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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. Do you guys even know where the comment button is anymore? Is that the problem?

    Or can you just not comment.


    My comment button works about 5% of the time - the other 95% of the time I get the "Accepts AJAX only" error message. And yes, I've cleared my cache.

  2. QUITNET - Don't Quit Alone! A great resource to quit smoking from the North Dakota Department of Health.


    Sorry, this isn't really related to the thread, just something that came up while Googling a random email address.

  3. Why did you get it? Btw is this thread closed?


    You just posted in a thread and asked if it's closed, really? Herpy ferpy derpy derp.


    This is 3 pages of all of us nonstop arguing over something we shouldnt argue. I'm no troll but a liar


    I'm not really arguing, I'm actually quite entertained by this.

  4. if anyone really wanted your ip all they have to do is join a CS:GO server with you. as those give your full ip.


    As with most online games, websites, etc... everyone's IP address is publicly available, it's not really a big deal. Every webmaster, admin, etc for EVERYwhere you go online has your IP... they only take notice to individuals if you do something like this and make them do it.


    but i don't see in issue with having the first portion of your ip nor your ISP as all of that info is easy to come by anyway. for example mine would be 142 and the isp is so-cal road runner (time warner cable [complete shit don't get it.] )


    It's the first octet, which represents up to 16,777,216 different users.

  5. I never asked and you and McNeo are the only 'We' so far that are complaining and abusing your admin by posting IP in public and email


    Oh, but you did ask...



    So... You're dumb.


    And, I wouldn't say we're "complaining"... Just calling you out as a troll and a liar, and frankly, we're quite enjoying ourselves.

  6. An important detail is being missed here, and I think it could make all the difference...


    Did you get banned WHILE you were x-raying? If so, then -1 on your protest. You were caught blatantly cheating so too bad.


    Or, did you shut off your x-rays, and get banned after the fact? If so, then +1 to a reduced ban (time to be determined by MC admins)

  7. Though... Since you're being accused of being the same person, it may be in your interest to use that other account, to make it look like 2 different people.


    The same IP address has been used by both accounts, and the emails you used to register are VERY similar - different, but similar.


    You sir, are Soiled_It


    - - - Updated - - -


    P.S., if you try crying "proof" on this, I will publicly post screenshots of your IP addresses and emails - not with any bad intent, just to provide the proof you're asking for.


    Admit defeat, and admit to being a liar.

  8. Didn't read all the replies, but here's my 2 cents...


    If the server is busy, and/or there are very few mods/admins on, things can get hectic. We can't see everything, and we can't act on things we don't see (unless 5 people all start yelling at the same time "WTF ARE YOU DOING???" "FREEKILLS" etc).


    If you need to report abuse, get a demo, ask people in game to be witnesses, etc. There was a time when I recorded everything while in-game, if that's what it takes to put the nail in the coffin for your nemesis, then go for it. Don't bail on everyone because one dick is being a dick. Put in the little extra work to nail his ass (take that how you will) and in the end it will pay off.

  9. I'm a CS:S-er and so have never played with you in CS:GO, so I can't really give a valid +/- vote, but I can throw in my 2 cents...


    I've seen you around the forums and I think you seem pretty legit. You seem pretty knowledgeable of the game.


    That being said, there are a few instances where maybe you didn't fully think before you spoke. When you're mod'ing in-game you don't always have that second to think, so your judgement has to be at the top of it's game. BUT, this isn't really something I would count against you, you have to start somewhere and it kind of comes with time.


    If my vouch were valid, it would be +1


    Please also read and sign the Mod/Admin Agreement anytime between now and when (if) you're accepted. https://xenogamers.com/showthread.php?t=15724

  10. I've used Torrents for a long long time for legally obtaining and distributing open source software. Yeah...


    Anyway, I've never made a new torrent to upload. Anyone done this?


    Is the "New Torrent" thingy in uTorrent any good, or what do you suggest?

    How does the torrent get listed on sites like Pirate Bay?

    Are there standardized naming conventions depending on the content?

    How long do I seed before removing it?

    Any other pointers, or things I'm missing?


    - - - Updated - - -


    Also, just FYI, I just got a 1-year subscription to SuicideGirls, and I plan on using a PERL script to download EVERYthing... ev-er-y-thing... ALL of the things!


    That said, if I knew how to make torrents, well... um... I'd legally share some open source software...

  11. I just got that update, too. AMD pushed it out this morning. I usually have to reboot after doing it, even though it doesn't require it, because my icons and wallpapers get all screwy.


    First off, have you tried rebooting?


    This is a little time consuming, but it'll work...


    Find the correct driver for your card and download it here: Download Drivers

    Reboot computer into safe mode.

    Uninstall all things relating to the AMD Catalyst, then uninstall the video driver through the Device manager. Do NOT reboot when/if prompted during any of these uninstalls until you are completely done.


    Install fresh full driver you downloaded.

    Reboot again, even if it doesn't require it.

  12. Here's what I think I'm going to do, but I'm open to ideas...


    Install the OS and software on a single 250GB HDD.


    Have all my files, backups, VMs, etc on a 2TB RAID1 array.


    If the OS craps and I need to reload no big deal, it won't have much software installed on it. The 2TB RAID will have all my data so it's protected form failure by the RAID.


    I fear putting the OS on the same drive as the data because, even though it's protected from physical failure, if the OS derps I could lose more than I want.

  13. I don't like the idea of putting disco above VIP. That ledge is a good vantage point for CTs as the can overlook cell block, entrance to climb, and the whole second courtyard. Plus, structurally, I think it would make that corner of the building look funny as hell with just a big tall wall - you don't see that anywhere else on the map.

  14. Not familiar with the map that's being discussed here (I don't play CS:GO) but on CS:S (and I believe the MOTD is the same for both) CT's don't need permission to rebel hunt, so CT's can be out and about without permission (as long as they * believe* they're hunting a rebel).


    That being said, there are plenty of maps that have hidden vents in the form of what I'll call walk-able through-able walls. CT's aren't slain in CS:S for going through these, again as long as they believe there are rebels and they are searching. As far as secret passages that are doors, like you're discussing, it's kind of a judgement call in CS:S.


    Again, I don't know the map or the door/vent you're talking about, but I believe CS:S and CS:GO have the same JB rules so I'm 50/50 on this.


    Just my 2 cents.


    However, Matsi does say that (s)he (no disrespect, I don't know you so I dunno if you're a she or a he) was told by other admins that CT's could go through it, so this is yet another great example of Admin's needing to get on the same fucking page with shit.