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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point.


    Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi.


    But you're ignoring the fact he did not spam. Show me what rule he broke.

    When did I say he's spamming? He's disrespecting dark wolf, clearly he doesn't like what's being said about him. I don't see the point of a mute/gag, Jacob knows what he's doing to upset dark wolf. Muting/gagging will just give him time to laugh about it with his friends.

  2. Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point.


    Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi.


    If anything he should get punished for the disrespect.

    He's spammed more than business. He should be punished for disrespect and spamming.


    Sorry if anything comes our stupid, I blame auto correct.

  3. That isn't really an excuse to skip the necessary steps in punishing someone.


    Also, what was seen here can't really be considered spam. Every time Jacob put the fake bind in (except for one time) there was sufficient space in-between. I'll repost the screenshot I took just to clarify this further. fazqtd.thumb.jpg.b3e759d30b484e8a0d78436e55ba4538.jpg

    Entries 1 and 2 were nearly a minute apart, so that's clearly not spam. Entries 3 and 4 were only 1 second apart and could have been considered spam if Jacob had posted it 1 or more times, but since he only typed it out twice, it can't be considered spam. Lastly, entries 5 and 6 were also just about a minute apart, which cannot be considered spam.

    This made me laugh. +1 that was pretty good :D


    Needless to say, just because he forgot one simple step should not mean his demotion. If someone was constantly saying something like "Oh you fuck children you pedo" would you be pissed if you were going to get demoted from a high rank just because you accidentally missed a step? As I said, this should only be a warning and not his last strike.


    Yet he had been warned before, several times actually.


    You all are looking at this as either a personal dislike for him as the reason for the abuse thread, or an isolated issue.



    i'm the same as you, if darkwolf abuses he abuses and he gets demoted. Not my problem, but im not going to go out and MAKE SURE he doesn't get demoted. Hes not the BEST DM but hes a good one. It just seems like TOO BIG of a punishment for a little thing.


    It is neither.


    1) I posted the proof, because I'm not going to lie for a friend. He abused, and he did it clearly in the proof. But he has been warned already and failed to follow the warning. I have no dislike for him, I'm just not afraid to point out wrongdoings.


    2) Already been warned, let's emotions get in the way and kicks people without reason. He then lied to me about it.

    Why are you refusing the fact Jacob spams, trolls, and breaks general rules of the server constantly? He shouldn't be warned at this point.


    Yes dark wolf let his emotions get the beßt of him but let's not forget who Jacob is. Acorn new day is not a fresh start on jailbreak. He knows exactly what he's doi.

  4. Matsi, please take some time to look at Hiding's demo.


    Also, this thread should probably be closed before it turns into a major shit storm.

    I can't really watch demos so why don't you explain what was so abusive about his actions?


    Under consideration Jacob is usually chat spamming or trolling. He knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it.

  5. I'm going to change my vote to a +0, I can't really edit because of my iPad. I can go both ways by saying dark let his emotions get the best of him and went straight to a kick. Bla bla bla and he needs a wake up call bla bla bla.


    Take under consideration though Jacob has a EXTENSIVE spamming history on the servers. This should be watched for.

  6. I don't think you guys understood my recommendation for snowballing bans, one week for one free kill is outrageous.

    I agree. A slay wasn't even in question, as you can see if you watch the whole demo I am immediately accused of freekilling then told I was being ct banned.

    Though on a serious note a group of active CSS staff don't like you. Just play it safe and don't free kill because they'll just jump on you for it.

  7. Says the one who just got another CT ban, this time for a week.

    Pretty much got banned for not remember why I killed aeon when I killed 11 people in the span of 8 minutes. Next time you think I freekilled ask me when I kill them not 8 minutes later.


    It wasn't me, other mods and admins handled it and then let me know. There is proof that you freekilled, and thus you more than deserve the ban.

    Where's this evidence?

  8. But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem.

    Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already?


    Of course, but it comes down to fear of banning him. We know he would come on and argue it, and without proof it's hard to justify it. Now that we have plenty of it we can prove that he doesn't deserve to play here.

    The proof is basically him coming out of armory late (I do that all the time, it's nothing game changing). Him saying "I'm baiting I'm baiting" isn't necessarily trolling. Maybe if you were his friend that wouldn't phase you. Him running through the T once he realized he was leading them to armory is stupid, just slay him or team ban him? If he gun planted you slay him and or teamban him. If he's breaking a lot of CT rules then perm CT ban him, it's not right to continue to let someone break rules once their un CT banned.

  9. 5 bans and a member protest thread aren't enough of a warning. If he hasn't gotten the clue to stop the trolling and blatant rule breaking by know then he isn't responsible enough to get it at any point in the future.

    His member protest resulted to not be useful, it was closed on request of the person who made it because it they didn't have enough proof, and he knew that Dms couldnt act off that thread.

    A 1 day ban is a warning, for something like a week ban, but it's not really right to go from 1 day to perm.


    But it made him aware that at we didn't appreciate his attitude on the servers. I don't know how much you've had the chance to play with him on the server, but it's the same attitude every time. I wouldn't have made this had I thought a week ban would solve the problem.

    Though if he's as bad as you guys make it seem, then shouldn't he have been banned more than he has already?

  10. How long has that been available?

    For the longest time, lol. It was established that a Basic MoTD would substitute the MoTD ingame on CS:S Jailbreak. If you type 'motd' ingame, that will pop up :p

    Ohh.. I don't read rules though.

  11. All the "top" servers have a general rule list and usually a simple bullet list for team rules. What really scares players away is the novel of rules.

    And thus, the birth of the Basic MoTD Rules. It satisfies both parties; those who just want to gist of what's going on and what to do, and those who want indepth details and regulations.


    In regards to what I said earlier, I'm just telling it like it is. Moderating isn't supposed to be fun. That's not a perk you [anyone in general] should be thinking of when accepting a Staff position. That's all I'm saying, lol

    The birth of what? I suggested a basic motd several times but it would just be me writing my own rules.

  12. We really need hub. I've played on other Jailbreak servers to look around and see how they get so populated. The top 3 other ones I went to had a store system with hats, models, trails, ect. Our Jailbreak, as of right now without hub, is Counter Strike Source with a Jailbreak map and a warden plugin. I really hate rushing something but we've been waiting for so long and sooner or later we'll lose a huge amount of players, which would lose potential money. Hub would get us to earning money a whole lot faster. @@Rhododendron

    All the "top" servers have a general rule list and usually a simple bullet list for team rules. What really scares players away is the novel of rules. Generally if you don't act like a asshat on other servers you don't need to read the rules which will actually attract players to continue to play(and eventually read the rules). I won't name other servers but CSS with a jailbreak map works fine with the right rules.