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Everything posted by SyrJirk

  1. How tough am I? HOW TOUGH AM I?! I traded my shiny starter pokemon! Without any milk
  2. I think CTs should be able to shoot through doors once bullets start being shot from the other end. Because after a certain period of time, its just ridiculous to believe that Ts don't have any guns at that point. There shouldn't be a solid rule, but a time limit placed on when shooting through doors is acceptable depending on when warday starts. A 2 minute buffer zone after warday officially starts should be a fine period to refrain from shooting through doors because that's more than enough time on any map for all Ts to get to armory and warday area unless they are not participating.
  3. SyrJirk


    I missed you bby
  4. +1 Good at everything, and I mean everything. A: 5/10 M: 10/10
  5. >Warden starts no balls. >Warden unrestricts jumping (Standing is still restricted) >A T immediately jumps >Immediately freekilled by warden. >"I unrestricted standing, not jumping." Immediate slay followed by shame and regret. This was me. Two weeks ago. I fail.
  6. Just went headfirst into my first scrim match ever. Cristo and Mohammad called me names and I couldn't work TS right. Good times.
  7. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/072/7/4/Random_Name_Caller___FUNNY___by_computercomedyguy.swf
  8. SyrJirk

    A strange request

    Is almost completely empty when I'm on :P
  9. SyrJirk

    A strange request

    Its not like I can't wait, I just don't tend to be active on the forums very much because its typically very slow on here and boring. I don't really get what you mean by noticeable difference either Forest ._.
  10. I wanna donate so I can apply for mod, but I have to use my father's account but there's an issue that needs to be resolved on his account that prevents money from being added to it, but he can still receive and send money. So I need someone to cash in a 20$ moneypack card I bought, on their own account and send it to me so I can donate.
  11. "Fuck you" And then I was hooked.
  12. I vote for Doug because thunderdoug
  13. You know I feel a lot like a dictator lately. I wonder why :)
  14. This. Every time I find a T just camping cells the CTs are to blame. Don't blame the Ts for CTs being lazy/dumb.
  15. Only problem I see with this is that it would have to be updated as MOTD is updated to keep CTs (new and old) with up to date info, I'm not exactly savvy on my programming but that might be a little more than a brief pain in the ass.
  16. It's because Criken's internet famous so he gets a bunch of his fans and friends to help him mess w/ people in games. Its not fair :c
  17. I want this hat for xG servers- [ATTACH]4638.vB[/ATTACH] Also can we get a list of the other accessories besides just the trails? Like tracers, hats, glasses, etc.
  18. +1 For being "My boy", being a very active member, knowing the rules pretty well, and not completely annoying to listen to. :P
  19. Everytime I try to get on the server while its on Parabelum it keeps saying Your map [Parabelum other stuff.bsp] doesn't match the server's. Anyone know what's going on here?
  20. [Team] @ Caleb Russel Howland hacker.