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Everything posted by McNeo

  1. McNeo

    Rule change?

    Admin menu can be slow (so can my console thing, I know), but... 1. Bind sm_slay @aim 2. Now that he's dead and no longer wreaking havoc, use admin menu to do shit
  2. McNeo

    Rule change?

    1. Open console 2. Type status 3. Look for players name (PãpįÇhūłø) 4. Look at the number to the left of it (#123 ) (This changes every time the connect) 5. Use !kick #123 "You smell" 6. ??? 7. Profit
  3. This is an unrelated issue, that can be fixed here xG Material and Models Pack
  4. Trails and stuff have been derping. No idea what's going on. @@silence
  5. McNeo

    Holocaust ಠ_ಠ

    Namecalling =/= disrespect. In one of those screengrabs we finally see Fresh Prince ask him to stop, but we don't really see if it continues after that.
  6. McNeo


    -1 Headshot only map
  7. McNeo

    Teach me

    I'd rather just get a list of commands and learn on my own time so I don't feel rushed. Not sure when I'll have time to get on anyway lol
  8. McNeo

    Teach me

    I'm no noob to MC, but I've never played this Towny thing. Can someone run through commands quickly for me and tell me how to make a town or whatever? Also, if someone can tell me how to secure my house that would be cool. Oh, and how do I change my in-game name? Finally, if I still have no clip on, can someone shut it off?
  9. One of the big problems is that people don't report things, or don't report them properly. People tend to think that admins know and see everything, but the truth is that we are playing the game right along side you, or maybe watching someone specifically so we don't see what happened to you. If something happens, type @ in team chat followed an explanation of what happened. This will put it into admin chat to protect your identity, and it's also nice bright green text so it stands out for us. And please use details, if you just say "freekill" then it's going to take us longer to figure out what happened. There has been something added recently on JB that many have found helpful: When a T is shot/attacked it shows in console as "___ attacked ___". If you are ever freeshot immediately open your console and you'll see who it was and you can then report it.
  10. McNeo

    Hard Drives

    That goes on the USB3 external so it can dash away and hide if I need it to.
  11. Area code: 612 City, state: St. Paul, MN Nearby: Minneapolis, MN; Mall of America; Wisconsin
  12. I'm discovering more and more this is a small small world. Post your area code, see who's nearby. Feel free to post any additional info as well, if you wish.
  13. "If you guys would please explain the rules about Last Ct" *sees everyone type motd in team chat* ctrl+c;ctrl+v lol Soooo doing it next time I'm warden lol
  14. "Today we will be playing trivia, prize is get swapped to CT" lol I like it
  15. I need people. I want people. This is a great community and I love everyone here, but I want more. We can only reach people in our servers when they are in our servers. We can only reach people on our Steam group if they have already joined the group. If we want to expand we need everyone's help. Here's how you can help: If you are in our Steam group, set it as your primary group to sport the "xG-Rep" tag everywhere you go! Here's how: Start CS:S Click Options Select the "Multiplayer" tab Click Advanced Choose "[xG-Rep] Xeno Gamers" from the Clan Tag drop down [*]Also, set the xG Steam group as your primary group so when people visit your Steam profile they see it. Another really strong way we can reach out is Facebook and Twitter. Like our FB and follow our Twitter - and PLEASE actually interact with the page. When you do this your friends see it in their ticker (not their timeline). This is a great way to get others to see it without actually spamming. I'll post more FB info below. Here's a pic from our FB Insights page (it's an admin thing) but I want to share it with you guys. Purple dots indicate when new content is posted. I got Admin powers on FB on the 11th (the first purple dot). You can see I've been hard at work to keep new stuff coming - and it's working! The green line is everything YOU see or interact with everyday. The blue line is everything your FRIENDS see (even if they don't interact). We currently have 76 likes. Of those 76 people we have 22,389 unique different friends. Of those 22k people, 1,084 see our content every week because YOU liked, commented, or shared. I'll be honest guys, I'm using the forums and servers to promote Facebook so that someday I can use Facebook to promote the clan. I don't wanna bug you guys, and I don't wanna spam you guys. And honestly, I'm not gonna pay you guys (no contest... yet...). I would really love to reach more and more people on FB. For every 100 people we reach hopefully a few of them check out the servers or the forums. For every 100 of those people hopefully few join and/or donate. In the end, this isn't to benefit me or you, it's for the community. I'll continue to keep the FB fresh with a variety of content, new every day! All you gotta do is interact. Steam group: Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers Facebook page: Xeno Gamers Twitter: xenogamers (@xenogamers) | Twitter
  16. I hereby retract everything I said, and I will make no further input in this thread. I admit I've fumbled this situation a bit and I don't want either party getting hurt on my account, nor do I wish to provide further opinion on this matter since it may not be fair at this point. Fair Enough: I ask your forgiveness in my oversight. Dr. Pedo: thanks for your work in the clan. Every one else: party, my place.
  17. Good point, since you bring it up. +1 for demotion, anyone? BTW, there you go again with that attitude I was referring to earlier. A- We do have rank. B- We are repeating ourselves (using different words and details) because you are doing that same. C- This is only escalating because you are letting it. Just drop it and walk away, you'll be better off.
  18. Random thought, in general, I think you're overlooking a few things both in this situation and others. 1. Votes are rarely used except on co-leader approved "vote days", or by a co-leader themselves. If they are used by an admin it's usually at the collective decision of all mods/admins on at the time. 2. All chat is used to enforce rules or relay messages to all players (or to alive players while you are dead), not to say "i'm here everyone love me i'll be warden now" 3. Frankly, you come off as very aggressive and condescending. I think most people find it hard to listen to you, agree with you, or frankly put up with you because of that. This is the internet - so have fun. But this is a gaming clan, and you represent it - so follow the rules and enforce them fairly and just be a good guy.
  19. McNeo

    Hard Drives

    McNeo, the lead of the xG Help Desk, needs your help with a computer question! Currently I have a single 250GB HDD in my computer which has my OS and all my programs (I have two 1TB externals for storage). The 250 is a SATA II 3.0 GB/s. I want to add a second HDD, a 500GB SATA III 6.0 GB/s HDD. Obv SATA III is twice as fast as SATA II. I also know that running two seperate drives can increase performance. But, here's my question... OS on SATA II drive and programs/storage on SATA III drive? or OS on SATA III drive and programs/storage on SATA II drive? Discuss.
  20. McNeo

    Good Microphones

    Just a mic? Or a headset? Myself and a few others in the clan use this bad boy and it works great. [MEDIA=amazon]B000J4WPW8[/MEDIA]
  21. Then he should have been punished the first time for the first thing, you can't let things accumulate then ban hammer. Either way, perm-server ban is only for mass fk and flee.
  22. Perm ban is only for mass freekill and flee. This should be reduced to a CT ban. Commander Morris please read the JB MOTD. @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga
  23. Quite the contrary. From the evidence you submitted I'm saying he was in the right, so neither of you require any further evidence to support the purpose of your thread. What I was referring to in my last post about "what may have been said on mic" was actually more pertaining to what you may have said. But you're right, it's his responsibility to record that if he seems it's needed. But, as I said, the evidence you provided is, in my opinion, insufficient to protest your ban because I feel it was justified based on what I've seen. I am not making any judgement based on your history. I've got my friends and my enemies and everyone in between, don't get me wrong. But bans are serious mojo that can carry consequences even to other communities so I don't derp around with these.
  24. Not to mention, you both have mics. Who knows what may have been said that's not shown in your screenshots.