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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Stence

  1. Stence


    If anyone buys me Chivalry Medieval Warfare I will do canadian stuff.
  2. Stence

    Lupe Fiasco

    Lupe claims he skate boards, ye right that nigga cant even olly push him away on a dolly don't even say he can stop me.
  3. Stence

    Amanda Todd

    This is so fucking stupid
  4. #BiggestFaginXG2012
  5. Stence


    when is this gonna be stopped? Does he even know what game he's playing?
  6. YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS KOREAN? Time for a picture..
  7. You freak out too much :/
  8. Planetside 2 on Max graphics with a budgest of 900$.... that will be hard
  9. Here is the story. I was just sitting down, playing some TF2. My mom asked me to help her get some groceries, no biggy. Just let me turn off my game, I told her. I pressed the power button, that was it. I walked out, and she says" GET STARTED!" I thought"what the hell is your problem?" She hadn't even made the slightest motion to take 1 bag herself. Okay, mabye she is just in a bad mood, yeah that's it, I thought to myself. After carrying about ten bags in at once, she yelled" You aren't DONE YET? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I was suprised. I've NEVER seen my mom like this. Most people would go ballistic and start swearing her out, but, no, I respect my elders, i'm not going to yell at my mom. I made sure not to make the mistake of leaving more bags this time. I put as many bags as I could on my body, but one more remained. Fuck, I knew what was going to happen. "YOU LEFT ONE! AND I'M NOT WAITING ALL DAY!!!!" Still, I kept my cool. After getting the bags put in, and we were in the house, her voice lowered but she still was talking shit to me. "Put the grocieries away! And don't be as slow as you were before!". I was getting a little angry. "Um, Mom, could you help alittle?" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?(back to yelling it seems)"I BROUGHT IN ALMOST ALL OF THEM! YOU ONLY TOOK 4!" I was angry now." What do you mean? I took all of them in while you stood there and bossed me around!" Oh lord, she exploded." YOU LITTLE BASTARD! YOU NEVER BACK TALK TO ME! I FUCKING PROVIDE YOU WITH A HOUSE AND FOOD UNTIL YOU GET YOUR ASS OUT(I haven't even graduated high school yet, how can I live on my own?) BUT YOU JUST INSIST WITH STAYING HERE EATING ALL OF MY FOOD! WHO GAVE YOU EVERTHING YOU EVER HAD? ME! NOW, SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" I was bursting with rage. She went too far. I punched her in the face, and I think it broke her nose. I was now horrified of what I had done. When my dad walked through the door and saw what I done, he got scared and said "You're moving with your bisexual cousin in Belair." I waited for a bus and when it came near it wasn't too fresh and had dirt in the mirror. If anything I could say it was expensive, but I thought nah, forget it, fuck paying a fare! I pulled up to the condo about seven or eight and said "why did I come so early I should have come late" I looked at his condo, I was finally there, and he said Yo homes welcome to Belair!
  10. This is why Ganja was demoted because kids like you Jump to conclusions that it was Ganja and insist on that he abused his powers, yet you do some stupid shit like this... God some people.
  11. THESE ARE SERVER RULES. There will be no cheating or bunny hopping during a gun toss. There can be further rules given but only if they are fair and do not give the advantage to either of the players and only the T can make these rules. Cts always toss first. Oh okay so we are getting technical, Let me help you out. 1. Maybe that CT sucks at climb so he is destined to die.... thus giving you an advantage. 2. Only dicks do gun tosses like that.
  12. Stence

    Opinions from xG!

    Just shut down JailBreak its so unpopulated these days.
  13. "I don't even consider it racism" Well technically ganja was in the right... The man was saying "Nigger" WHICH IS RACIST and if Ganja if offended by it and he wants to kick or ban its in the server rules... this thread is invalid lol.. "Proof" 11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severally. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately. Read it Shadow... you should know this... As for the Button spam it is a offense, and you even posted proof of Deadly admitting it, 7:31 PM - || pCp || |Deadlyl Julius Caesar: i was just spamming button when ninja was on it i think 7:31 PM - [xG:M] ShadowSpy: Ok then 7:31 PM - || pCp || |Deadlyl Julius Caesar: making him come back instead of going on the flying things 7:31 PM - [xG:M] ShadowSpy: k Lol, look into the server rules before making a abuse thread and the jailbreak rules...
  14. +1 Good member very active, mature and knows the rules will.
  15. EVERYONE! EVERYONE! Settle down... The Real Question is will it blend?
  16. Stence


    Oh no this thread again... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7YB_K-njNw
  17. Sorry I am so late to reply to this, I'll cya later man. I wish you luck in your future adventures. LELELELDATNECROTHREAD? UMAD?
  18. Lol had to go for the video with the gay guy, couldn't go for the video with the girl could ya?
  19. Stence

    New Website Format

    The back round of the website needs a picture like platinum XenoGamers and blue flames and shit around it in a purple abyss with white at the very edge