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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. I would definetly reccomend bf3. ( i think it came in second for game of the year) the graphics are god, the customization: awesome. The jets tanks helis and sniping is so damn fun. I bought it for 360 (bc all my irl friends play there) but i heard pc is amazing for it. 64 man servers on pc!! Only thing is you need pretty strong computer if you want anything near good quality.
  2. I do kinda agree with segway. I mean its def importanf for community to have input, but maybe the mods should have the real voting power mainly bc of this: -1 you kill me too much or -1 you freekilled me once 6 weeks ago. At least staff members generally won't hold personal grudges. Im not trying to say the xG is bad, ily guys. But come on you guys probobly know exactly who im talking about who would do this.
  3. +1 we should really tell silence about faggots like this. Silence needs to ban them and keep it out of our clan! :D
  4. LOL there's actually a decent amount of people posting this on my facebook updates, although i doubt it originated from here :p
  5. I love how everyone is +1'ing because it has pyro in his name XD but yeah i have seen you around, and you are mature and listen to the rules. +1 bro
  6. I think we gotta trollist in lincoln park. He's climbing in your server, he's trolling your people up.
  7. you can just say bump- etc. for the vouching part : Decision: -1 ( I may change to +1 if you prove) Why: Today during J.B. it seemed like you were pissing a lot of people off in chat with freekill;etc. If you improve then I may change. Maturity: He seems ok from what I've seen on this aspect. Activity: I've seen him around abit.
  8. Gawd

    Ban request!

    Admin aboose.. :S
  9. Gawd

    Ban request!

    3 out of 3 for ban. Guess that's it. The nearest mod perm ban him asap.
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's basically what Pyro said. You can't kill a T under any circumstances unless he actually throws and causes damage to a ct or disobeys orders ( not throwing it into a cell when warden orders him to)
  11. Hey, I've seen you around before. Not sure if you know me but welcome back :) Ok but seriously give me that hatpack or i will commit bloody murder <3
  12. I'm confused as hell, but is this the same Glen that talked shit about Smoke's family?
  13. Holy shit, that is really good. Dude I can't even draw a stick figure nicely so: you are basically a pro in my book
  14. Gawd

    PC vs. Mac

    This is the reason you don't talk about politics, computers, call of duty, furry/bronies(in the same sentence) or racism in xG :p
  15. Gawd

    Pyro for co-leader

    The furries are infecting us!!! even the leadership . But now seriously pyro's a chill dude +1
  16. Gawd

    Nighty Balling hard.

    HAHAHA, nighty just asked me to borrow five bucks, lmfao.
  17. Gawd

    New Jb Map

    I say no to the unstack shoulder to shoulder line etc. On most fun maps the warden already does first reaction lr, simon says, trivia etc. let's do something else for once..
  18. Gawd

    PC vs. Mac

    Commence the flame wars XD but im on a pc. A rather shitty one at that.
  19. Gawd

    Hai! :D

    Hi der micky. I'm not the best at saying hello's so I am going to go off myself in the bathroom.
  20. My advice dude : just take the ban for a week. It's better than not. Also, just saying you can't actually kill someone unless you see their name pop out the cell, not the color of their skin/uniform. It's fun to rebel anyways. In the eyes of the admins, you freekilled the same kid twice in a row, especially on purpose, you are semi-lucky its just a week. HOWEVER, if you really want to and can't wait you can do the one-time offer that silence has said. If you post a pic of yourself saying you love xG somewhere, you can be unbanned. ^ i don't suggest that though bc if you get perm banned, well you are fucked. I would just save it for something worse like a perm ban. It's your own get out of jail freecard. So overall, just take the ban. I'm not +1 or -1 since i did not see. But i do see you play often in the serv so i thought i should post.
  21. Edit: the fuck that wasn't supposed to be a smily face, supposed to be surprised face but yeah. removed. -.-
  22. You can't change half the shit in the real world by just talking, doesn't mean I can't get the word around at the very least. You're not a member of xG therefore your opinion does not matter to me. Plus, a plug-in is just like a donation. Should not get additional benefits. That's just my opinion. I know I can't do anything about it, but I like to get my opinion out :P