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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. Gkoo doesn't join servers to specifically gather negative things on people.


    Gkoo doesn't question every action done by someone higher than them, when it doesn't even involve them, trying to find a wrong to report it. (trying to get them demoted) [can't touch dis]


    Gkoo doesn't sit in teamspeak with "friends" talking about wanting to demote others for not thinking the same way as him.



    just saiyan


    inb4 "flame war"

    These are the reasons i see that this is not a complaint about Gkoo. and he asked why it wasn't about Gkoo.

    I don't join the server just to get shit on people. People in Teamspeak telling me that someone is breaking rules, I get on and check.

    He never said you did.


    Sounds like a guilty conscience to me.

  2. DuckiiJr, What the fuck is it gonna take to get through that thick, shit-filled skull of yours to understand we don't want you back?


    You've hacked, trolled, made threats, made threads about those threats, made threads about the threads, mic-spammed teamspeak, been dissed by your Senior, and now this is your 5th account on the forums? This just proves you don't learn a single thing. You say I'll stop or I'll change, but what I'm seeing here is nothing but a repeat after repeat and repeat. I'm pretty sure that even if you went to a therapist, silence still wouldn't unban for 2 reasons.

    1. It's Silence
    2. You've shown so much immaturity that it's impossible to crawl your way out of it.

    You have a petition to unban, and you need 1000 signatures? And you think he was being serious? Seriously, there's only 1 way to put it.


    We don't want you here.


    How many times do we have to say this? Every single time it's the same story. "Please feel sorry for me, I've been banned for a wrong reason," usually followed by new users spamming threads with phrases such as "I don't know he but he seems nice +1."


    Just stop.


  3. Towny.


    I enjoy building, and PVP always causes conflict in the clan.

    you could build in your own individual plot. free of pvp and retarded ness. you can also add people to your plot so they can build too.

    It still won't have all the perks/protection towny provides.

  4. Was a great game. xG went 16-0 to win the game. -Segway -Bryce -Bees -MinceCrack -ExcisioN

    Yeah lets just throw the top 5 plays we have against a garry's mod clan. Lets just crush their self esteem into nothing. LOL

    You shouldn't post anything unless it's constructive. You're stating the obvious.

  5. -1

    A: 8/10

    M: 0/10


    - You have no self control, you griefed the minecraft servers SEVERAL times.

    - Your attitude is awful.

    - You blatantly disrespected warrior several times, don't even deny it.

    - Went on other servers to massfreekill.



    This would either be directed toward myself, or @@Warriorsfury because we are both CS:S Staff and have rooms.

    Cool? That's not my main point.

  6. wtf they were a garrys mod clan and you told me they were good, fu!


    TaraN and Outlaw are good. We didn't know about the other 3 though.

    I was worried we would get stomped <_>.

  7. bc i spit the truth

    So what if he's gay? There is nothing wrong with being gay.

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with bein gay or a furry I was just saying he is just like matsi without the gay/furry part

    I don't see why you would describe someone by their sexual orientation.