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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack


    I might make a thread on how to be smart about this type of things.
  2. MineCrack


    No offense, but how the hell do you fall for that. It's not a verified website.
  3. MineCrack


    This scam went on for VI. I did take in part of last years money making tactic by bulking on the gift codes. Might do this year but i'll probably give them away.
  4. +1 W: He's a boss at scrimming, raped me multiple times. He also plays minecraft!
  5. MineCrack

    Your YOLO.

    xD. Some nice responses! The flame war has begun!
  6. For one, never attempt suicide. You don't want to die, and if you do it should be naturally. Two, get help. If your dad abuses you in that type of manner, you can always contact help. Three, maybe message me on steam, I can possibly help you with your dad...
  7. Good luck. What did you expect after joining xG? It simply shows that you're a particularly unique member that deserve to join the family. You could have waited to get mod? I don't really see you logic other than your dream but good luck.
  8. She still gets to abuse me, great. P.S. It was 4:36
  9. MineCrack

    Your YOLO.

    Post your YOLO moment with possibly a picture. Doesn't have to be true! You. Only. Live. Once.
  10. MineCrack

    Abortion, Y/N?

    If you didn't have protected sex, faults on you. But I do support abortions, these monsters can create many problems. Example: Watch teen mom.
  11. I've been in surf twice because someone told me someone else was breaking rules. Those two times I came in, that person stopped after being told so by someone else that wasn't an authority power. So I don't see why you can't try that, and if they don't stop you demo it?
  12. +1 M: 1/10 A: 9/10 W: He's a good guy. He was fair on minecraft when it came to bans. Other than his CS:S history/past... Rabid [mc] 2012?
  13. Faggot. I saw your general thread about getting a job and donating, then I thought. Maybe he wants to donate to another community! JK. Hope you're in xG for a long time.
  14. Selling my old RS account for money to donate. I haven't been doing much to benefit the community other moderator early in the morning and late at night.
  15. After all the griefing, fighting, ENDERMAN GRINDERS, diamond stealing from mods. I think it's time the server gets a map/mcmmo reset. Why you may ask? Numerous xrayers have gone around, towns have been griefed, and of course, admins/mods teleported to towns and robbed them. MCMMO stat reset. Mob grinding (specifically the infamous enderman grinder). It's real abusive, and people are overpowered...
  16. Another person left just now because they had to read the motd.
  17. MineCrack

    Jailbreak MOTD

    I doubt silence cares, or the D leaders. The jailbreak motd is obviously a personal novel written by Silence for his own erotic pleasures on jailbreak. Lets get to the point though. It's to long to read, unorganized, and makes people leave. No one wants to read that, in jailbreak two people left after they saw how long/unorganized motd is. What would be better? Simplified rules with a CT title and T title so that new player can get straight to the player rules. Rules that get you banned after. Games we normally player. (FR:LR, Simon says, etc.)
  18. Hopefully gawd doesn't leave :c.
  19. First off, I have to retype this since CS:S just crashed on me. I -1 Rosser because of his rude attitude. Whether it's talking over warden himself or cursing someone out in game. First game he told me I had bad aim after making a snotty remark. I honestly think he is a troll, and he's full of himself. That's just my opinion though. I don't care if for example, Chrono, has a better pass with him. I don't really care about that, i'm going off of my first impressions and overall attitude. Also, I found it very disrespectful that Jihad invited me to another channel in TS for Chrono to literally tell me, i'm a bad moderator. He said that after implying I told Rosser to fuck off. I simply don't feel like elaborating with someone like Rosser. Chrono if you think i'm a bad moderator over my opinion on a player, you can protest my member submission. P.S. It wasn't fluffybunz, so stop bringing that up.
  20. I want the beta so badly. Tried to SE a copy, still waiting for the response.
  21. Locked. Mods couldn't access. Town is protected also... I even had a friend try to open from another town.
  22. MineCrack


    I was robbed, for the second time. Bg was robbed of potions. /discuss.
  23. D: -1 W: Whined on jailbreak when something bad happened. He's not very nice and full of himself. A: 3/10 M: 6/10
  24. CS:GO will crash and burn. #CS:Source