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Posts posted by DerpO_o

  1. Division:

    Garry's Mod

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    He attempted to track where I lived and share it with the public.




    Xemnas posted a link in Teamspeak trying to find where I live. He then tried to tell everyone in the room the place I lived at. I don't want people online to know where I live so I ask that you at least ban him from teamspeak for a day or more.

  2. Wow Duplo you reached a new low. You really made a new account hoping that people will forget the insufferable asshole named Duplo. Good job. You really outsmarted us by getting the links to our stuff! I bet you think that Charrax said he was a pro coder who new everything about lua. Well, your wrong! People learn more about coding by asking others. You also think you can lie by saying you got banned for constant rule breaking and for being extremely annoying. We got constant complaints every time you joined the server.


    Note: We don't ban bronies as soon as they join the servers, we ban them if they are being obnoxious.


    Good job Duplolas, you made yourself look even more stupider!

  3. Well, this is really hard to do. I've had so many good times with people in this clan, but I'm leaving. I'm leaving because Silence and Duckii shut down the GMod division. The only reason I re-joined was to play on the GMod Div and now it's gone. I have no point of staying so... yeah.


    @@DrPepperPhreak - You are one of my best friends and probably always will be and I will miss you.

    @@Warriorsfury - Keep trying to get that ice cream man

    @@PiNoYPsYcHo - Keep on singing dude. (Hopefully one day you will be successful with the scary maps thing)

    @@SinlyXD - bb ill miss you

    @@DeathGod - dont really know what to say but goodbye

    @@Forest - +1 cool guy and stuff

    @Sham - fgt stop making that terrible ambient music

    @@MuffinMonster - I LOVE YOU DON'T BE MAD AT ME <3<3<3<3<3<3<3


    To everyone else I missed:

    I had a lot of great times with you all. I hope to play some game with you or something in the future.


  4. +1 Gmod was my favorite division. It didn't have much drama, it was extremely fun, and I met a ton of great people. I don't understand why you got rid of it. It seemed like Duckii was just mad because we were raiding her a lot.

  5. 1. He ungodded himself 1 second after

    2. He gods himself when he is an admin on duty because he doesn't want to get killed and not be able to watch over things.

    3. I was a witness to the entire raiding thing with charrax raiding and charrax had a medic healing him the ENTIRE TIME.

    4. Lapis was the hired medic

  6. I think people don't get that we use the private admin room for doing admin stuff privately. We can't go into the community rooms and say the logs out loud because then people would ghost and shit.

  7. -1

    I'm not Charrax's "pawn". He jokes with me about my age all the time. I don't take it as "meanie makin fun of me, cyberbully, im gonna call the FBI". I think he is the best div leader for GMod. He can script, fix things, and leaves rules strict enough to where we can have fun without it being a server full of rule breakers. In TS he jokes around a lot and when he moves people it's either as a joke or if he needs to talk to someone.



    Example of him threatening me and over exaggerating the facts when It wasn't a big deal: [MEDIA=imgur]jJZ67AT[/MEDIA]

    He was warning you to stop doing annoying shit. It isn't a huge deal, but it can be annoying. When you do that all the time it builds up into a ban because instead of it being funny like it was the first time, it's really annoying and we are tired of it.


    He doesn't need the servers to be active just for money. He wants the servers to be successful and to do his job as a Garry's Mod Division Leader. He doesn't get money for every player that logs on, he gets it when you click on the link in the ad which generally only staff does. Even if he had ads somewhere else like a blog or something, I would still click them to be nice.


    Most of the admins or mods are inactive due to IRL things. We have school to go to and families to spend time with. He doesn't promote people he only likes, he promotes people that the community votes to be moderator. He does promote people even if they don't make an app because he thinks they know the rules well and would be a suitable staff member. Xemnas he promoted you even though he doesn't like you very much. He even helped you test your plugin for sprays that you were trying to make.


    Although Charrax can sometimes be a bit crude, I don't think you complaining about how he called your plugin bad and him slaying you ingame as a joke or having strict rules counts as abuse or makes the division a so called "dictatorship". You think GMod is so bad why don't you look at CSS. They have a lot more problems then we do.


    Edit: To Fuzz,

    Who are you calling a douche when you have trolled and spammed and broke so many rules so many times?


    Edit: To all of you:


    The GMod Division is nowhere near the brink of collapse. We still have people playing and having fun. The servers do get empty sometimes, but if you want it to be populated you must try to populate it. It isn't up to the staff to do everything. There isn't enough of us to populate the servers. That is why you are a member of xG. You can help populate it, just invite your friends and once you have 4 people, more will come on. Its worth it if you just work hard and put time into it.