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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Lol'd. [MLG] Sparten 117. And he has a booter loL! Should be a week ban I believe. +1
  2. D: +1 W: A mature active guy in this community, fun to play JB with. A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  3. Us mods/admins are there to take care of these type of things. Any reports I get I question both members of the situation. To be honest though, 5 out of 10 complaints are not freekills. Just people mad they got killed :grief:! On the note of other rules, mods/admins/div/paid authority are on pretty much 24/7. I'm on in the morning when the starting population is 0. Also, what RpgS said. It's not that bad. We'll be there to hold your hand when someone breaks the rule(s)!
  4. D: -1 W: Starts many problems on jailbreak then likes to argue and talk trash. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten any infractions... M: 4/10 A: 8/10 Mind being a bit nicer to people? A wise Div leader once told me, mods(cops) are in da hood, and people will talk trash.
  5. I'll join. I'm awesome. I shovel my mothers shit.
  6. Strange. Dr has talked a lot about this but no comment?
  7. +1 Very sexy and well made. DOORS DUN KILL YOU!
  8. I've seen you argue with Mods and abuse before. You don't think through your actions either... -1
  9. The game mode should definitely be escape. Survival is boring, just pick a spot and spray. I've played on other survival servers, the jurasstastic park maps are really fun :D!
  10. I rather be demoted than everyone bitching at me and making me look bad, it's not really a reason for me to stay mod.
  11. Also, he's unbanned so shouldn't this thread be closed?
  12. So I was thinking about it, maybe xG should have a CSS zombie server? Feedback would be appreciated on this idea.
  13. How ever it is wrong of him to do that, and punishment should be administered, it is very hypicritical since you have done it in the pass before. To brock and multiple others.
  14. This is coming from the person who gets mad he can't aim in a scrim. Also who argues with everyone and anyone then makes threads asking why everyone hates yourself. Has nothing to do with abuse, only you being butthurt during a scrim.
  15. On the note of DuckiiJr banning. He runs completely off of emotions and the trust of words from his friends. I've seen multiple incidents of him letting his friends get away with things. From the moment DuckiiJr came on, he kicked someone for no reason, then talked trash about them in admin chat. While DuckiiJr was on, he never once warned peppermint, not warned other people disrespecting peppermint. DuckiiJr is always the talk of the abuse yet nothing happens.
  16. I told everyone to stop arguing. They did not. Then DuckiiJr comes in and kicks candadian for absolutely no reason at all. The only thing Peppermint did was talk a lot. I told everyone to calm down and that we're all having fun, he should be able to talk. Everyone continued cursing each other out. Also, are you really going to believe someone without a demo? I wouldn't just not do anything. I did gag several people and mute a few. Mostly the people cursing out peppermint in chat, I came in from the beggining and sat in spec watching the situation unfold. Peppermint was having a good time and skrillex told him to shut the fuck up. It escalated from that point. Also, if you're going to demote me do it now. I didn't do anything wrong, and everytime I ban someone for disrespect (or kick for the matter) they make a big ordeal and make me look bad with other people. Not only that but haze me when I join the servers. So I tried to defuse the situation by muting/gagging people.
  17. Was there, people got mad at him for talking to much. Not disrespect, simply DuckiiJr being butthurt. He kicked someone for asking "how Jessica is." I don't see any disrespect there, now does anyone else?
  18. MineCrack


    Hide my ass? I told serbian everything. You clearly don't even remember what happened. You were banned by other admins not me, and I attempted to support the case. If you want to be ignorant, I can use big text so you can read. Now, go back and read everything and stop being butthurt that you didn't get your credits.
  19. MineCrack


    Get rid of soda all together, then get on a gum addiction.
  20. MineCrack


    My head is full of fuck. We should discuss this tomorrow. We're obviously wrong on both ends, no avoiding that. Some of this is outer clan and I want to keep it that way. I also know I can't be going around lying like that just to prove a point. I have proven it though but it can also cause conflicts which could have easily been avoided. Understand this though. The nodus ordeal had nothing to do for what you were banned for. It was only support to get you to crack under pressure. You were unbanned, it was over then. I have not lost any suspicions on you though, you were killing people instantaneously after they teleported to you. And you also spammed which you're playing stupid if you deny that. Not to mention, you admitted to having a client. TL;DR OP got mad he didn't get his credits.
  21. MineCrack


    I'm jelly. My parents don't buy me much (they buy a lot for themselves). I usually intake 1-2 sodas a day though. When I have relatives over we pretty much eat out every day. You could go for a walk every morning. I walk around 1 mile minimum every morning. On your sugary snack intake, you could eat healthy snacks that taste good. A bunt cake with strawberries and low fat whip cream is a small example.