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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. He said take the initiative and do it yourself. not suggest it and try to get other people to do it.


    Not suggest it and try to get other people to do it? What rank am I?

    A moderator...

    I'm not a fucking DM I can't do shit as a mod. You CANNOT do anything without a voice, and that "voice" comes with rank sadly. Not saying im power hungry, I tried my best but it did not work as you can see. So all i'm going to do is sit back and watch.


    It doesn't take DM to make a community night. All you have to do is say hey guys we are having a community night. this server. this time. join it or forever be a faget. just ask someone to make an event. community night does not necessarily mean you have to offer credits for the non-existent hub.


    There is no regulations on it. Though, since I needed DM permission for a comp. night you would jump to the conclusion you would need permission for a community night.


    Warrior is simply preventing the possibility from looking like a fool by scheduling his own community night, he's just a moderator.

  2. So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members.


    And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry. That you guys are pussies and can't handle the truth



    Damn, you harsh..



  3. @@Rhododendron

    I believe you wanted the map names before adding them in?

    //random maps















    //course maps



















  4. So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members.


    And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry.





    luv u 2 bb

  5. So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members.


    And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry.

  6. -1

    A: 7/10

    M: 0/10


    Griefed the tekkit server, scum.


    Thats minecraft, he acts fine on CS:S (which is what hes applying for anyway)


    +1, he's fun to pla with, was active and still is mature.




    Did you know he was banned from GFL for having a friend DDoS them and scripting on their servers?

  7. guys look disrespect is really not needed like at all. if someone is complaining over something like a slay that they thought was wrong or something very little where it wont change much for you then just slay yourself. you'll come back next round and get to play again. its not like it is life changing or changing your staff rank. ITS JUST A GAME. also if a arguement is really getting out of hand to the point where its ridiculous then be the bigger man and say you were wrong. Were half of you people never taught to pick your battles. if you weren't it means don't argue with someone over something so pointless as a slay to where its a big arguement over ts, forums, and ingame. just say you were wrong and it will be forgotten about tomorrow.



    Do not take this as disrespect daddio, but have a backbone. You are saying that if you slay someone and it turns into an argument to just "slay yourself" or "be the bigger person and say you were wrong", well sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and seem like a little bitch because someone is arguing. You don't see people in court when they are arguing just all of a sudden go "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't of brought you to court for raping my child. Judge, I would like to take the blame for the rape of my own child because this man was arguing with me." If you are right about something, don't give up. If they keep arguing and you KNOW that you are right, then warn them to stop, and if they don't, further actions will be placed upon them.


    Disrespect has been going on since this whole clan started, no way to stop it, or fix it unless you wanna ban the whole fucking internet from xG. Try your best to solve it yourself, whether it be;


    1: Ignoring said disrespect

    2: Reporting to a staff member

    3: If you are a staff member, deal with it appropriately

    4: Don't take it personally.


    I understand there are some limitations, but come on, if someone can really make you cry, and make you that upset, you are not mentally stable to be on the internet. It is as simple as that.



  8. I am so utterly confused how this turned into a threat that was claiming disrespect... Kirito made a simple joke, and as a clan leader you should understand that people tell this same story a lot. It may or may not be the truth, but as a community it would be right to assume you are lying. We have never, will never, and you will never assume someone is telling the truth when they submit a ban protest. It is up to the one whom is banned to prove themselves innocent. You got off easy, and you acknowledged it. Why would you go on and then disrespect xG? Permanently banning all of us from whatever events/servers you have, not allowing your people to play with us... thats a little excessive. For the stuff that we had helped you out with in regards to other bans for your members, I would expect a little more friendly response. I went out of my way to make sure that the issue you were having was resolved, then you turn around (remember, after a more than lenient ban on you) and disrespect us.


    It's a week ban, for MASS FREEKILLING AND LEAVING... What were you expecting from us again??


    I know you said goodbye, but it irks me that you did this. Sigh.


    All he had to do is sit out the ban.



  9. 0

    He didn't fess up at first, if it was just an accident it wouldn't have been a problem.


    I didnt know what was going on at first. i thought it was someone else because i didnt know it that.


    Again it was in the end an accident if what you say is true.


    The ban should just be shortened perm is kind of ridiculous for something not intentional.

  10. Where did you get this big dick from all of a sudden minecrack? Win your first couple games of league?




    Sorry, what type of reaction do you want to here? I don't care. I said we but that represents the clan badly but in reality no one cares. It's fun to pretend though, right?

  11. My decision has been made.. I request this thread to be closed and removed.. You will see no more of XEC. We will not tolerate this, therefore we will leave.


    Good Bye


    We don't care.


    We? Who the fuck are you?



    EDIT: I may have offended Aegean, I did not mean to disrespect a one man clan! Accept my apology oh great sirs!