floating AWP next to my parrot spray ( not able to pick up of course) with some kind of OHMAIGAWD next to it :p -----> or just whatever you think could relate to me. That'd be sweet, but obv worry about making your map how you want it before anything else. But I would have to agree with trif's idea. Don't set a deadline, take as much time as you need. Better to make a good quality game then rush it.
  3. Decision: +1 Why: He's a fellow Russian :D But in all seriousness he is on a lot, and is a very good ct/t, does not disrespect and seems like a nice guy in general. Maturity: Enough to be serious and also have fun. Activity:Very active on JB, and possibly other servers as well. Btw man, you can bump your post. It sucks when your thread get buried.
  4. Decision: +1 Why: He knows all rules, and does seem as a good mod. A fair mod, especially with all the trolling and disrespect going on. Maturity: More mature then others. Activity: He's on a lot.
  5. Gawd


    Once, I joined their serv when xG was down. Instant ban, i became a ct and was litterly instantly banned.
  6. Gawd

    Xenogamers OMGPOP?

    AHAHAHAH i play this sometimes with my real life friends. It's fun to fuck around with the random people who join and draw shit :p
  7. Yeah you need to get 10 +1's from members and some from leaders since you are under 16. Good luck!
  8. Gawd


    It really wasn't. There was a lootta of people talking to him, text t's ct's. Aaron was just the one who started.
  9. In one survey, 33% of furries surveyed online answered that they had a "significant sexual interest in furry" and another 46% stated they had a "minor sexual interest in furry", and the remaining 21% stated they have a "non-sexual interest in furry". The survey specifically avoided adult-oriented websites to prevent bias.[11] Differing approaches to sexuality have been a source of controversy and conflict in furry fandom
  10. Gawd

    Lolol furry

    In one survey, 33% of furries surveyed online answered that they had a "significant sexual interest in furry" and another 46% stated they had a "minor sexual interest in furry", and the remaining 21% stated they have a "non-sexual interest in furry". The survey specifically avoided adult-oriented websites to prevent bias. Furry fandom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia discuss.
  11. edit: sorry. -.- wrong guy. Tbh i don't even know who you are.
  12. Gawd


    I just want to say that I think you guys should give him a break. ANYBODY, i mean any mod would get at least semi-upset if the entire server started raging at him, just to gang up. Please put this into consideration div-leaders.
  13. Gawd


    decision: +1 why:Ok I wanna make a good vouch. More than just my simple +1 Mick has been in xG for a long ass time, and he may get pissed at times. But he gets a lotta shit , so it gets annoying. LET HIM BE MOD. I mean he completely qualifies, he is mature. The worse that can happen is that his mod will be removed. JUST LET HIM TRY. +1 +1 +1
  14. no you type in demoui in console. then click load and load "the" which is the demo name.
  15. MediaFire Also a screenshot of him disrespecting me like always. [ATTACH]1650.vB[/ATTACH]
  16. Gawd

    admitions to mod

    Well I was thinking about applying for mod. But after reading everything people have said, post count etc. I will wait to get a decent amount more than 100.
  17. I can play the violin, and the acoustic/electric guitar
  18. Gawd

    New Guard system

    Only problem with the kd ratio is a ton of t's just killwhore at cell check :/ Not really a prove of skill.
  19. Gawd

    New Guard system

    Well yeah Unit. Isn't that the purpose of this thread? To say how bad you are at ct? XD ---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ---------- Not completely sure if I am following..? Ct's that don't know the rules get switched fast. It still doesn't change the fact that it doesn't give newcomers a chance to ct at all. Although I suppose someone could argue that's for the better.. meh, I'm still going with my original statement. I really think the lottery would add so much more diversity and fun to jailbreak. It's boring having the same ct's :/
  20. Gawd

    New Guard system

    thats why i said make it possible to check : NO. To see ct randomizer :p ---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ---------- Well, you are right. The !guard isn't in any dire need of change. But there are cases where it doesn't change. I mean i remember first playing jailbreak I loved becoming Ct, because usually I would never be able to do so. That was because of the long ass wait it took for me to get in. When I first downloaded the maps, I would almost always be like position 22. Then pos 1. *RTV FREEDAY* FFFUUUUUUUU---- The current !guard isn't horrible. But i think by entering into the randomizer by entering !guard would be even better. Especially for the newer players and it would most certainly help circulate the ct flow. So we can have new wardens, and different things to do each round, instead of the normal average warden hogger. (which i may admit sometimes i do so myself :) )
  21. Gawd

    New Guard system

    well, then we can deal with it for that round. Better for one round than for an entire map. AMIRITE?
  22. Gawd


    Yeah I've noticed you haven't been on much. Good luck with the new card ! :p