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Posts posted by McNeo

  1. This belongs in Arbitrary, moving to Fast Lane.


    There is already an open poll for this in Debate here: Mac Vs. Pc


    But I'll leave this open, posts in Arbitrary don't count towards post count so it doesn't really matter.

  2. Couple thoughts on the forums, posting here since I dunno if @autumn ever actually reads his pms


    For a short time this morning I noticed a comment things where there was a comment box under every post, I think that's a great idea and will prevent double-posts, spamming, etc. If you can get it working, awesome.


    Not to long ago I noticed a change that if you double-posted it amended your previous post. +1, I like dat too.


    Reputation needs to be fixed, it doesn't seem to be incrementing up and down.


    It would be cool to have a "like" thing for posts. So instead of commenting with "+1" or "dis" we could "like" posts - and this could work into the scoring for the forum points thing or something.


    That's all I got, overall, I gotta say, lookin good Silence.

  3. -1 Mass freekill is mass freekill.

    Didint mass freekill? Proof please


    Yes, please provide proof that you didn't mass freekill by uploading all recordings of all gameplay you've ever done.


    Papi hasn't been on the forums in almost a week, we probably won't here form him on this.

  4. I'm gonna have to +1 this.


    For @@Chrono and @@HighSociety - He's talking about the strictness from one admin to the next, within the same div. And it's not even so much strictness as much as it is interpretation. What I slay for someone else may not, and vice-versa. All this has been needing to be cleared up for some time.


    As for member applications, yes, I think things should be a little more strict. I proposed to @@serbiansnaga not too long ago to require like 20 vouches, including 2 admin+ vouches, for first-time applicants. That and/or be more watchful on invalid vouches - "+1 he's my boy" doesn't really count.

  5. Look the cyber bullying issue I can handle because i'm not a little bitch HOWEVER it is the boredom that is getting to me - please explain how we can collate proof on just how boring he is? It's honestly like drip water torture.


    Collate proof on how boring he is? So you want him banned because he's boring?


    I'm confused.


    You've been told in your previous posts that you need some sort of proof for us to use, and you've to to show us anything. We can't really do anything without seeing what's going on.

  6. The tag requirement seems annoying.

    It could give the xG tag a bad look if members who are applying are really irritating/break the rules.


    I do like the close after 2 weeks, just seems like common sense.


    Quoting Sham because it's exactly what I want to touch on, but really in reply to everything...


    There's been long long discussion about closing applications after a set time frame, so finally implementing it will be nice.


    But closing applications in a time period leads to people not feeling like they had a chance, and the tag clears that up. It allows players, members, admins, anyone to know who people are and that they are applying. Giving people a better chance at getting more vouches - good or bad - quicker.


    And like I was trying to say in my previous "salty" post... I merely presented this idea to Serbian, who then came back to me with the tag idea, and we chatted about it. I talked to other co's and div's and got nothing but positive feedback. Then I posted it on the admin board allowing everyone else to comment and again only heard good things. And finally, when things were settled, I PM'd all the mods/admins/divs who were online and AGAIN heard nothing bad... not sure why everyone has a beef with it now all of a sudden when you all had ample opportunity to object or make suggestions.


    I could also note that most other clans do this.