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Everything posted by SyrJirk

  1. Honestly I just don't really like this website. The layout is annoying, notifications are annoying, awards are annoying, and posting in general can rustle my jimmies. Especially if I don't scan for ninja text and end up posting something really stupid as a result. It can be fun but honestly I feel that going around this website and posting is more of a chore than something to look forward to or try to do. I've been a member for six months and in no way can I honestly say I'm a model representative of what an admin/mod should absolutely be but I've been loyal to this website and the people on it for a long time dammit, I've spent hundreds of hours on xG servers by now and I feel its pretty unfair to be forced to have to come onto this website, scan for a topic that I find interesting around here and post on it. Rinse and repeat 100 times. Its an annoying milestone to achieve and I'm sure there are reasons but I find it completely unnecessary after spending so much time on the servers and growing more attached and accustomed to the community. To me it feels like I'm being forced to spend time here which isn't a good feeling at all. Especially when the overall judgement isn't how I spent my time here on the forum. My judgement for mod/admin will be decided by how I am in the game, how I know the rules in game, how I act in the community in game, and if I will make a good and effective admin/mod IN GAME. /Rant
  2. I don't really like any of the new music. -_-
  3. I get confused when I see an admin without their tag. I recognize most of them now but at first it was really weird >.>
  4. Everyone's already said everything about him so I'll just leave my +1 in the mail and be on my marry way! YIPPIE KIE YAY MOTHERFUCKERS!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM Finally found a suitable response.
  6. Don't know if compliment... Or saying I have small penis.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xun_SioXVPg Check it out guys. I made it today after getting some game footage over the past few days. Ninja text lies in wait: Warning this video is extremely amateur and poorly cut. May not live up to expectations.
  8. Hey I just met you But this crazy. And I ate bath salts. And your face looks tasty
  9. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Then I a time lord named Serbian told SuBB to always follow his dreams
  10. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    He never killed her yet he went back in time TO kill her...derp l2r
  11. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Then Kiwi breaks out of moon jail and gets a time machine to go back in time before Celestia defeated him so that he can kill her first instead when agent J...
  12. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Waited for someone to come along and not end it in the next post like a dirty lion monkey when elsewhere...
  13. Do you know what SuBB's avatar is? Its scaring me and the children D:
  14. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Once upon a time SuBB was going to tell me what his fucking avatar is because I'm seriously scared from it when...
  15. Serbian who's the best warden on Jailbreak?
  16. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Once upon a time the end when...
  17. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    Poncher was doing something where the next person COULD NOT kill him in the very next post when...
  18. SyrJirk

    Lets make a story!

    iFarted69 was playing xbox when...
  19. Its not. Its mainly going to be a 3rd person MMO. A standalone game apart from the others.
  20. SyrJirk


    Well let's be honest, many of the regular wardens for the past month or so aren't creative and no offense to any of them but... Y U NO FUNNER?!
  21. Considering man was made in God's image...no its not.
  22. Was the chalk he dropped okay? :o
  23. Lol not even. Half the population of CoD players ignore the campaign because they're idiots, and half of the half that does play it are too stupid to see any of its flaws. The campaign for CoD is by no means popular.
  24. I'm a CoD fan to be honest. Its just a fun game. MW3 was pretty bad. :/