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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Since you asked, regardless of whether or not Steven acts out in such a manor anymore, it is simply a reminder that if he wants to be staff he should not act in such a way.
  2. 0 Not sure if you still do this but you use to harass people on jailbreak for no reason if said person was annoying or if you were annoyed. If you are getting annoyed you also tend to lose your temper. I haven't played much jailbreak in the past month, so I'm not sure if this is even a problem anymore (not that it was that big of an issue anyways).
  3. After that thread title you need to step down and focus on school. Don't show them this thread title either or they may keep your gaming ban to more than weekdays.
  4. So basically he made his name seem like he was wearing staff tags. XG;DM Twired XG;DM: Twired XG:CLassic DMTwired XG;DMtwired etc etc etc. Staff didn't want him to make his name those type of things to prevent confusion/issues and he made this thread in response :wacky:!
  5. But is that what rreeeeaaallllyyyy happened?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN0IuqgC3N8
  7. This expansion is really fun! I just did a quest where I talked to this elf, then I went to kill these birds. I killed 10 of them came back and talked to the elf again to get XP. I am very satisfied with this type of gameplay :wacky: so I did the same thing with different monsters and quest givers for 12 hours. I hit level 110 so I am going to aim to do end game activities. For example, I will be doing raids and dungeons :wacky:. It is basically like questing, but there is more people there and the quest givers are next to the monsters.
  8. It was a mixture of everything. I was really unmotivated to get on and work on the server since building was not being done. Yes, I covered all of this in my OP. If anyone has suggestions please leave some. Take note to not make suggestions on the current faction spawn, that is getting tossed completely.
  9. Also on a note of the downtime, that was a NFO issue.
  10. Alright, so there is a lot of topics I want to discuss so I will be leaving this in general for more feedback and information from the community (specifically people that played today). Prior to release Prior to Saturday, we only had one builder(Rukibah) working on the Faction world spawn. The task at hand was rather daunting and large scale so it was taking some time while our deadline was coming up on Saturday. We had Klure (our creative spawn builder) come on and assist with building the spawn. There was simply too much to be done and spawn was not finished by Saturday. Owl and I had the simple solution to call any xG member willing to work on building. This basically assembled a team of roughly 8 builders. At this point on Saturday, it was very apparent we would not meet our deadline so we decided to release the server today(Sunday). Although all of the intended building was finished, spawn's quality was severely lowered due to the time frame that was given and everything straying away from the original builder's design. It was rushed and we should not have released the server. Deadlines After discussion between staff, deadlines were set for the server release. This is a bad idea, and I apologize for not speaking up on this matter. We will not give any release date or ETA for anything minecraft related in the future. It sets unrealistic expectations on people that have other things to do and also that do not have a drive to work on minecraft 24/7. In the future we will only provide a release date when we know the server is tested and ready for people to actively play on it. The release The release of the actual server today was fairly mediocre for several reasons. I had not been able to fully test permissions in an environment where players are actively trying to play the game normally. I resolved most, if not all, issues with permissions at the expense of causing the server to lag for almost a minute at a time per reload of the configuration. Some plugins were not configured properly, mainly factions. I did brief testing to see if the plugin worked and did not actually do a gameplay test. This resulted in people having to use faction ranks in order to allow other people to build in their faction (sorry). Spawn, well, did not look to good. I am no builder but the general concensus was that spawn did not look good. The actual town that spawn was hosting was rushed and it was very obvious (it was not your fault either). Do not take this as an insult to anyone that has helped work on building, I appreciate your hard work. The store of the server was not up, however this is somewhat irrelevant. Some people were asking for this though. I was going to throw up a buycraft page but realized we would not need it. There are more reasons but these were the ones that stuck out the most to me. Every other issue ties in with these. The future Releasing the server actually provided me with lessons in which will help me improve the server. With that being said, the server will be shutdown and return when it is finished. A short list of things that will be done before the next release: A new spawn will be built that will take the form of a hub. This will provide us with a re-usable spawn that can support server expansion in the future if minecraft takes off. Faction spawn will also be remade. I will work on the game content. This will include things people requested today upon release and anything people recommend in this thread. Specifically Mcmmo being the biggest thing people requested will be added. We will do actual live play testing. Today actually turned out to be really good for me and owl because we got a good understanding where the server stood and what we need to do to improve it. Play testing will also allow me to fix anything permission or plugin related. This will give us more time to come up with more EULA compliant donator benefits. Please post CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and feedback. Feel free to recommend ideas or themes for the new hub/spawn. I also apologize to anyone who wanted to play on the server, even though it is at a functional state we will be closing the server. Anyways, thanks for reading.
  11. Sorry we couldn't get the server out on time. I am just recently transitioning into my university environment again and I was very busy this week. When I wasn't busy, I was tired and didn't feel like working on the server. We also had building to be done with one builder for each spawn (creative and faction), creative was finished but faction is more than just a spawn where you just read rules and leave (like creative) so it is taking more time. There were also a lot of last minute things that I had overlooked and didn't expect to happen.
  12. Woah! In today's topic let's all suddenly forget about the rating in between -1 and +1 because I was traumatized on my mod app several times! Its truly amazing how dumb some of the replies and ratings on a member app can be.
  13. You don't have the ribbon gif? Are you kidding me?
  14. What? I still don't see the insult, maybe you don't know what an insult is? Snowyminion was responding to Rubidiums comment regarding the forum rating. There was no insult in that post. The quote above was a direct response to Rubidiums quote bellow regarding the forum rating received from snowy (boring): Every member in this community (including snowyminion) are entitled to their own opinions. There was nothing insulting or disrespectful regarding snowy's reply which enlightened Rubidium on why she received the rating.
  15. So where exactly did snowyminion insult someone?
  16. What? That is irrelevant, thanks for restating yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyFOzZTBexg I never quoted you, I was simply elaborating the situation as to why you are banned and how this thread is irrational. What you don't seem to understand is that this is a community, and if you post a ban appeal you will get feedback from members and staff of this community. Whether or not someone replying to your thread is staff is irrelevant even though ultimately it is their decision. Staff will take into account feedback from the community and their own judgement when deciding a ban appeal.
  17. You blatantly broke a rule in order to gain an advantage over others through cheating. No one forced you to do this, you chose to cheat through using scripts on xG servers yourself. By doing so, you knew fully the consequences and the consequence is a ban. This thread seems pretty irrational. -1
  18. MineCrack


    Your machine or something on it is compromised. You should probably do a fresh install and see if it continues to happen.
  19. xG already has a no disrespect rule. If someone is being offended by a derogatory term that is said towards them, that person can always notify staff in admin chat. "Autistic" or any varient of the word should not be restricted due to the simple fact it will lead to restricting every little thing that offends people or that people find disrespectful. This is why the disrespect rule was put in place among other reasons to cater to such situations.
  20. +1 nice person and supports the clan. also active in game and ts. a: 420 m: 420
  21. Comparing racial slurs to a word that labels an impairment?
  22. Might as well throw up a member protest then.