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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. DarkWolf6052

    our ads

    I was testing stuff and am unable to get it working properly. The joke ad was just for testing purposes (was gunna put chrono's face on it but his fat head crashed Photoshop.) LOL
  2. DarkWolf6052

    our ads

    I don't get ads, I have Ad Block Plus. This. Uh. I don't know what to say. @@Rhododendron You have control over these ads right?
  3. HidingMaster and myself agree you're not getting unbanned yet. Make another ban protest. I'm gonna just go ahead and say you can either make a new ban protest in no less than 2 weeks, or complete one of the "Want to get unbanned?" challenges here: Want To Get Unbanned? -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  4. Alright man, sorry to hear. Reapply whenever you want. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread
  5. +1 M: 9/10 A: 9/10 Friendly, mature, good player, seen on Teamspeak recently, and Jailbreak.
  6. I got banned for the exact same reason a while back and had to get Serbian to unban me. I had bound my mouse wheel to +fire, and fired 3 mags out of a USP. It then banned me for a day. I'm up for unbanning, so is Gkoo So. -Unbanned. -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread Make sure you don't use stuff like that. SMAC does that.
  7. I'm at a -/+ 0 cause I haven't seen you around much, but judging by the input you're getting, doesn't seem like you're going to make it in.
  8. Welcome back mah boi. Great to see you again. Hope you get more active, lookin forward to seeing you around again.
  9. It did it to me a lot today. It was terrible. I have F9 and F10 bound to sm_mute and sm_unmute @me, and it would randomly unmute me throughout the round, then all the keys would fuck up. Wish there was some fix, cause the alt alt or ctrl ctrl didn't work each time.
  10. +1 M: 9/10 A: 9/10 Active, friendly player. Knows the MoTD well, active on Teamspeak as well. Would love to have him back.
  11. There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it. I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have. I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills. 2 freekills = Day teamban 1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day. For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety
  12. There is no "current" punishment for intentional freekills. Somewhere, I do know there was a discussion about this subject, where it said both parties must be fine with the intentional freekill. Such as a fellow staff member, if you freekill them, you should be sure they are fine with it. I'm fine with giving a punishment for intentional freekills, but not if its a one time thing. I don't freekill randoms intentionally, I'll be on Teamspeak and say "Hey _____, guess what" and kill them after pointing out what I'm going to do. I don't always say it directly, cause normally its payback from a fun fight we have. I'm thinking if it ends up being too much of a problem, we can hand out the same punishment someone receives for 2 freekills. 2 freekills = Day teamban 1 intentional freekill = Maybe an hour, or maybe a day. For this though, I would like to see what @@Hidingmaster and @@Gkoo say, and even though its not much point in tagging him, but @@HighSociety
  13. Because your complaints aren't nearly enough. Need 10 times more.
  14. I pooped myself when this showed up on my alerts. Oh my god I'm glad you're not leaving, I didn't want to end up switching over to lemonjuice @@Lemons Too sour.
  15. I don't join the server just to get shit on people. People in Teamspeak telling me that someone is breaking rules, I get on and check. The past few times with Shadowspy, it was moderators telling me that Shadowspy is ignoring them saying he isn't allowed to do what he's doing, I come on and check, and record a demo while doing so for future reference. Nothing against Gkoo, like I said, but his attitude was poor as a Division Manager until just recently. He's improved, but he wasn't doing much as a DM, and Forest and I did point that out to him. Gkoo doesn't come on Teamspeak that often anyway, if you haven't noticed. I'm on whenever my computer is on. Just because I sit in my room with friends and other people doesn't mean I'm talking about wanting to demote people.
  16. Could be freekilling. Saying they could be freekilling is like saying target everyone, cause everyone could freekill.
  17. I am not biased against you. Just like John said, there are times I don't like you, and there are times I do. But I don't keep any enemy or friend relationship against you. You break rules and you will be punished. Being a staff member, you're expected to do a bit higher than both moderators and non-administrator players. But anyway, the promotions and demotions I discussed with the other DMs every time. We explain what the problem is. So here's something I would like to know: If it is up to all the DMs to demote you, why is this thread only about me? Gkoo had agreed you be demoted. Nothing against Gkoo, but why is there no abuse thread on him or thread complaining he had part in demoting you?
  18. Agreed. It would be about the same thing though. If you exclude a T, whether they're there or not, having two Ts participating in the FR/LR would be very similar to determining LR with it. It would pretty much be a loophole on how to do it down to LR, while not activating LR by playing it. The first warday inside of race on Tiles, was not valid at all. This was already determined. Two doors can't be open at the same time. One closes, the other opens, and vice versa. This means its a one entrance area that he was warned not to do again. Agreed. I don't have any problem with Shadowspy. Gkoo and I both agreed Shadowspy was ignoring us after we warned him previously, and finally decided to take action. Shadowspy is pointing out that Serbian said not to treat different people differently; well we aren't. He is being treated the same. We gave our warnings. He ignored our orders. Just because it was done as a CT doesn't make it different. He was a staff member who we expect to be a role model to the lower ranks and other players. -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  19. This. You disobeyed Division Managers warnings. There is no set "process" for demotion over rules such like these being broken. You were warned by Division Managers to stop doing these days and yet you continued. You ignored Division Managers. Why would we keep you as an admin at this time if you ignore us more than once? It was a perfectly valid demotion.
  20. Press right alt twice. Not sure why it does the same thing for me.
  21. https://xenogamers.com/account/teamspeak/identities
  22. Screenshot by @@Forest I'm standing at a -1 because your name was "lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel" at the time. You did this intentionally, that was obvious. It was abuse of your admins powers, Forest banned you for doing it.
  23. You were warned previously twice about the invalid warday spots. After us discussing the first time, involving the discussion about your "trust days", which you did stop, you continued the invalid warday spots. You even chose a spot that we said the first time was invalid. This is the first invalid area you chose that you repeated after us warning you not to do so: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW0_4VPJcUo And then, the next time you did a warday, you did one on top of a medic station. This was on the same map. It was yet another invalid area; on top of a prop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u5iMJw0Ctw Now, we had warned you previous through the race warday, because the race can only have one entrance open at a time. Also, days you have stopped, but we also had to warn you multiple times in the past were "trust days" Location on a certain map was in front of armory on Station, and you mentioned you "trusted" the Ts not to run inside. All but 3-4 of the Ts ran inside of armory, and the 3-4 non rebellers that stayed on your spray, were freekilled. Here is one of the locations. My spray is where you put your spray and had them stand. Aside from this, the next round you tried the same thing, but had them stand right at the black/yellow line at the same place. This was after I told you not to do this again. And then, on BlackOut, you also did the original "trust days" in Death Run, standing on this location, and "trusted" the Ts not to run and activate the dinosaur. One time in the past, a CT ran in there and caused a mass map kill, which resulted in a teamban on his part. My spray was on the part around where you had them stand. The red line represents around the trigger for the dinosaur. About your FR/LR day with two Ts involved, having two others sit out, here was my previous reply that I still stand by. -1. I don't plan on immediately re-promoting you. You are a very good admin, yes. But, you ignored us after warnings. We shouldn't have had to tell you more than once, especially on the same map spots. Gkoo and I had discussed it together on Teamspeak and finally had enough. You had been warned, and ignored our warnings, so we demoted you to moderator. @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  24. Sir, this is a christian server. We don't believe in abortions. Anyway -1 I don't think it would be a good idea. Just like MegaRobin said, it can be abused. They lose LR and abort it. Should just keep it admin access.