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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. @@Warriorsfury


    Forest's answer above accurately answers the first question.


    As far as your last paragraph... this has all been discussed, but let me repeat, again. I did not reopen brians thread. I did not revert his decision. I did not say he was wrong. I simply replied. Period. Simple. And as for the tag thing, again... it had been discussed for over a month and no one said anything against it. Duplolas convinced me to finally go ahead and do it, and once I did there were 2 or 3 others (not sure who, not looking it up) that asked if I had updated the rules yet and basically implied that they would if I hadn't. So again, it got nothing but support and no one spoke up against it until it actually got put into play.


    - - - Updated - - -


    And kind of going off what Duplolas, and re-iterating what I mentioned earlier, I can tolerate you well enough to work with you, but I'm not "cool" with you (however you want to word it) so when you direct things at someone who isn't "one of your homies" it gets taken differently.

  2. If a perm ban would "run out" then they shouldn't have been permed in the first place. There's nothing preventing us from banning people for 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, etc. We should set new guidelines for serious offenses where people may at some time get a second chance.


    Or, even if we do set these guidelines we may still perm ban, and only unban people after those times if disputed.

  3. Getting sick of your shit @@Warriorsfury


    Every time I turn around you're up my ass about something - if it's not one thing it's another.


    In this case, I misunderstood the context of a rule. And instead of acting like a Div Leader and simply correcting me, offering to help another staff member, or rather just keeping your mouth shut since I had already been corrected - you choose to call me out and be disrespectful.


    Amongst all the shit that's been going on lately regarding disrespect in general from members, staff, and players alike you just have to jump in the shit.


    As far as CS:S is concerned you and I share the same rank, so when I do something in game you are in no position to call me out, flat out say I'm wrong, and immediately say it will be overturned. You do not out rank me, get off your high horse.



    @@Chrono You're also on my shit list, just saying. Most of the time you're pretty legit and I can kick it with you. But sometimes you just have this amazing ability to push my buttons like none other and you play into it like you're getting off to it.


    My opinion is the same as it was when I rejoined - I like the community and "most" of the staff. I'll tolerate you, I'll work with you, I'll discuss business with you, I'll do the job along side you - but in no way do I like you, so if you think you're "just playing" I'd like to ask you to stop - I'm not down with you guys so chill.


    Is coming here a chore for me? No. Is it something I feel like "Oh I need to play CS:S today to do my job? No. I come here to play when I want to have fun and hang out. I got PM so I could help manage the derps late night when no one else was on. Being promoted to Admin hasn't changed that for me. I like the servers, I like the players, and I want to help, simple.


    There are so many people out there trying to help the servers however they can - non-members, members, staff, everyone - either by donating, making suggestions, reporting hackers/cheaters, reporting posts, keeping members and admins in check, whatever it is... And when staff members do even the littlest thing it effects your personal reputation, the clans reputation, and it discourages others who are simply trying to do the right thing.


    Why should anyone else on this forum be respectful when one staff member can disrespect another?


    Why should any other CT in JB follow the rules when staff run around breaking them left and right?


    Is this destroying xG? No, maybe a little, but really no. Is xG dying? Not at all. But you have to understand how even these little actions reverberate through the community and can make significant differences. Not to mention the effects it has on the individual(s) directly effected by your actions.


    I'll tell you right now I'm not drunk, I'm not trying to be some pussy or attention whore. I seriously felt disrespected, and it's fucking stupid.



    @autumn You can feel free to take back those extra credits that I got as a result of that glitch if you want, I don't really need them and I'm not going to give them away and deprive the community of the possible donations they're worth.


    I'm still in the game for now, I'll do my job and help out, but I'm at about the end of how much I can tolerate.



    @@HighSociety @@Duckii Tagging so this gets noticed by you.


    If I'm way off base here let me know. But like I said even this little shit can taint the communities view on us and it can certainly discourage a lot of people.


    Sorry for long post, thanks for reading.

  4. Injustice!


    He got only one negative vote, and there's plenty of positive feedback in his favor.


    This is not a server ban, it's merely a team ban.


    He still plays as T. He enjoys the server. He wants to CT again.


    There have been plenty of perm CT bans and complete server bans that have been reversed, I'm not sure why Papi should be any less fortunate.


    On top of that, it wasn't a "mass and flee", it was just a mass then he stayed on (or so I gather) so it shouldn't have been perm in the first place.


    @autumn @@HighSociety @@Duckii Unban this fool

  5. Nope


    Poncher took them away but then he gave them back so I don't know what you're talking about.


    Besides... I discovered the glitch and I reported it which is why Silence is letting ME keep them. They're MINE! MINE!


    Yeah I'll do some contests and shit if you people stop killing me all the time and actually let me get to doing it.

  6. tech team 2 stronq


    We run this shit.


    It's been discussed internally and -xG-r- is no longer a thing, but taking other things that have been mentioned into consideration submission guidelines and requirements may be tweaked some in the coming days or weeks.


    !slay @thread


    I'm gunna need a band-aide!

  7. Yeah you can keep for reporting :p

    I'm just trying to figure out what would have caused this >.<


    I think I already pretty much spelled out what happened, if you need any more info from me let me know.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Yeah you can keep for reporting :p

    I'm just trying to figure out what would have caused this >.<


    Also, thanks for letting me keep them :D


    And @@DarkWolf6052 you don't get any XD

  8. The thing is if we are going to get into a set number of +1s. Maybe we should talk about a set amount for mod and admin. So far we can only apply for mod after being a member and donating. Maybe we should also allow people who are mods to apply for admin?


    Going from Mod to Admin is up to the Div Leaders. A member submitting a Mod app merely shows Div Leaders that you're interested and there really isn't really a vouching system for that, but people use the thread to voice their opinions.


    - - - Updated - - -


    The thing is if we are going to get into a set number of +1s. Maybe we should talk about a set amount for mod and admin. So far we can only apply for mod after being a member and donating. Maybe we should also allow people who are mods to apply for admin?


    Going from Mod to Admin is up to the Div Leaders. A member submitting a Mod app merely shows Div Leaders that you're interested and there really isn't really a vouching system for that, but people use the thread to voice their opinions.

  9. Increasing the number of vouches is also something Serbian and I talked about. Abraham has a thread out there somewhere and there's a few others that are saying "It's too easy to get in" and I agree.


    Actually being a member of the clan should be "prestigious" for lack of a better word. There's no difference between people in the clan and not in the clan other than the ability to wear the tag. It should be harder to get in so it's actually worth something.

  10. +1




    In that order.


    As for Advertising, I say it certainly doesn't hurt to put the link to your application out there. Just no asking for +1s, as it already is.


    So, keep Advertising allowed as it is


    Someone else editted my post, the part that says "Applications close after 2 weeks if not enough vouches No" - My original post didn't say "No" lol... sooooooo


    Do we want to close apps or no?


    How's everything else look, we want to roll with this or what?

  11. @autumn


    I went through the Hub link to donate $50. After going to PayPal and clicking "Return to Xeno Gamers" I got this error on the forums from vBulletin


    Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.


    If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

    Xeno Gamers


    However, if you look at the "Latest Transactions" screen of the Currency it actually shows two $50 donations, which would be 100,000.


    BUT if you look at the left bar, that shows the "Most CSS credits" it keeps going up by 50,000 every time I click around.... It was 150,000, now it's 200,000, now 250,000


    Oh, and it looks like it keeps showing new $50 donations from me...


    Should probably get that sorted out.


    I donated $50 (I can show you the receipt if needed) so I should have just over 50,000 credits (50,231). Something's buggy and giving away free credits.


    I should be able to keep these extra credits since I'm trying to be fair and honest :P ;)


    - - - Updated - - -




    Screeny from the Hub window. The $50 donation at 07:22 is my one and only legit donation, the other appear if I click off the Currency screen then go back in.


  12. So aren't CTs technically camping during a warday? If they're covering an entrance to the warday area?


    And as for camping, isn't it only dis-allowed during last CT and to camp for LR? For example, if I'm in my cell and want to rebel I go crouch on the toilet and can be there for more than a few minutes some times waiting for people to leave the cell block.

  13. this xg-r- shiz-waz is fucking retarded nothign against serbian and mcneo but that tag makes xG look bad, copying hells gamers and shit makin us look bad


    We're not copying HellsGamers, or any other clan... There's LOTS of clans that use this style of tag for similar reasons

  14. 1 day at most. 1 week too much.


    If some random Joe Shmo comes on as CT, baits the T's, and intentionally freekills - he gets a 1-day CT ban. Assuming he's been warned.


    As staff, we shouldn't need warnings, we know the rules. Again, as I said above, it should be more strict since there's no excuse for a staff member to intentionally break the rules.