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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack

    Nigga Wtf

    It wasn't exactly rape, she enjoyed our little afternoon. Took the liberty of leaving your house phone number with me too!
  2. MineCrack

    Nigga Wtf

    Yeah I didn't give 2fuckz either when I didn't pull out of your mother.
  3. Tip: you won't learn how to be better at the game from anyone on this forum. Watch last shadows coaching
  4. MineCrack


    Server don't work
  5. MineCrack


    Tl;dr stfu he say server work so it's work
  6. MineCrack


    Messaged me on league saying he was tired of xG kids. Not false alarm
  7. Since you're new you'll mostly play against free week champs, and ashe. Try all of the free week champs (aram helps with this) to learn what they do so you have a better idea on how to play against them. That will simply boost your mechanics, eventually you'll figure out what every champ does and you'll be much better at the game just from that. Of course there are other mechanics but you'll learn eventually from watching better players. You should also smartcast, if not immediately eventually you must if you ever want to climb high in the ranked system.
  8. http://puu.sh/7EDgf/da985a628e.jpg almost done
  9. Let's not forget when you were going around asking for DDoS services against a clan that banned you.:whistle:
  10. >makes this thread >says he's saving up for stronger champs >forgot the only champ he should've mentioned >tempted to tell him to buy this champ >fkit.jpg Buy Jayce, it's a real manly champ.
  11. That sir, is a personal opinion. I only stated facts, which may sway that opinion of your to fact. But not what you're implying though, of course!
  12. I've never heard of doto 2. At first, I even thought it was a bird but it appears it's a moba! You should probably switch over to league of legends though, it's actually popular!
  13. Twitch VG torny if anyone is interested.
  14. Hexakill is pretty fun. Though, comps with mobile champs that can roam usually win. Also the TP/Revive late game terror is real.
  15. It's an hour ban, you can go jack off and pretend you have a girlfriend during that hour instead of complaining about moderators doing their job correctly.
  16. Do you smart cast? If not you definetly should on an assassin such as katarina (not all champs doe, unless its preferenced). Your transition after your ult was really sloppy and kind of stood still. You don't ever want to do that, EVER(even if your get the kills)!
  17. That chart doesn't include jungle creeps, and as a midlaner you should always be clearing jungle camps that are available. It's a decent road map but I wouldn't stress too much on CS in SoloQ, but it should always be up to par regardless. @IAmLegend Stop duoing with dirty dan(bioclip, I recommend blocking him too), he's awful and holding you back. Also, stop building Katarina glass cannon in your elo. Yes, it's powerful but so is a tanky Katarina. Your base damage is retarded, and your ult is just as retarded. You'll be able to go in, do serious damage, and get the hell out. I'll gladly duo with you on my bronze smurf and show you tricks to carrying hard with Katarina(really only mid champ for the current meta I have on that account lol).Though don't expect me to climb you, I'm only doing for maybe a division at the most as I highly oppose any sort of elo boosting.
  18. Play tryndamere or shaco. If you can't carry yourself out with those two, you probably belong there.
  19. MineCrack

    Furry Superheroes

    I'm asking this on behalf of xG, aside from the furries (hidingmaster/darkwolf), to kill yourself.
  20. Since when was I sexually harassing people? I don't expect a minecraft child to know what that is.