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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. So, what do you do for fun?

    On the computer or in real life.

    What do you recommend other people try?


    Oh, you so don't want to ask me this.... :cat:

    I do. In detail.

  2. So, what do you do for fun?

    On the computer or in real life.

    What do you recommend other people try?

    I'm pretty sure we all play games for fun on the computer. .


    IRL I hang out with tight friends I've known for a while.


    Though if people are really bored and want something different in their life they should get a girlfriend (not trying to come off rude >_>). Also I don't recommend having a relationship with animals and "yiffing" with them, that's not an alternative to a girl.

  3. It's a community channel, if they want to keep you blacklisted they can.


    Personally I don't like blacklists. Most of the time if that channel is populated, you'll most likely have friends in there which can't be accessed. But, you shouldn't have done what you did to get blacklisted in the first place. I remember you being quite annoying while you were in one of warrior's channels once.

  4. So I was talking to Prius about hub, and he said the final hub wouldn't be done quick enough to please us. It has a lot of things to be fixed/done etc etc.


    Then I asked him how long for what was originally on the servers (hats/trails/colors) and he said a day or so. All he needs is support from the community (+1) and Silences approval. Note, the hats/trails/colors would be temp until the final hub is done.



  5. warrior you said you didnt change a rules (camping rule) when everyone knows it was you, please dont lie and also you should have banned me on muti verse server instead of tekkit because i didnt grief tekkit. how i was not in the clan and i was part of another clan at the time so i was just a xG regular, and you only have a sourcebans saying i freekilled, do you have a demo?

    1) Please make sense when you reply.

    2) You griefed tekkit spawn, and griefed multi-verse.

    3) I can't make sense of what you said.


    I can't tell if these maturity ratings are trolls.

  6. i didnt mass freekill in xG btw and also i maybe greifed creative but i seen more xG members + do worse, and the tekkit was not protected so therefore i was able to break it. last but not least you were a mod and changing motd for css when you weren't a DM+, you freesmited me for a rules that was not valid and then dont even say sorry , but instead you go to darkwolf and make him, make a rule with out discussing it with other dms or DL, and almost all admins and mods dont even know about.

    Just because you've seen a xG member do something bad, doesn't mean what you did isn't bad. You act like it isn't a big deal.