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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Obviously related to SnakeBoyEric and myself the other night, here's my thoughts...


    As staff we tend to fuck with each other from time to time, which is all good and dandy, I have no problem with that and it can be fun as hell.


    However, if you want to fuck with someone, make sure it's okay.


    I freetaze other staff without warning from time to time, usually only if it's someone I'm actively talking to on Steam while playing, and it doesn't happen more than once a week or so.


    Otherwise, outside of that, you will usually hear me ask "Hey so and so, can I freetaze you?" on mic in game.


    I have freekilled staff, but again, it was something that was pre-arranged, we were both down with it, etc.


    Outside of that it's rule breaking, and if admin commands are used (muting, etc) then it's also admin abuse/command abuse/whatever. We punish other rule breakers, and being a staff member should not make you immune, and I believe the punishment should be more severe since we should be the example for the community, and as staff there's no excuse since we all (should) know the rules.

  2. Okay so what's everyone thoughts?


    - Change to xG:APP

    - Optional to wear

    - Applications close after 2 weeks if not enough vouches


    Sorry again if this whole thing caught you off guard, but I did PM most of you that were online at the time, as well as putting this thread here - and it didn't get any negative feedback until it started getting used.


    On a similar note, if we use the tag, do want to dis-allow advertising? Or is it ok? Honestly everyone has a different opinion on it so it's something else we should straighten out.

  3. Claiming to have bought the account from someone is a better excuse than "my brother did it," but it's still not very good.


    If this really is the case, you could man up and spend the $10 to just buy CS:S on your own Steam account - which I'm assuming you have since you've been registered on our forums since last summer, but you claim you just bought the Steam account a few days ago.


    But, I don't think you bought the account. Again, you've been registered on our forums for a while - why would that be if you haven't played here until you bought this account?


    Obvious lie is obvious, so no, -1.


    If you did, however, buy the account - you and that other person are in violation of the Steam ToS, which means all accounts associates with either of you could be disabled, and you won't be able to create a new account from the same IP. So, have fun with that.

  4. It's being discussed on the admin board and will likely be changing from :r to something else, and it won't be a requirement - but option for people who want to use it so they get noticed. The 2 week max time frame for an app to be open will stay, so using the tag will help get more vouches quicker, that's the whole point.

  5. I cant get onto the server with this map going.


    It says the map differs from the servers, tried deleting then redownloading, but it didnt work.


    I'd really enjoy playing the map that I helped create somewhat, so if anyone can find a solution...


    Steps 1 and 4 here: Xeno Gamers ... and delete the current map you have downloaded.


    Let me know if that works.

  6. Currently it's looking like only some applicants are wearing the tag. Is it something we want to require, or jsut make optional?


    Benefits for the applicant: Get noticed by players, hopefully receive more vouches


    Benefits for the members/admins: Know right away who is applying, without double-checking the forums or trying to remember names, so they can be observed.

  7. -1 CSS:S is not a game


    ok ok srsly though




    Activity: ?/10

    I saw him on tonight, but before that I've never seen him. Though, he's got plenty of hours logged so he IS active on our servers, but I haven't seen him much so I can't make a legit vouch


    Maturity: ?/10

    Again, haven;t really seen him.


    He does have a few bans, but they look to be a few years old, for freekilling on other JB servers. Also, according to our server ranks, looks like he wore "[xG]" for a while.


    Not enough to -1, but weighted with the fact I haven't seen him much, leaves me at 0.

  8. I would agree with anything with "app". I'll be honest, that never crossed my mind, and since msot other clans jsut use "r" I just rolled with that. (And again, until recently no one raised any objection)

  9. They can't just block the whole internet - well they can, but then they'd block too many legit sites. Typically only commonly black listed sites, malware sites, etc are blocked, unless a specific site takes too much traffic and raises a red flag to get noticed.

  10. I guess i'm going to have to be the one. I'm going to have to -1 this request.


    The intention was there, be it for shits and giggles or not. I Really don't want to seem like a total asshole, but I cannot make exceptions, even though Papi is a great guy. This is in no way an act of hostility toward Papi, and should not be treated as such.


    If you really wanted to know what it felt like to mass free kill, why take it to the xG Jailbreak server? Why the server where you moderated for two years? There are many other servers in which you could have chosen to do so. The only viable reason I see that you did it here was that you believed you would be let off easily, and again, this is in no way supposed to be treated as hostility, i'm just assuming, so correct me if i'm wrong.


    I'm sorry, but I can't condone actions like this with the reasoning provided here, it's just not something that should be let off easily. Even with someone of your stature Papi.


    - Dat guy, Forest


    If anyone is proof that a perm ban is not perm in xG, it's me...

  11. I don't see why they would make it illegal... there is really no way to be sure that it was jailbroken unless you bring it in while jailbroken to a shop yo.


    all you have to do is restore it to factory defaults.


    It breaks ToS but is so easy to hide :|


    Restoring to factory defaults does not un-unlock the phone. The best you can do it relock it, which will allow you to reinstall the stock OS, but it will still show as "relocked" in the bootloader.

  12. Where are you all seeing this CNET bot? I've honestly never even seen it.


    Oh I see it now. I guess I never look at the Activity thing. And I never click into the Gaming News section so I never see it.


    +1 -1 I don't care, never see it, lol

  13. +1, kinda


    We couldn't do a mod+ category or even an admin+ category since the forums doesn't recognize those ranks.

    @autumn we REALLY need forums to show Mod/Admin again, and once they do, make an Admin+ board in the Admin category. If Admins are the front line to training mods and running the server they need a private place to talk about people, rules, etc.


    As for the forum rules, it's pretty much the "General Rules" that apply everywhere, which are pretty lax, which is how it should be imo. We don't need more and more rules, we need A- people to realize that this is the internet and B- some common sense to throw the ban hammer if needed even if the offense doesn't nicely fit under a rule.