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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack


    He also threatened me earlier.
  2. MineCrack


    You're simply backing my case up even more. You never killed me, you killed my friends. Therefore, you're in no position to make any accusations if you don't even remember the situation. In reality, you're butthurt I didn't give you any exploited credits. When I said no you spammed "LOLOLOL" on skype then raged about this.
  3. MineCrack


    Thread should be closed. OP clearly does not even remember the situation nor in any state to defend his own case.
  4. MineCrack


    I did lie to get you to crack, which in fact you did use a client to spam and xray. You were originally banned because of your spam and hackusations by others that you were using an aim-bot to kill everyone. (Which was under suspicion by multiple people since you're invisible for at least 5 seconds as you teleport to people). You were killing them instantly. So we had a huge discussion and I tried to back up oscar's bluff (hopefully he was bluffing) to get you to crack under pressure. After you were un-banned you obtained a full set of diamond armor and tools within 30 minutes.
  5. MineCrack


    He's mad he got banned on the MC server for modding. So he wants to do everything in his power to get me banned when I wouldn't give any tool to him for free. As McNeo said, you can get them for free if you really want a bad tool :hurr:.
  6. MineCrack


    Debate is whether goosebumps is a good child hood book or not.
  7. MineCrack

    Pony Thug Life

    I don't see any 40oz.
  8. MineCrack


    You admitted to using a client instead of nodus via HF. I said nodus to see if you would crack under pressure, you clearly stayed ignorant using another client. Not to mention the Xray tunnels multiple people found. You spammed the server which was stopped by nocheat (5 lines came out, which is a result of a nocheat check). Therefore, you were using a type of modded client (not to mention your Xray tunnels). Arthman was there when that happened. He told you to stop. Not to mention, I can sell whatever the hell I want on skype. Also, why would I want to take down anything hosted on Silence's box if i'm and xG:M? /Thread Oh, for you Arthman!
  9. To much gum. Almost every time I hear him in teamspeak he's either making his rounds on backpage or chewing gum.
  10. When he was Div, the Gmod servers were never populated. Not matter what crap he said, it never happened.
  11. MineCrack

    Moon Dust

    This would kill you.
  12. Can we give Chrono multiple +1's?
  13. Done except join the group, I'll do it when I go home. I did this for 1st.
  14. They were both dead. Warn him for the attempt.
  15. They were already dead, therefore they're both ghosts. So it's not really ghosting. DuckiiJr did nothing wrong. /thread -1
  16. 5 People spamming me ingame I might just leave this community. Don't feel like wasting my time with ignorant people.
  17. Ordeal with teezer goes on and on, he spammed chat with the "what if I" trick.
  18. Now that it's added. People spam chat if they can get banned for so-and-so then spam chat with it. Examples- Teezer Slim Shady Luka Honestly, the disrespect is even worst and if anyone bans/kick they get harassed.
  19. D: +1 W: Cool guy, very respectful and smart. Should be back in xG. A: 7/10 M: 10/10
  20. I obviously need to enforce the rule. Secondly, you constantly spam chat so no one can take you as a joke.
  21. D: +1 A: 7/10 M: 8/10 W: He is very nice and respectful to everyone. Shovles shit like a baus, and is nice to new players.
  22. I don't understand what you're saying. I shouldn't be giving warnings. You said QQ multiple times. You need to take time into what you type. You put yourself at own fault.
  23. [xG] A Kinda Grey-ish Blue Hat : True Story. Snotty attitude all the time. Not to mention, first offense ban. Orders from silence. Maybe you should put time into what you type? Let this be a rememberance.