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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. I set it up, but i never set up the protection, It wasn't ready yet and i usually do protections last when i build.




  2. Am I seriously the only one who knows he doesnt care about getting unbanned? He hardly plays why would he care if he's CT banned for 1 week? This is 1 of 3 things:

    1- Because he wants to troll/start arguements

    2- Making this JUST for the sake of making it (As in making it just because he can)

    3- Hes trying to get the person who banned him in trouble

    So for the 3rd (Or 4th, idk) time, Please, for the love of god close this. It was already resolved, nothing useful is coming from it.

    It's almost 100 replies.

  3. that game where you get ready for a hurricane instead of arguing an invalid viewpoint on a forum.

    No hurricane (it was a tropical storm that dissipated) to get ready for and my point, there is no "invalid viewpoint" my child. Also, since when was there an invalid viewpoint?

  4. Again, I'm not a fan of defaulting our server to generic-level. Plus, for the millionth time, the last time we did that people bought too much, and just gave away credits and people ceased to donate since they only needed to ask the wealthy for a paycheck.

    Thanks Obama!

    But seriously, a store will not save CS:S, especially one that everyone else has.

    You should at least add back the custom skins, I was always fine with that. It doesn't exactly feel like I'm playing jailbreak w/o them. Also, it's baby steps to "improving" the CS:S division.

  5. Thats only because you braught it up first. and im talking about the time you have been on you have acted extreamely immature and trying to start arguments. If thats way your going to act on servers, then i truely think you should be banned off of CS:S servers.

    You brought it up first actually, derp said one thing and you took the liberty to talk about GG. I told you to calm down and to stop being upset. Also, Derp never asked if you were mad/called you mad.

  6. we both respectfully asked for the thread to be closed.


    Is it just out of spite that you would bring up GG because i deleted your DarkRP files on purpose? :) <3 Audible.

    P.S. Ragequit = leaving a clan where the leader is a narcissistic asshat, but yea i get what you're saying.. :)

    SNIP SNIP too mean.

  7. I never stated that I want this thread closed, and this has nothing to do with GG so do not bring that up, this is about your ban from CT and your behavior in servers lately.

    It's funny because you randomly brought up GG in game just to say bad things.

  8. You where talking why round change and continued to talk at the beginning of the round so it gave you warden

    Okay, if I wanted to get warden I wouldn't hold my mic down at the end of the round & over because that's stupid. Once again, I will have to disagree with you.

  9. -1 for extending the ban

    +1 for taking action towards his attitude lately. He has done nothing but troll or be a complete ass hat on CS:S servers lately. like when he spammed for warden he opened cells and gave T's a freeday because he couldent have warden.

    It's sad this thread went from extending my ban to +1 for my "attitude" recently. If you don't like my attitude, that's too bad. You can make a member protest if my attitude is that bothersome and it cripples your experience in xG.


    I won't deny your accusations of me giving that invalid freeday, because it is all vewy twue. I am sorry though, I shouldn't have done it and I do agree it is wrong and may upset people who actually want to play jailbreak. Though understand screaming spammer at me after you failed to get warden before me makes me think you're trying to use your position as a staff member to get warden. I may be wrong, but I would like to say I did not spam (which you will probably disagree with, also it should be made a separate thread).

  10. He was there. So was I. We were both in game.

    The only one making themselves look stupid here, is you. Your attitude is the only problem anywhere you post.


    The get down to it fact of the matter is:


    Warrior was in server, there was a situation, he handled it very wrongly (beyond outside of the realm of what he should have done to handle the situation [slay warden, all chat invalid freeday etc.] rather) by smiting all. In continuation of this, I am not disagreeing that the intentions were good, but when you put it down in black and white, the bottom line is it was abuse and it was such in a way of doing something strictly forbidden. Our argument here (regardless of you not being Co at the time) is that the way the "higher ups" (darkwolf was a "higher up in this case as well", and is in this case) did not handle it correctly. the punishment for something strictly forbidden is demotion immediately to member as well as depending on the issue, potentially permanent bans. however instead of following that, we are pointing out that it was overlooked and rather than demoted from Admin to Member (or non member in the case of a perm ban) he was demoted only from Admin to Mod (which is a joke since there is literally no difference, "oh no I can't make votes that I get in trouble for anyway by the nazi regime ruling over fun") and my initial permanent ban given to him through source bans (as that was the standard) got reduced by serbian to a month, and then later removed by poncher after 24 hrs from initial time of ban. There is really only 1 thing that really stands out in this case as opposed to Aaron's case.

    Warrior is on a very friendly standing with the "higher ups" (namely darkwolf [reference to my thread in admin discussion here]) where as Aaron (the other culprit of this "strictly forbidden" abuse) is punished to the almost full extent (I say almost because he wasn't perm banned, only demoted to member) which is still way more severe than warrior's case.


    All these statements in this thread are points about favoritism, and how unfair the "higher ups" are being, and it is a point I have been pushing for a long time now as something that needs to be looked at, we are taking baby steps, but there are still more cases that come up along the way which push us back.


    @@Forest if you would like to have a more in depth discussion and not clog this thread up, please by all means, log on steam. then message me. where I could also provide links etc to some things.

    Regardless of what you think, bottom line is slaying @all to poorly fix a bad situation is a big difference from banning @all because it's late at night. If anyone should be punished, it should every single person who abused their powers for fun on "late night jailbreak."

  11. @@Forest, how could anyone comprehend that freesmiting 10+ people would be beneficial towards the server? I was there, he did it because he got killed just before the invalid wasd freeday was called and got bored (which he also did without consulting any of the other staff members on at the time, myself included). Anyone with half of a brain would know just to call an invalid freeday and possibly slay the warden for giving invalid orders. You can try to sugarcoat up the obvious favoritism towards warrior (a staff member who rarely gets on the division he's supposed to be monitoring mind you) and the whole situation regarding his freesmiting, but we can all see the deep layers of pure bullshit underneath.

    For one, it wasn't 10+ people (7-8, I think you meant 10+ people complaining). Two, he simply dealt with the situation poorly. There were a large amount of people complaining about the day which was then restricted in the motd later that day. I brought it up with higher ups but nothing was done because not enough complaints have gone through. People thought it was hilarious at first, then it started happening frequently (then it became a problem). You should stop trying to make him look bad, it's just making you look stupid in front of all the people who were actually there.