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Posts posted by DerpO_o

  1. It happened many years ago,

    Yet what I saw I'll not forget.

    I was feeling sad and low

    Because of something someone said.


    Then I prayed "Lord, hear my cry,

    I am so lonely and depressed.

    Won't You touch me as I lie,

    Broken, hurting, on my bed?"


    Slowly then the veil was lifted

    Between the present and the next.

    'Twas as if dimensions shifted,

    As with a vision I was blessed.


    What God showed me was astounding,

    And it took my breath away -

    For before my very eyes

    A deep cloud-covered schism lay.


    Beyond this schism rose a mountain,

    Much too awesome to describe.

    Mortal tongues can't do it justice;

    That Mount beyond the Great Divide.


    It seemed composed of a strange substance,

    Akin to light and golden glass.

    There was nothing growing on it;

    No trees, no flowers, nor green grass.


    As I gazed in awe and wonder,

    I heard a gentle inner Voice,

    "Look as long as you have need to",

    And I marveled at this choice.


    Peace then flooded my whole being

    As I lay there touched by God,

    And with peace came inner healing,

    Strength and faith which waiver not.


    Thank you, God, for giving me,

    A tiny glimpse of what's to come.

    I can hardly wait to see

    The rest of heaven and Your Son.


    - Aegean/Pepper/Whiskydick

  2. -1

    He should remain banned from ttt. Even when he was supposed to be banned, the ban plugin error caused him to be able to connect. He knew that he should not have been on there and he still went on. Tarik also was RDMing for stupid reasons on ttt and started being a generally annoying person. Charrax warned him before that he was building up to a perm by doing all of it and he still kept doing it.

  3. In the motd it is stated that you MUST have a mature voice to use your mic. This rule seems to be forgotten by many staff members. I find many people to be annoying that should be muted and nothing happens because an admin says that it is okay for them.


    What is the point of a rule if it is going to be bent so much that it practically doesn't exist anymore?



    Also don't close this instantly because I want to hear everyone's opinion. @autumn

  4. Gonna be inactive from March 23 to March 29 because I'm going to Crystal Beach, Texas and there is no internet where I'm going. Can't wait for it though because I like vacations to places.


    I'm also going to stalk @@Aeon and @@DrPepperPhreak while I'm there.



    Just kidding about the stalking thing of course.

  5. -1 to full unban

    +1 shorten

    Don't want a full unban on him because at school today he was laughing and telling his friends about how funny it was. I think shortening it to a week or two would be okay because it was an accident.

  6. -1

    This person should not be unbanned. He was EXTREMELY immature and he mass freekilled (twice). Don't +1 for the reason meh meh more chances 4tehlolz meh meh because pretty much 99% of the time we do that it ends badly with the person being banned again. I don't think he did a single good thing or was a positive influence on the server at all. We need to stop giving people so many chances, there are many more servers out there that he can play on. There are tons of people out there that are banned every day who don't get a second chance. He shouldn't be unbanned just for making the effort to write a half-assed post about how annoying he is and why he should be unbanned because he screwed up.


    BTW he has already been given a second chance that he blew extremely quickly.