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Everything posted by TheRageWay

  1. TheRageWay

    Guess What?

    All you have to do is highlight it... not hard xD
  2. BOXXY BABEE! [video=youtube_share;Yavx9yxTrsw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yavx9yxTrsw
  3. Girl with no boobs is sad... D: cuz i really like big boobs they bounce xD
  4. TheRageWay


    +1 shes cool to hangout with on death run xD
  5. Yeah xD I have mine say when i use bombs Gotch ya ♥♥♥♥♥ then you could do this.. bind <key> "say -Whatever-;sm_boom;kill"
  6. TheRageWay

    Sound Issues

    Maby your gettting Trolled?!?!?
  7. TheRageWay

    [DC] vs [R]

    +1 I really would like to do this hellll yeahhh xD
  8. Yeah I can its kinda easy xD
  9. TheRageWay

    Good Movies

    I dont know any of these tarin?
  10. Well its not buying your way in.. i mean jail break isnt always full its just you get a reserved slot.. like if its full a non donator or member will be kicked or something like that
  11. I mean not to be mean some times you kinda ask for it...
  12. -1 he tries to tell me the rules when I obviously know them because I remind people everyday..
  13. TheRageWay

    EDM Guide!

    I had no idea techno was that indebt.. lawls
  14. Wow it was like my little pony except with vampires..
  15. The First Two Was Kinda Wierd but othere than that They are pretty good.
  16. I want the one that like flashes and says Distracted? You Mad? and has the troll face
  17. Hey duckii could you make one just with the theme TheRageWay.. if possible xD pL0x
  18. +1 I think if you donated once you should also get a reserved slot but it has to be 10$...
  19. You dont seem like an attention whore..
  20. Im sorry to hear this... but my dad always told me "you get what you get or you get nothing" xD so yeah i know what you mean.. and happy holidays to you..
  21. TheRageWay

    Happy holidays!

    yeah I finaly get some presents! xD
  22. This is awsome who would hate about this i would like to see any 1 try to do this xD
  23. Yeah that sucks derp at least stay on the servers xD