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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. It's funny because I never did that and without demos I can't prove so. I already know regardless you're turned on by the surplus amount of children on jailbreak so there would be no need to bark.
  2. We don't find what we say disrespectful at all, but what does that have to do with me being sexually harassed by Matsi?
  3. There was no conversation, I was telling a story on my mic and he decided to say that. I would never ever encourage a furry to have sexual conversations towards me.
  4. -1 because we disagreed with the furries? That's some great logic man.
  5. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Matsi Offender's Steam ID: N/A Rules Broken: Sexual Harassment/General harassment. Evidence: I was telling JB a story and Matsi decided to sexually harass me, I've felt so uncomfortable before in my life. Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot
  6. Seriously though, let's be real now. If the fox fondlers can be unbanned after massing, why can't paulie?
  7. +1 if furries can get unbanned he can! (except from zoogs)
  8. MineCrack

    League Flairs!

    Since every group here (regular people, ponies, bronies, and the animal lovers) can agree league is awesome, we should have flairs. This will show our support for professional league teams! Also, it will bring together all the groups and throw aside our hate for each other in league! example of flairs^
  9. Out of curiosity, will this crash and burn such as the DayZ epoch server did?
  10. MineCrack


    You're asking the community as a whole for ways to improve the severs nonexistent population, and to make the server fun again. Clearly if there is abuse it would ruin the experience for the players, thus making the server not fun. Therefore it does belong in this thread. He did, and you quoted him telling him to PM you. Less abuse is a suggestion, just as any other suggestion, which should stay on this thread. I don't come on the servers due to piss poor management and no one being on. For one, less abuse is a suggestion. Two, if you don't have time for complaints here, why would over PM be different? Being realistic, you have time. Although it may cut into your fap time to girls you will never get, but at least you're doing your job. Right?
  11. MineCrack


    If there's abuse of any sort on the server, don't you think we should all know?
  12. MineCrack


    LOL! Oh boy, "start" LOLLLLLLLLLLL Inb4 tells me to jerk off to a video game.
  13. MineCrack


    Good joob gecko, now u r free.
  14. MineCrack


    Clearly thriving. *staff for dayz quote dis post n come up wit excuse pls*
  15. There's not much to do other than listen to people whine.
  16. Great, now xG can have a co leader banned from zoos nationwide!
  17. I love how someone mentioned HG JB, which is actually good and is backed by a massive community.
  18. Don't worry, balanced champs such as Riven/LeeSin will be able to duel him.
  19. Honestly, it sounds like a personal problem.
  20. Too long ago for me to remember, but based off your 3 previous bans for breaking server rules you definitely massed. I wouldn't have accidentally banned you.
  21. It's BS because you didn't see any proof for a ban that happened over a year ago? Yet you can't remember what you're banned for, I'm sure starbucks would simply ban someone for no reason! :lol: