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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. -1 Michael seems new but not a mass freekiller or baddie. I recently ct banned him but I think if he takes time to learn the motd he could be a good player

    Lol hes a part of xG if he doesnt know motd he is just bad. He doesnt mass freekill, be is disrespectful to so many people on the server.

    Please realize that Michael is a old member + MOTD has changed dramatically over time, and it's a small novel.


    Also his "disrespect" isn't that bad.

  2. We're mainly a garrys mod clan but we're trying to expand and get to CSS too, so we won't be as great as you expect aha.

    says this.

    goes against this.


    -Segway -Bryce -Bees -MinceCrack -ExcisioN

    How am I suppose to know? I saw taraN's RWS and got scared.

  3. i did state i had no proof. But i have a shit load of wittnesses that will state Michael ruins the experience for everyone and everyone new to the server.

    I can a surplus of "witnesses" saying he did nothing wrong.


    Get proof.



    1 isn't a surplus FYI. #checkyaself



    It's an example >:(

  4. I'm 15, I fail at school, Don't tell me what to do. How the fuck does it not make sense, Did you read it? I said, Don't fuck up again

    I was referring to the latest post in the quotes.


    I'm just going to stop posting on this thread to avoid problems though.

  5. You guys all have valid reasons to keep him banned and to Server Ban him. However if it was me in his position, I would try and make up for it. I do believe this can be your chance to redeem yourself. However doing a mass on a no balls is a pretty fucking stupid thing to do. I don't know how old you are but you've got to start being mature especially now since you've been given so many chances. Now for our community, we are suppose to work together and think together. Dirty Dan has separated our clan into two places. Side One, People Who Hate Him. Side Two, People Who Could Give Another Chance. I agree that Dirty has fucked up so many times but I wan't to see him change, I wan't to see him redeem himself. I Vote for another chance but if you fuck up again, I vote for server banned. I am on both sides of the clan. I am one of the youngest people on the community and I watch a show to help each other and love (My Little Dick). We need to help Dirty find himself to be nicer. You guys just need to calm your tits of banning him and be nicer yourself. Or all our hearts inside of us will burn just like people do to Forests. For Dirty Dan, You step up your game and stop being mean. I am a friend of Dirty Dan but that is not the reason why I am voted for unct ban. I can use my element of harmony (Loyalty). and help him. But You guys have to look into your hearts too. So if you havn't guessed my vote yet, I vote for one last chance, DONT FUCK UP AGAIN. +1





    Literally the same thing people said last time, so by this logic you voted for a server ban. I suggest changing it to a -1 so we can tally correctly.


    Nep, I gave my opinion, No matter how you take it because you're a different person from me doesn't mean you can make up your own shit. You make me cri

    Make sense, please.

  6. Changing my vote.




    Even though he claims to have changed, he really hasn't. He displayed his old colorful behavior today while we played a game. He got upset and began insulting people for absolutely no reason at all (then began spamming channels). Clearly if he's continuing to act that way he should NOT be unbanned.

  7. +1 , banned for perm on TS for saying shut the fuck up, lol?. Even with his previous offenses, that doesn't warrant a perm, make it another week, also he hardly trolls on the servers anymore, he just does dumb shit as a CT

    If you haven't already, refer to my post.

  8. at1_gstatic_com_images_7aed27b84b0ffbfe0ced36999dd4ba45._.jpg.45a72a7c5c93861ded2a904d57d68a52.jpg


    This is me & my papi coming home from the jew school, I'm the one on the right #hmu #jews4lyfe #cantbeatme


    What do you boys think @@Reflex @@Gawd @@HaaDron @@TurdWig


    & I can't miss my main jew @@Rhododendron


  9. (edited because I didn't read all le posts)




    You shouldn't have broken darkwolf's blacklist or blatantly disrespect him on purpose just because you don't like him. Also, before Aubri started commenting on your attitude you came into the room ranting. You had it coming and it should have been a wake up call that people don't want to be around you because you troll way too much. Lastly, you weren't banned over that comment to her. You were banned because you went on about other things and people became tired of your shit.