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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Gawd

    Running a server

    It's as your name says... "complicated" :) Nah, i don't have much knowledge in running css servers anyways. I ran some other ones in the past. Maybe talk to silence or something? Pm him.
  2. Sorry man. Sad to hear :/ Well your cat is in a better place now, playing with yarn with all the other cats.
  3. So where do they send you the code after you fill it out, if they do?
  4. Gawd

    Good News

    Well, I mean at least he's going to try. Good luck. Hope you do well :s
  5. Gawd


    You should get it anyways. It's an amaaazzing game which i personally believed shoulda earned #1 over skyrim. Good graphics. Good realism. Jets, helis, infantry, customization everything :S Since it's pretty demanding on your comp, and my comp isn't exactly.. "powerful" :p i just got it for console and play with my real life friends. Console is fun but 64 man servs on pc seem fun as well, especially on those huge maps! (maps on pc are even bigger) :D
  6. Gawd


    Fucks sake man, i wish my fps could get over 50. Let alone his 100. If that's bad on your comp, I wonder what it would do to my laptop :P
  7. I should +1 just bc of that lol. It is horrible :S But you are active and I see you in J.B. all the time. You have a level head and would make a great mod. +1
  8. Gawd


    :s Sad to lose a good member, but I am sure you have your reasons :/ I don't believe I knew you too well, but you were a good div and helped this clan get to here. Cya dude, I hope you made the right decision.
  9. Well then it appears it's just a glitch with the game/client. Since we can't prove its not just this glitch, I say unban him +1. If you get unbanned, ( which you should ) have fun in xG's servers. :)
  10. Gawd

    Which one's best!?

    Well personally i enjoy the hatpack with the deadmau5, shoop-da-whoop, cone etc. But whatever is to your liking, they are all pretty nice :p
  11. You can't get a virus through a steam invitation. You aren't downloading anything. So unless Steam itself gives you a virus ( which it wouldn't) you're all good lol. :s
  12. Lol. A lot more than that :p But I don't see anything wrong with that. We don't have "too many" mods. I'm still on a lot of the times where there aren't any.
  13. Gawd

    Epic MG Map

    It's possible he just has a shitty computer. The piece of junk im using was running like 16 on lego, until i put in a slightly better config :p
  14. Make misa parrot spray? :D
  15. I have no idea how to make trails. But i would love to have a trail with a bunch of parrots flying after me :)
  16. Gawd

    Lets make a story!

    After colorful finishes his anal rape. OH MAI GAWD checks subb's severly damaged anus out.
  17. Gawd

    Lets make a story!

    Meanwhile OH MAI GAWD calls warden, but gets slain due to tarping psst pass the popcorn
  18. Gawd

    unban me please

    Yeah.. you're not getting unbanned lol. Unless you post a picture in silence's thread
  19. Gawd


    If you guys really want something to lol @ Xeno Gamers - xGO refresh it its something new every time :p
  20. Gawd

    Tarping (MOTD Edit)

    Yeah i would kinda have to agree. It's annoying when ct's say, " all t's crouch to isolation- 5secs later- when i say go" boom dead.
  21. Yeahhh lol. I will consider +1ing though, i mean from what i've seen you were ok. Maybe if i play with you more I will know.
  22. Shiit. I've played with him in the mornings and he's generally not done this kind of thing :s I guess i didn't see all his sides.