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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Smoker doesn't like your kind. +1 W: Very mature and fun to play with. A: 7/10 M: 9/10
  2. MineCrack


    Always had exploits in the session protocol.You can still steal a session I believe.
  3. Also, a week wouldn't work maybe just 12 hours of game time?
  4. Dropbox Instant upload, and you can get the link instantly.... We need a .dem, and or pictures.
  5. +1 I don't mind being CT all day err day. Being a rebel is to easy and boring now. I don't get that thrill anymore, not on this server that is.
  6. Joined a clan that was branched off of xG. It dies so you come back? +0
  7. MineCrack

    Paper Weight

    I came on to late, like literally maybe 5 seconds after it happened. I did get the other guy doing FR:LR for last request.
  8. idk man,,, he rely skitchy, he mite b hacking lmao dnt jump cunclosion.
  9. As you know Mohommad an EX Admin (useless). He left xG to become an ESEA pro and in search of skills to lift in a video game. For those of you who like to spread rumors without pulling your index finger out of your ass to do 30 seconds of research. He wasn't vac banned, he was probably permed multiple times but was unbanned because it was unjust. Specifically targeting the rumor that he got VAC banned, then deleted his account, bought it back, then on the steam sale bought an account. >Same steam ID >Same friends, and games. Conclussion is he is using the same account. >Inb4 13 year olds rant about some theory which is wrong.
  10. >Mass Bait >Mass Free-Damage >Freekilling +1!
  11. +0 I've had problems with you and the motd before. P.S. VB.net is horrible. #Java
  12. MineCrack


    +1 He invented the phrase WWTD? (What Would Turkey Do)
  13. Still couldn't hurt to try it for a week.
  14. Because we're supose to be trolling and take anything serious.
  15. In a different community while applying for xG. If I haven't already, -1.
  16. We could try it for a week then revote. It's better than severely denying any change to jailbreak and keep it the same-old.
  17. +1 Old JB with the hldj and no gay plugin.