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Everything posted by Gawd

  1. Hello everybody. It's been an amazing while here in xG. I really love the community and it would be an amazing opportunity for me to help out here and there even further. The overall reasons why I believe I could be considered a good candidate are as follows : I try to be as active as possible. I believe i have a 100% activity in the jailbreak server. I know all of our rules and try to read motd as much as possible. I try to have fun and at least attempt to make our experience more enjoyable. A little edit here as well: I am often on in times when there is no or a limited mod/admin population ( the mornings or late night) especially on the weekends! In side notes, I have really grown to love the community. I have many friends and close friends within the community and I believe I am on friendly terms with most ( if not all of the staff ). xG has helped me out in more ways than you know guys! So give me your opinons, +1 or -1. Its our community after all and its your say. Thank you all ~OH MAI GAWD
  2. Gawd

    Lets make a story!

    Uhh, im gonna disregard that ^comment. *ahem* stepped on a turtle wrapped in tin foil. BUT WAIT!
  3. Psh, Russia had 25 million deaths in world war two and we still managed to have a drink at the end of the day. ^case closed.
  4. Gawd

    Lets make a story!

    ^ i think that statement is the death of this thread :P
  5. .. regardless of the circumstances, I don't believe someone should be given so many chances.. I'm not gonna say anything but on request: (Private to [xG] OH MAI GAWD) [xG:A] E.Z.KILL [Co-Ldr]: -1 him for me. I can't get on the forums.
  6. Gawd

    Takibo a.k.a dictator

    *taker Jk ily :p gratz on mod
  7. If he really is deaf, i feel kind of bad. But obviously he did deserve the ban so yeah :/ Sucks we can't do something for people that really are deaf :s
  8. Doug ): The way you caused rebellions was almost scary. We have lost a good member </3
  9. Gawd


    Well being a moderator, people should set aside who they like and dislike. Treat people based on how they act :s
  10. Congratulations everybody! You earned it.
  11. I kinda think we should stop adverting that thread :/ It's kinda like telling people, " oh you can murder everybody once, but after that you had better stop!" :/
  12. YYEEAHH i was beginning to wonder if i was the only one. Especially with the gun thing. The first time I apparently freekilled someone because of that glitch. After that first time I was slain and informed he didn't have a gun so i just thought i had some kind of graphical glitch. I've never seen this anywhere except jailbreak :s
  13. Gawd

    The people have spoken

    I thought he had good dancing :) The people in xG servs will always vote for the slightly outrageous one. :p No but really you do have terrible dance moves. <3 aegean
  14. Gawd

    rpg surf

    I don't play RPG surf much. But i can definetly see where he's coming from. When i look at the "!server" list. I definetly see that the population in the reg surf has gone down from its normal area ;s
  15. LOLOL im sorry. I really shouldn't laugh :p yeah i think he's blocking you, but he's silence. What else can you expect? :p
  16. There is not a specified age requirement. We have a twelve year old mod. You just must be mature.
  17. Gawd

    New Jb Map

    Well, whatever ^^ I'm still excited as hell to see this dude :S
  18. Edited. Maybe I did interpret it wrong, i apologize :p
  19. Yeah post it dude xD but to be honest. This isn't the first time I've heard of a melted video card. How does that shit happen? :s
  20. Ehm yeah U.K. serv like just crashed a second ago. So.. no servs up :S Edit: ok nvm i think silenc e just reset it, i believe trails and hats are back too!
  21. While serv's down everybody go U.K. its basically the same. let's have some fun :)
  22. Yeah, I wouldn't really make an unban request when there is really an hour ban :s By the time any admins see it, you will most likely be unbanned anyways. And i was there, it was pretty bad. But i believe you were told to fix, but you kept talking :S
  23. I agree to this, but in a different direction. This wasn't a very big amount of trolling, however sometimes people get trolled and disrespected so much it makes the game not fun to play. Sometimes mods just ignore it.
  24. HAHA, so wait, if i type that in the serv right now. I'll get perm banned? :O