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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. I managed to find a clip of one of my ranked games on Youtube. I'm Kat in this one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhAAh41i6Mw

    @MineCrack Pointers are all I'm asking for at this point, I'd be more than happy to duo with you on your smurf

    @Stence Just looking at

    play, I was playing for myself. If you noticed, as soon as sivir ulted, I backed away a little bit to give me time to judge when the best opportunity would be to shunpo in instead of saving sivir. She was retarded for running in imo.

    Do you smart cast? If not you definetly should on an assassin such as katarina (not all champs doe, unless its preferenced). Your transition after your ult was really sloppy and kind of stood still. You don't ever want to do that, EVER(even if your get the kills)!

  2. Got a better idea for you man, download LolReplay and re-watch your own games. It's much easier to spot your mistakes while watching yourself play. Notice your flaws and where you could have improved and just take note of that. Here is also a link to a CS Chart per minute or what you should be aiming for at least by each time mark if you want to drastically improve your performance. Now it is a perfect CS chart so you may not get that CS by the recommended minute mark but it is a goal to aim for at least...


    Also I don't know if this will help you but I used Mobafire a lot when I was newer too just look at what some builds/ masteries/ runes people were recommending. That also helped me, some people don't do this but it might help you. @IAmLegend Good luck man! You'll make it.

    That chart doesn't include jungle creeps, and as a midlaner you should always be clearing jungle camps that are available. It's a decent road map but I wouldn't stress too much on CS in SoloQ, but it should always be up to par regardless.


    @IAmLegend Stop duoing with dirty dan(bioclip, I recommend blocking him too), he's awful and holding you back. Also, stop building Katarina glass cannon in your elo. Yes, it's powerful but so is a tanky Katarina. Your base damage is retarded, and your ult is just as retarded. You'll be able to go in, do serious damage, and get the hell out.


    I'll gladly duo with you on my bronze smurf and show you tricks to carrying hard with Katarina(really only mid champ for the current meta I have on that account lol).Though don't expect me to climb you, I'm only doing for maybe a division at the most as I highly oppose any sort of elo boosting.

  3. Right before the screenshot was taken minecraft was giving orders and someone commented that his voice was sexy, so I said "you should hear him bark" and told minecrack he should bark for us. It was said in reference to a little while ago when Minecrack was following me around between JB and MG and Barking on mic saying "woof woof, am I turning you on yet matsi? woof woof"


    -1 He's just mad cause he's banned again and this is the only place left that he can attempt to cause problems.. :llama::llama::llama:

    It's funny because I never did that and without demos I can't prove so. I already know regardless you're turned on by the surplus amount of children on jailbreak so there would be no need to bark.

  4. Would be nice to see the -rest- of the conversation, i.e. what you said. +/- 0 until there is a little more evidence shown.

    There was no conversation, I was telling a story on my mic and he decided to say that. I would never ever encourage a furry to have sexual conversations towards me.

  5. @@Matsi your side of the story please. And demos if they are helpful.


    I've seen the trolling about furries that you do, not really a surprise that he did it back. -1 unless i see something that actually means anything


    @@Tsuchikure @@DarkWolf6052

    -1 because we disagreed with the furries? That's some great logic man.

  6. Since every group here (regular people, ponies, bronies, and the animal lovers) can agree league is awesome, we should have flairs. This will show our support for professional league teams! Also, it will bring together all the groups and throw aside our hate for each other in league!




    example of flairs^

  7. I dont feel there is a need to put complaints in this thread.

    You're asking the community as a whole for ways to improve the severs nonexistent population, and to make the server fun again. Clearly if there is abuse it would ruin the experience for the players, thus making the server not fun. Therefore it does belong in this thread.


    If he has a problem, he can tell the division leaders, and they will sort it out.

    He did, and you quoted him telling him to PM you. Less abuse is a suggestion, just as any other suggestion, which should stay on this thread.


    Again, please dont continue it here, if you have a problem, contact me (dont know why you would, as you dont come on the server)

    I don't come on the servers due to piss poor management and no one being on.


    And i really dont have the time to continue to tell you why I dont want complaints here, so please stop posting stuff in this thread that is irrelevant.

    For one, less abuse is a suggestion. Two, if you don't have time for complaints here, why would over PM be different? Being realistic, you have time. Although it may cut into your fap time to girls you will never get, but at least you're doing your job. Right?

  8. Apparently they aren't doing the whole Co Leader thing, it's apparently going to be a council, and even if they did do the co leader thing, there's no guarantee it would be him(knowing who you are talking about).

    There's not much to do other than listen to people whine.