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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Thank you. Not posting those because honestly it's 10x better to access it with admin menu. Also, if you have a bind for admin menu it makes it even easier.
  2. -1 Clearly a lazy person who can't read a few paragraphs. #WeWantTheHub
  3. MineCrack


    You can buy more hats. #WeWantTheHub
  4. MineCrack


    It's on slide race.
  5. MineCrack


    This is the thread to complain about how it isn't added yet. We need to feed our obsession of being known as a person with a hat and a black skin color.
  6. OP admitted to being 12-13 ingame I believe.
  7. All o my guys r paid mlg cevo kings.
  8. Didn't notice. But by far this is more organized and to the point.
  9. XxGRIIZ3nLingADR3N@L1N$c0pErDr00PPPPP3d.ZZx[]OWNAG3xZZZ 1. optic 2. minecrack 3. xenogamers tv 4. trooscop3r 5. xr0t1c backup 1. ILLUSIONZ
  10. amg scari booter ip scari. I believe he was using sarcastic remarks while JIhad spoke to him.
  11. Xeno Gamers - Recent Chat Log Inb4 proof is gone.
  12. +1 Should be stripped of xG and or Permed. A clearly inmature member who can't mind his own business..
  13. This thread is dedicated to Mod/Admin powers which you will need to utilize to be a successful Mod or Admin.... Chat commands-Without <> !slay <username> !kick <username> <"Reason"> !ban <username> <time> <"Reason"> !teamban <username> <time> <"Reason"> !mute <username> !gag <username> !silence <username> !who <username> !admin Usage !slay- Kills any user. !kick- Kicks a user. !ban- Bans a user. !teamban- Bans a user from joining the CT team. !mute- Disables a user's access to using their mic on the server. (Can be avoided by rejoining) !gag- Disables a user's access to using chat on the server. (Can be avoided by rejoining) !silence- Disables a user's access to using chat and their mic. (Can be avoided by rejoining) !who- Identify whether the person is admin. Along with simply typing !who for Output in the console for every player. !admin- Opens admin menu. Admin Menu Main Menu- Player Menu 1-Player commands. Player Menu 2- Server Menu-For spray managment. Team Swap Menu-Used for swapping people. Miscellaneous Console output for command sm_who Slaying at your crosshair aim. bind key "sm_slay @aim" What to do when someone has an invalid name? Go into console and type status. Copy that persons userID. You can now treat that person normally. Instead of their username you will use their UserID. Ex- !kick #1488 "Invalid Name." Admin chat- In team chat start your message with @ All Chat- In all chat start your message with @ Message Player- In all chat start your message with @@playersnamehere Ex. @@Mine Hello, stop being a badmin. Voting- !vote "Question" "Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3" etc. If I missed anything please post here. This is to make Jihad's job a bit easier once a new mod steps up, and also to help anyone who forgets the mod/admin commands. Extra commands. !spec !adminspray !removespray !spraytrace
  14. Bump. User is once again active.
  15. Should be a plugin but the glitch is patched. Mass freetaze/God mode/rule breaking
  16. As I said, I had god mode to get it fixed. Which was given by silence. According to him it's already fixed. @Aegean! @@silence @@Starbuck If this can be closed I would be appreciative.
  17. I was given godmode because the Ts kept killing me. I was confirming a taser glitch for starbuck/silence. I had godmode for the rest of the round so I had fun and had a follow the leader day.
  18. Depends on your price. Get a gtx 600 series or AMD 6750+. Had 6750 but upgraded to 6990. Also you might need upgrade other things for a new graphics card to be compatible. >Inb4 Crossfire >Inb4 Sli
  19. MineCrack

    Making Muffins

    Discuss. Making banana nut muffins, who wants?
  20. Request to close. Jailbreak will never change ;-; @Aegean!