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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack

    A concern

    xG members are supposedly active. Not only that, but we're social with everyone in the server. Therefore, we can voice the community. I based my ratings off of what other people think of that person and my own opinions. Stating both the good and bad qualities. You did leave xG, you shouldn't worry about xG if you felt the need to join Deviant. That's just my opinion.
  2. Sorry Ganja, got to lay down the hammer. D: -1 W: Has anger issues and accuses people of hacking when he gets killed by little kids on scrimmages. You need to change your ways Ganja. You don't want mod so you can take any situation into your own hands. You're very active and mature other than that. Though, your anger issue is a big deal. xG can't have admin abuse against anyone. It rarely happens, and when it does it's obviously dealt with severely. Now, if you were to become moderator and you abuse, you ruin your time put into xG. Think over that and re-apply. Maybe in two weeks when there is more Promos/Demos you can change now and actually give us reasons that make you stand out as a member of xG. Activity: 9/10 Maturity: 7/10
  3. Re-Apply with the correct format. Also nice windows 8 dev. build.
  4. Great to hear, hopefully the MC Donation plugins get added soon. I might a plugin for easier control of donors. Also to change their name colors manually without a xG:D changing it with nicknames. Also personal teleports.
  5. It's honestly sadistic what people do, i've seen some pretty fucked up videos lately..
  6. MineCrack


    I'd like you to know it would not be. xG had the sub-clan plugin. With modifications you could add a point system and a score bored for subclans, and ofcourse the perks. Also, when I mean perks, I don't mean meep meep speed or 400 hp. I mean like .20 speed higher and ofcourse 150 hp (3 knifes). Then of course a 1 hit knife for one hit. Then for more money maybe for the whole round? Also jump enhancing, I know the swat class has an enhancement.
  7. MineCrack


    With the plugin developer for warden can easily create a point system that can work out the way we want it to. Two menus for perks for CTs/Ts. Giving guns is retarded, i've seen atleast two jailbreak servers crash and burn that way. Points system- For killing a person, and or activity. Real life money, which can get you large quantities. Costs- The basics, maybe an increase speed for 500 per round? Long term perks should cost an extreme amount of money (based off of what I just said, maybe 75,00). Gangs (bringing this up since silence did post a thread pertaining to groups in general)- Perks for gangs, and every group member. Entrance fee. An extreme amount of money to create a clan. Buying a perk for one round which affects EVERY member. Long term perks. Thoughts?
  8. MineCrack


    Aegean. Do this please. A point system which you can get points ingame for killing someone (2 points for a kill). 1 point for activity. You can donate real life money for points also. 1 dollar=50 points maybe? Real life money only would be annoying >:l.
  9. MineCrack


    I saw shadow buy a lot with his bind. It's very helpful and a point system (which can increase xG donations) for perks would be fun. @@silence for the donations idea!
  10. MineCrack


    We really need a point system to buy a speed bonus, and other things.
  11. This will be moved, can't add a prefix so it needs to be made here, sorry! Players SteamID:STEAM_0:1:1623207/STEAM_0:1:15264725 03:59 Players IP: (If you have this.) Players Nick Name/In-Game Name:ZACHLiKESDiMPLES/impulse @ lan (same order) Your Name: xG | MineCrack #MIP:FiM Reason why:Well, a few suspicious "bhoppers" playing jailbreak. Well, after further observation they obtain max speed by simply going forward, and un-professional strafes that simply look like one way jerks to look... Final proof is while going forward, they only gain speed, no strafes at all. It defiantly looks like scripting/external cheats... Demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/46528546/Bhop%20Scripters.rar
  12. MineCrack


    Honestly, if any plugins are added would be an add on to the bomb plugin. Involves a small health bonus, speed bonus, armor, and a one hit knife for one kill?
  13. This is an edit of the map called PushCircle.
  14. D:+1 W: He bought me an aimbot that works really well! I can finally get that perfect 1 deag in scrimmages! A: 7/10 M: 10/10
  15. +1 Cool mang. A: 8/10 M: 8/10 Active in teamspeak. Would be a great addition to xG.
  16. +1 He's an active and nice member. A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  17. Also trente, you said there were separate stacks. Obviously not following my orders. Maybe someone spoke over me, I don't know nor really care. I didn't break rules. @@Trente @@Fullbring
  18. Maybe 2 people were stacked in the center, this was defiantly UN-called for. If there was 3 people stack (if there was any) maybe a one day ban. I don't know if you don't like me, but I was defiantly warden, and my orders were clear. I don't know if people were trying to be smart-asses and get into separate stacks and say, "they were in one stack." But I did nothing wrong.
  19. It becomes over-played if you pick the same maps over and over. Then it becomes a generic jailbreak server, like other JB servers which have the same maps. You'll get bored and quit.
  20. D: -1 W: Immature member who hazes because of his bad aim. Asked me to +1 him ingame. Honestly not ready for xG. Not to mention his tarps. A: 8/10 M: 4/10 F: Fix your attitude, and review the motd once more.
  21. People don't actually consider members anymore. They just +1 for the hell of it. And when someone -1, they don't really say how they can approve or that SUB's good qualities. Just the bad side of them, and sometimes over exaggerated.
  22. Welcome, we hope to see you also on xG servers if you ever get bored!
  23. How does one get extra credit in your class? My last class required work under the desk...
  24. Welcome HG members. I honestly have fun on HG jailbreak, but then an aQ member made a big deal about me being xG and got me banned. I got an instant kill knife from then !pd command. So I get one kill and noscope headshot that aQ member. After intense arguments (between he and an admin) I got banned :c.