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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. -1


    Although business went over board with his disrespect+spam, he's still a good guy. After this experience he will MOST LIKELY change his attitude and stop his previous actions. Really, with the exception of a few people it seems like the furries got pissed off by business and are ganging up on him. Someone should simply have a talk to him about his attitude instead of just out right throwing a member protest up. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad of a guy. Trust me (which you most likely won't).

  2. your still a part of the community...

    1 member who is highly disliked vs xG community.

    I'd rather not embarrass myself anymore buddy.

    Just do it, make your possible last moments funny

    One, at the most he would lose his xG membership.

    Two, who are you to even say that?

  3. Drove with friends to see fireworks. Got there, hundreds of cars there. We got stuck in traffic so we just pulled into some random apartments and walked to see fireworks. Once they were finished we left and I got rear ended by some idiot >.>


    But overall not too bad, gonna be at my friends rest of the night.

    Your boyfriend? Or...

  4. @@Rhododendron

    A lot of the good maps on MG are "already played" and become playable. Yet, some of the maps are playable and continue to be playable.


    tl;dr restart server so we can play good maps and server can be populated again. And possibly remove the maps I said?

  5. Only people that have unban powers on the forums are @@serbiansnaga and @@Rhododendron because we don't have a forum moderator control panel yet. The only mod options on BusinessMans profile is "easyban_user_already_banned_hours" so I'm guessing he's banned for less than 24 hours as of right now.

    I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay.


    He still needs to defend his case.

    When it says "hours" its less than a day, if longer than a day, it says "days"

    That is terrible indication, but okay.


    He still needs to defend his case.

  6. I thought it was put up monday morning?... My bad

    It's okay bb gurl.


    On another note, he should be unbanned to defend his case.

    Only people that have unban powers on the forums are @@serbiansnaga and @@Rhododendron because we don't have a forum moderator control panel yet. The only mod options on BusinessMans profile is "easyban_user_already_banned_hours" so I'm guessing he's banned for less than 24 hours as of right now.

    I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay.


    He still needs to defend his case.

  7. He was banned right AFTER this was put up. I was the one who banned him.

    He had 2 days to reply and I know he saw the thread because I asked him about it.

    You do realize this thread was put up this morning, right?

  8. And @@MineCrack quit being an idiot, Like I said. I've never Mass FK'd before, why would I do it after 2 years?

    How am I an idiot? I'm stating completely valid possibilities. Also, pretty sure you said you're in college. Play dates still?

  9. Still a +1. Hate me everyone. I still love DuckiiJr. This kid is always fun and it's the internet. I like rollercoasters!

    Bingo. +1.


    +1 for reason above


    Also, the only reason i see silence would be liable is because of his troll ban reason "Unbanned when you kill yourself"

    People who would be held liable are the people who joined his Teamspeak and trolled him(From what i heard, it was foxxeh and vector, maybe others too)


    Just foxxeh.