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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. Why would anyone hate anyone for voicing their opinion on a ban protest?


    Nearly NONE of the +1s give any valid reason. gg


    You can't just +1 because you want to KISS ASS



    These constant unban threads are getting fucking annoying.


    You don't say? qt.

  2. I'm actually in Teamspeak now if anyone wants to get on.


    And I would get on JB, but it's some dumb missing map error. So I'm waiting for the map to change.


    Thanks again and I look forward to meeting new people.


    Try downloading that map off of gamebanana then dropping it in your maps folder.


    I spoke in a private channel to someone trying to help me. Going through Steam/Steam Apps/etc. Recently, Steam made a change of the HL2E (Half Life 2 Engine games) and it is no longer located through your user folder. It is located in the Common folder which is where I went to locate it and I only found the pre-installed maps. So I'm not really sure. Lol




    Just download the maps the server is on and put it in the folder with the pre-installed maps. And you're done : p

  3. I'm actually in Teamspeak now if anyone wants to get on.


    And I would get on JB, but it's some dumb missing map error. So I'm waiting for the map to change.


    Thanks again and I look forward to meeting new people.


    Try downloading that map off of gamebanana then dropping it in your maps folder.

  4. Silence has the choice to ban Charrax, and his members, for his actions.


    Charrax should have thought out his actions before acting like a immature child. On another note, when I was on GFL MG you began to harass me for no reason at all. Your ways have not changed bud.


    EDIT: If anything, only audible/no1dead should be unbanned as they were some of the few people who continued to play on xG servers after the split.