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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Stence

  1. A pimp being escorted around by a bunch of 13 yr old white boys O.o _Edit_ Can paid admins and paid mods be the bitches?
  2. +1 Only because he watched octopus girl, worm gush, and some other gay shit.
  3. +1 The owners of Xeno Gamers can treat any forum registrants as in-human beings. By agreeing to this, you agree to sign away your life, giving it to Xeno Gamers. We may use it when we see fit.
  4. -1 Never seen you before but the first time I ever did you said you could just get admin by using a voice changer and making Aegean laugh so.... no definately no...
  5. Sorry man you need 100 posts, :/
  6. Hello everyone my name is Stence, in this guide I will tell you how to be a more tolerable person on JB. Warning Wall of Text! One, Don't ever mic spam just to try and get the crowds or the community's attention if you are not Warden. It is annoying and will most likely get people to start hating you rather then finding you funny or likable. For Example, Spence joins the server with a voice changer (Already breaking rules,) He think's it will be funny to use a Satan voice and constantly talk over everyone to try and make himself look funny. The crowds reaction will most likely be yelling at you to shut it off or just stop talking the minority's reaction (Not racism I mean minority of the crowd,) will either be laughing along.. but would you rather have one person think you're funny with the rest of the server finding you annoying? Or remain neutral? Two, Swearing isn't always the best option, excessively cussing and using racist slang could be funny at first but over using it will only get more people to find you annoying or immature. In fact I read that a person who doesn't swear on the job site but is still out going and humorous will be more likely to get a promotion then the guy who is outgoing humorous but constantly swears. Here is the reason, swearing only makes you look immature if you constantly swear you are more likely to not get farther then the guy who behaves and doesn't swear. Most people won't take you seriously enough to even consider you at times. Three, Lying I made a big mistake the past couple of weeks on DayZ where I would lie and lure people to places with promises of Helicopter crash sites and vehicles, then I would most likely ambush them and kill them. This has earned me a bad reputation with most of the DayZ community of xG and there fore I play with my other clan CSB on DayZ because most people on DayZ don't trust me that much. It is the exact same on Jail Break if you go on their spreading false stories and hopes and dreams and lying your way to the top. Eventually everything will come right back at you, we have had many examples of this in xG I will not use any names but people do lie alot. Example you know that pro CSS player who is a player named Zainab or what ever. Well a impostor came to our server pretending to be a girl like Zainab same name and everything. Whenever asked to use her mic she would respond "Don't have one" which is stupid because if she is Zainab she is sponsored by Razor which means headsets out the ass. It was later found out that this impostor was a boy and not a girl after all, sorry snipes :). Four, Breaking rules and not reading the MOTD. If you come to the server acting like you know everything because you are running off another clans rules.... boy are you in for a wild round of Jail Break you will be harassed for not knowing the rules and most likely slayed or banned. You will then most likely continue to bad mouth the xG community complaining how are rules are stupid, meanwhile you haven't even read them. Just take five minutes and go read the MOTD it literally takes five minutes or under its not that long hell at the least you should skim it. Finally Number Five, Be yourself. Don't think you can attach onto someone who is higher or more liked in the clan and expect to have the same reputation by acting like them. I personally hate it when I come online and seeing people impersonating Doug, yes it irritates me I am wondering "Man why can't you just be yourself and play as yourself not as another person?" It is annoying and very stupid and if you have to act like another person on Jail Break who you are not you will most likely be shunned for it because of these reasons. A. You fail, B. You are not the real person, C. You try way to hard to act like that person, And D. Once again YOU ARE NOT that person. Overall just be yourself, touch up on the rules every once and awhile try to have fun. By doing this you should be able to be a more likable person, but if you start coming onto the servers breaking rules constantly, being annoying then most likely the xG population will start to hate you. I am not trying to tell you how to act or what to do I am simply trying to help you improve on what to do. I play alot of Jail Break and I am tired of this constant mic spam over wardens.
  7. I am on JB almost every night I caught a couple of wall hackers the other day XD Maybe you never see me because I sit in spectator and watch other people play watching for free kills and tarps O.o
  8. Ploochi to Member to CSS Moderator Broseph_Stalin from Member to CSS Moderator Rise from Member to TF2 Moderator Turdwig from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Stence from CSS Moderator to CSS Admin Microsoft from Member to Minecraft Admin
  9. STEAM_0:1:48875809 <3 Thank you guys, You are awesome :)
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08&feature=fvwrel How about no -1
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veJhSO2r8u8&feature=youtu.be
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QGkOGZubQ&feature=related EDIT So since Duplolas thinks I am jealous he got a helicopter here is a picture of my clans helicopter :). [ATTACH]3333.vB[/ATTACH] @@Duplolas
  13. Stence


    I was wondering or just wanting to hear your guys opinions on what is a good VST plug in? I prefer East West for acoustic but I need some good drum sets and synths.
  14. I would +1 you but I never actually see you on JB Ever XD I only see you on DayZ so i'm at a 0 for now.
  15. Stence

    CT banned.

    Anyways you should be unbanned its been a week maybe not sure.... but next time I see you break rules or troll i'm going to perm ban you and I got enough proof of you breaking rules to make sure you stay banned because i'm tired of your bull shit.
  16. What I find funny is the only person who wants him as mod is DupLolas another big troll of xG LOLOLOOL
  17. Stence

    CT banned.

    [ATTACH]3212.vB[/ATTACH][ATTACH]3212.vB[/ATTACH] Dude honestly just leave don't come back to xG i'm tired of your bull shit, that is proof of you opening the cells NOT AS WARDEN and giving them a freeday without the wardens consent you have been warned multiple times to stop doing this and you continue to do it. You enter the server mic spam for warden and then give no orders and do a first day moomad freeday then a second then a third then a fourth you are a troll and now because you wont use your mic you open the cells and make it a free day yourself? WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? Please tell me because im tired of this constant bull shit when ever you are on you make the game boring and a living hell seriously man grow up you are possibly the biggest troll in xG. Edit------ -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Keep him banned hopefully he learns his lesson.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztVMib1T4T4&feature=related
  19. Stence

    ARMA II Division?

    Well this idea fell off fast
  20. -1 lol no you left and you had admin honestly I don't see you on much and you are not very mature when you are you just spam for warden and call everyday freeday... so no just no go touch up on the MOTD plz thanks.